TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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05.06.2011, 00:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

zorgaux wrote:In these circumstances I am willing to wage war and be their prisoner. Tongue

[hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register]
Hi zorgaux Smile

Very attractive that pics, nice girls with nice breasts in nice situation Tongue Is it a video ?
Can you post it please, i really like that kind of war and soldiers...Big Grin I thank you.

Have a nice day Cool

04.06.2011, 19:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tonight Joanna replaces Penelope from 10PM to 1AM.

04.06.2011, 19:01

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tomorrow Night a Military Show Confused Angelina,Aria,Athina,Janine,Karry,Kate,Lillian,Lin,Sabrina & Spirit as soldiers and probably Hans as the commanding director Tongue

04.06.2011, 13:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
heistruett wrote:1st There is a callable model in studio at daytime, sometimes even visible.
- Your (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule???????
2nd Gia surprise this week..ther was a blonde angel captured to celebrate Julia's birthday, from 22:00 CET to 23:00 CET
- Your (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule???????


Angelina was less than 50% of the show in the show and so she isn't on the schedule

and if you don't like the schedule we can remove this schedule of course, too. Smile

We know that it is difficult to make a correct program with a team as ETV, who changes it constantly, and who do not want to communicate it any more at present.

For all this work, thank you Tarl_Cabot, seen the conditions, you are beforehand excused for all the errors between the forecasts and the reality.Thumb up

If certain are not satisfied, they just have to don't go on the schedule page, it is also simple as that.Thumb down
But please do not delete the schedule. SmileSmile

04.06.2011, 11:02

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

heistruett wrote:1st There is a callable model in studio at daytime, sometimes even visible.
- Your (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule???????
2nd Gia surprise this week..ther was a blonde angel captured to celebrate Julia's birthday, from 22:00 CET to 23:00 CET
- Your (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule???????


Angelina was less than 50% of the show in the show and so she isn't on the schedule

and if you don't like the schedule we can remove this schedule of course, too. Smile

04.06.2011, 10:53

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:The models’ schedule is being renovated and after its final approval
will be available for VIP Members only.

Best Regards
The eUrotic Team[/i]
Let's look how long they can keep it...
I remember their missing schedule in spring 2008 which makes me find this forumTongue

Tarl_Cabot wrote:you will find the (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule for etv [hidden link - please register]. Smile
uuuhh.. uuhh
1st There is a callable model in studio at daytime, sometimes even visible.
- Your (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule???????
2nd Gia surprise this week..ther was a blonde angel captured to celebrate Julia's birthday, from 22:00 CET to 23:00 CET
- Your (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule???????


03.06.2011, 21:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I thought he would play Goofy.
Big Grin

03.06.2011, 21:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

outside wrote:Clio announced Disney show for tonight, probably directed by Hans.

Hans will be the director.

03.06.2011, 21:37

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Clio announced Disney show for tonight, probably directed by Hans.

03.06.2011, 19:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Watcher wrote:Looks like 'Evah' and 'Lace' may have swapped shifts ...

even better

03.06.2011, 15:38

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Looks like 'Evah' and 'Lace' may have swapped shifts ...

02.06.2011, 20:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Next Monday for the 4th time "Kristina´s Show" Smile

01.06.2011, 22:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Watcher wrote:Who is Angelina replacing?

the not missing 9th model of the always just 8 models shower show Smile

Maybe the shower will start on the hour ... one model will disappear and we will have normality Smile .

edit: or maybe not.

01.06.2011, 22:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Watcher wrote:Who is Angelina replacing?

the not missing 9th model of the always just 8 models shower show Smile

01.06.2011, 22:42

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Who is Angelina replacing?