TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

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21.03.2011, 11:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

limacchio wrote:Happy day today, 16 HOURS OF LILIAN, thanks ETV, this woman need 2-3 years of holiday and also we need some days without Lilian - please !!!!!!

I agree with you,but she has many fans(but the most of them are from the arabic speaking countries) and therefore my idea she shall have her own channel Lillian TV and then that guys they are want to watch her can do it on her channel 24/7 and all others are watching still ETV,it would be interresting to see who has more viewers ETV or LTV??...mmhh...I have made my choice Cool

21.03.2011, 10:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Happy day today, 16 HOURS OF LILIAN, thanks ETV, this woman need 2-3 years of holiday and also we need some days without Lilian - please !!!!!!

20.03.2011, 22:20

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Lilian forever!
A few days without Lilian on the screen. Please ....

20.03.2011, 19:54

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

HvB wrote:Lilian is going to replace Claudia tonight

We all have our own fantasies ... Tongue

20.03.2011, 19:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Lilian is going to replace Claudia tonight

19.03.2011, 11:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Models missing: Carolina (left), Giselle, Lia, Madlen, Nikita, Pam (left)
Models with only one shift: Brianna, Kally, Nancy, Randa, Spirit
Models return: Angelina

(one model signed up for more shows:Kate)

19.03.2011, 09:13

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

next weeks schedule complete

18.03.2011, 20:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Panda wrote:Too many girls in tonight's show.
That means bad show.Angry

Yes nine are too much,but in the last week´s it was at friday & saturday night are always 9 model´s in the schedule but in the end only 8 from them are in the studio I think today the same,the only question is who isn´t in there!!

18.03.2011, 20:26

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

mareczek wrote:Again Eva?Angry This Lilian could not?Big Grin

Don't make jokes like that, please. Confused

18.03.2011, 20:22

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Again Eva?Angry This Lilian could not?Big Grin

18.03.2011, 20:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Too many girls in tonight's show.
That means bad show.Angry

18.03.2011, 18:10

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:1.on sunday evening the first regular show of Kate and already on sunday in the afternoon a name some of you could remember. Smile

Angelina is a surprise, yeah, but Katte's (harhar) 1st reg shift isn't tomorrow?

18.03.2011, 18:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

2nd doubleshift in row for Eva?

On ETVs Guide her Dayshift on Sat. March, 19 is cancelled.

18.03.2011, 18:03

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

1. in the past were often the daytime shift filled first and the slots for the night shows were filled later.
nowadays are the night shows often filled first while the schedule for morning or afternoon shows are completely empty.
maybe not the models in the night shows changed but the behaviour of the models in adding their shifts to the schedule changed.

2. the schedule for next week isn't complete and of course are no surprises in the night shows.
but a surprise for some could be Natasha on the schedule and on sunday in the afternoon a name some of you could remember. Smile


18.03.2011, 14:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:surprise: on monday is Claudia's show

Yeap next monday Claudia´s show Big Grin She is model Nr:14 what has her own show and in the overall it´s the 21st show of a model at monday night in a row!!
But I hope that Claudia would involved girl`s in this show that we not see week after week every monday night Angry
Than when I believe my own statistical records than we see in the last 20 monday night´s 25 different model´s they are signed up for that show´s,but the balance between the model´s what who had signed up are very different:

Tia:15 Times
Amy,Kristina:14 Times
Mashiara:12 Times
Aria:10 Times
Sabrina:9 Times
Scarlet:8 Times
Lace:7 Times
Penelope:6 Times (Ok she left ETV meanwhile)
Athina:5 Times
Spirit:4 Times
Randa,Shelley,Gia,Lia:3 Times (Randa was only involved in her own three show´s)
Kia,Claudia,Kally:2 Times
Janine,Jacqueline,Brona,Brizeida,Lin,Ju,Evah:(only)1 Time

I hope that we see next monday night girl´s with less signed up´s in the last week´s in monday night!
My personal favourites for that are Gia(her 1st show was the best after my opinion from all that 20 Model´s own show´s)Lia,Lin and of course Randa Big GrinBig Grin