TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

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01.06.2011, 22:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Gia is indeed replacing Janine.

Janine was scheduled for after hour too.
I guess her replacement will be the easiest choice.
Big Grin

01.06.2011, 21:51

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

g2ts wrote:hoping is not a joke, " GIA TONIGHT":thumbup:Thumb upThumb up
before you're shouting even louder:
last monday they twitterted "Karry's Show!" Tongue
eurotic ETV wrote:Tonight at 22 CET > Karry's Show! 22 CET! Together with Angelina, Aria, Lin, Lilian, Marayah, Tessa, Kleopatra, Ammy, Athina!

01.06.2011, 18:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

From Twitter 35minutes ago, hoping is not a joke, " GIA TONIGHT":thumbup:Thumb upThumb up

01.06.2011, 16:49

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:...The models’ schedule is being renovated and after its final approval
will be available for VIP Members only...

I am a member of the VIP Etv Gold. And as for this moment no schedule! My e-mail box or empty! Confused

01.06.2011, 15:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

It seems that Joanna will replace Amy in todays evening show Smile

01.06.2011, 08:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

nirvana wrote:They wrote me it will send only VIP members on e-mail.
Theatre of the absurd.
The only tv in the world: an info for the viewers is a VIP service.
They are totally crazy.

ps What's next VIP service? Streaming?

01.06.2011, 06:51

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

nirvana wrote:I sent 3 days ago an e-mail to ETV to ask for weekly schedule.
They wrote me it will send only VIP members on e-mail.

the same for me, got it last night 22:41 cet

Dear Tarl,

Thank you for your e-mail.

The models’ schedule is being renovated and after its final approval
will be available for VIP Members only.

Best Regards
The eUrotic Team

and so I want to quote myself Smile

Tarl_Cabot wrote:as ETV Gold members get the schedule by mail these can feel free to send the schedule by mail or PM to the moderators for our schedule Smile

I got already one of these "send my mail" schedules yesterday and it was (of course) wrong. Big Grin

So if we get just one "send my mail" schedule, follow the [hidden link - please register] and have sometimes a look at their [hidden link - please register] (as you can see does the schedule on their website exist, it's just not shown Angry ) it will be the same as in the past:

you will find the (probably) only correct 24/7 schedule for etv [hidden link - please register]. Smile

01.06.2011, 02:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Well, some info italian forum got and wanted to share.
So Tarl_Cabot was right.

01.06.2011, 02:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I sent 3 days ago an e-mail to ETV to ask for weekly schedule.
They wrote me it will send only VIP members on e-mail.
I think they are crazy. I don't wanna pay to know how many times there are MaLiAr in a week.

31.05.2011, 16:21

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Legxpert wrote:
jonas wrote:I hope that NATASHA didn`t leave ETV without any annoncement like the unforgettable CARMEN last december. CryCryCry
It would be no wonder after last saturday night show in which she was totally ignored by the camera. Angry

well technically Carmen didnt leave 100% on her own terms. Also no one in Molvania is missing her. Angry

A perfect and hardworking expert! You really did ask about 8 million people (and about 40 models???)!
So my informations from some models are wrong. Smile

31.05.2011, 16:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:I hope that NATASHA didn`t leave ETV without any annoncement like the unforgettable CARMEN last december. CryCryCry
It would be no wonder after last saturday night show in which she was totally ignored by the camera. Angry

well technically Carmen didnt leave 100% on her own terms. Also no one in Molvania is missing her. Angry

31.05.2011, 14:46

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

GenaroXP wrote:
bellerophon wrote:Another update:

Joanna replaces Natasha in Tuesday's show

Joanna will replace Natasha for the three extra hours in the night and Lillian will replace Natasha for the complete six hours in the evening show Smile that means that Natasha will not have a regular shift this week Sad

I hope that NATASHA didn`t leave ETV without any annoncement like the unforgettable CARMEN last december. CryCryCry
It would be no wonder after last saturday night show in which she was totally ignored by the camera. Angry

31.05.2011, 01:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

bellerophon wrote:Another update:

Joanna replaces Natasha in Tuesday's show

Joanna will replace Natasha for the three extra hours in the night and Lillian will replace Natasha for the complete six hours in the evening show Smile that means that Natasha will not have a regular shift this week Sad

30.05.2011, 23:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

sucker wrote:< snip >
She is to weak for a real night show! Thumb down ...Big Grin

So what is a 'real night show'?
When did you last see one?
How often are they on?

30.05.2011, 23:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hubsonek wrote:how long takes increasing perfomance? i have only 1 life :/

Big GrinBig Grin
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