* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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18.07.2008, 15:09

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

About word "Super", it was Jaya (and Kaleya) to use this a lot. Maybe Vicki  learned German from one of them (and don't forget that Kaleya's German teacher was Giovanni Trapattoni:))))))))))).

15.07.2008, 17:37

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

edited by editingbull :-D

15.07.2008, 16:00

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

aie. aie. aie
Cheetah the female monkey (megita) is back. I will quickly change channel

15.07.2008, 15:04

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

UltraViolet now shows her arms and her legs, she could be named a soft model. :))))))))

And Megita is just reminding us she's more than a soft model as ETV site stated. :)))

15.07.2008, 00:18

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Vicky looked like a cheap whore for me. She also tried to behave like the the models, begging for calls etc.

All these things don't fit to her. Please etv, let her do her job behind the camera where she is the best.

And don't try next to sell your secretary, wives or cleaning personal as "new models". I see a horrible future for you, etv. Maybe one day you fetch the waiting taxi drivers next to your door in front of the camera and let them dance?

Or the personal from the bakery, grocery or supermarket. Or did it already happen?

15.07.2008, 00:07

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< And ROCKABYE my friend -- I am watching RL on the computer at the same time. >>>

My friend, I hope you'll call some day too. At the moment they only have calls from people like me who just talk or people who finish their business before it gets interesting.

But you are different. You have sooooo many nice and hot ideas... I allready told you, if your ideas would find their way to the sexy models of RL sky is the limit brotha.

I think the girls of RL would be happy to talk to you and fullfill your sexy wishes. Go for it!

14.07.2008, 23:39

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Well it seems GEEYAA has found a new friend to  to cuddle up to--its the gay guy . Maybe she feels safe  because she knows he won"t ask to see her tits ha ha .Or maybe the other girls have got fed up with her pawing all over them.

And ROCKABYE my friend -- I am watching RL on the computer at the same time. I"m sure I am starting to go blind ha ha

14.07.2008, 22:41

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

i prefer vicky in front of the camera instead of that gay guy. her german is only a reason to like her a little bit more (i think it´s charming), but don´t start a new discussion about it. she looks beautiful and i wonder why she wasn´t there before.

Best regards,

al-qatari (the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

14.07.2008, 22:38

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I agree Vicky looked nice and sexy today. But begging for calls did not persuade me. And again we see in the evening show the worst selection of models. Tonight even Venera looks horrible. Just look at her face. I am going to bed early tonight.

14.07.2008, 21:59

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I don't watch ETV on Astra, so can you tell me if is there some promotion or happy hour for VIP SMS from Germany, so I could give myself a reason for Vicki's presence in studio.

P.S: she wears sandals so finally she can show her bare feet. :))))))))))))

14.07.2008, 21:27

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

We all say and think other things ofcourse but i must say Vicky looks nice this way (it's sexy),she must do this more often instead of beïng behind the camera  (that's what i think ofcourse)  and i think we all like to see Vicky instead of that guy we see too often these days ! Vicky did a very long shift together with my favorit Kaleya on 31/12/'07 until 01/01/'08 afternoon so why not do it more ,i'm sure Vicky has some viewers/readers/writers who like to see her more in front of the camera !Aslong she don't begg everytime  for sms's ofcourse . And oké her german speakin' is not so perfect but atleased she try's too speak german (it's not always easy  to speak the language you don't speak allday ofcourse ,i sometime have problems with it also so forgive me and forgive Vicky ) but i think the most of us understand her perfect well ! (i'm sure ) 

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark) 

14.07.2008, 20:56

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I zapped in and must say yes Vicki looks different this day and she is a model today. And she stands before the HD or Plasma TV and begs for calls or SMS. She said that the beautiful girls there need them. And as example for cute girls she showed Amanda.

Oh yes, CrapTV it is nice that you must beg for calls. You fooled your viewers to much and now the last one understands your bullshit TV now.



14.07.2008, 01:26

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Guys what's the difference between etv1 and etv2?

for me are the same, static models in both tv

14.07.2008, 00:04

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

many thanks elmo

her body is a great view

13.07.2008, 23:59

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *


go here it is all I can do for today

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