TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 rating(s))

(3.79 / 5, 29 ratings)

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15.03.2011, 21:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

hubsonek wrote:Is tonight Mia's first night show?

Yepp, if shedule is correct. Thumb up

15.03.2011, 21:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Is tonight Mia's first night show?

15.03.2011, 16:48

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

All Natasha's shifts have been removed.

15.03.2011, 16:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Very sad news for all Natasha fans she would replace this night from Jacqueline(it isn´t so sad for me than I like both girls)but her Sunday nightshow is cancelled,too. CryCry

15.03.2011, 10:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I only hope that staff for 17/03 nightshow not change, but with ETV all it's possible, maybe Lilian for Cindy, Nikita for Evah and Marayah for Nicole, i hope this don't happen but all it's possible,

14.03.2011, 23:18

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

sucker wrote:
maurois wrote:...Day by day, the casting in the day´s show are better than the night show and I think that is not good for a ... erotic channel...
Well brother as u maybe knows that's molvania.Thumb down
Their ideas of a erotic woman is a bit strange to us...Cool

It´s true my friend..a big mistery..a big big mistery

14.03.2011, 22:14

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

maurois wrote:....
Day by day, the casting in the day´s show are better than the night show and I think that is not good for a channel, a erotic channel, with a nude model only in the night show....

Let's assume they would put Carrie, Evah, Brona, Cindy, Brianna and so on in the nightshows and Lilian, Aria, Marayah, Lace and others in the dayshows, what would happen?

Dayshows: Corrode of the lines and cobwebs at the plasmas
Nightshows: Server/phoneline crash after 5 minutes
Big Grin

I think ETV has with this daytime rules no other chances as put beautiful and funny girls like Evah, Carrie, Cindy and so on in it. So I fear we have to wait until new girls arrived before these girls get a chance in the nightshows. Confused

(Of course we should not forget that we have still beautiful girls in the nightshows!! Tongue Unfortunately a little bit less this week.)

14.03.2011, 21:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Today we see a good evening show with five beautiful models (spec. Evah is very sensual and Cindy gives us a lot of hot actions). I enjoy to see Evah and Cindy in the night show on Thursday and i hope, they will be in a good mood and will give us an amaizing and erotical show.

14.03.2011, 18:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

heistruett wrote:
sucker wrote:
poseidon69 Caroline but Lilian...
Only the good prevails! Cool Thumb up

Hey..heads up, they are so amazing..Heart Thumb up
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14.03.2011, 16:33

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

poseidon69 wrote:..tomorrow night no Caroline but Lilian

We have luck no Lillian tomorrow night!! But tomorrow night with the amazing Lia Thumb upThumb up

14.03.2011, 16:30

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

new changes
tomorrow night not lilian but Lia Smile
while Thursday night not kally but Evah Thumb up with Sindy and Nicoll Big Grin
and Sunday 7 models with kia instead of

14.03.2011, 16:23

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Is true, nice casting in the day show, again.
Day by day, the casting in the day´s show are better than the night show and I think that is not good for a channel, a erotic channel, with a nude model only in the night show.
Maybe the soft model are pretty, they are so pretty, but I think in a channel named Eurotic the most important is the nude model are better than the soft model...for me (it´s only my opinion, not the Big True) it´s very near to be a great tragedy.
Sorry, I know I am very pesimist in the last times, but I feel very sad and worry with Eurotic tv in the last times....I don´t like anything what I see (Of course, the models are beautifull)

14.03.2011, 16:08

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

nice cast this evening Smile

14.03.2011, 14:42

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

sucker wrote:
poseidon69 Caroline but Lilian...
Only the good prevails! Cool Thumb up

Hey..heads up, they are so amazing..Heart Thumb up
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14.03.2011, 13:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

poseidon69 wrote:...
Nansi could not be going to the post of carolina Cry

Hi guy,yes Nansi at the place from Carolina tomorrow night(replaced by Lillian) & sunday night(replaced by Angie) is a dream but not impossible(I have ask for it) Big GrinBig Grin