* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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12.07.2008, 22:28

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ Rockabye.

The scene described by Glassy was on before RL started

12.07.2008, 22:26

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< Yes, we all turn to RL and we give this channel to the Foot and other Fetishmaniacs >>>

great idea

12.07.2008, 22:25

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Yes Glassy,

i saw it, too. It was in the early morning. I woke up and zapped. And what did i see 4.30 am. Sugar and Sandra did the show and they covered their titties and more.

Why was Patricia allowed to show all days before or is it about the Arabic children? They could watch TV when Dad is at work and when they have afternoon they can see nuditiy?

No, it is better to stop watching and talking about CrapTV. Still the same models aevery day and night. And mostly at night the ugly ones.

Yes, we all turn to RL and we give this channel to the Foot and other Fetishmaniacs

Bye Bye

12.07.2008, 22:20

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

glassy you promised me to check out rl but you are still watching etv :(

you disappoint me brotha. :(

12.07.2008, 21:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Don"t know who is working the vision mixer this evening but they are making it impossible to watch. Another mess by Eurotic amateurs. The vision mixer should really go back and study his media course again. Pure and utter  unwatchable rubbish. Its a shame because Gia was putting on a sexy dance routine. Maybe all the gay guys at Eurotic don"t want us normal guys to see her. And  why do the models have to cover their tits on the show in the middle of the night into early morning ?Sheer crap. Anyway thats that off my chest its back to RL bye bye

11.07.2008, 23:56

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Do glassy,

yes you are right. And even on ETV 2 where Sandra and Sugar are performing is nothing to see.

I will say thank you to brokingbull. His tipp is really usefull :.)

But look at ETV 1. With this casting you can´t have much wishes fulfilled. The new Norah looks like Pippi Langstrumpf. And Gia don´t show enough. For Jessy: There is nothing i wanna see......

For Zia is to say that she is really nice but displaced in a show like that.

Good night to all. See you you at Red Lips :-)


11.07.2008, 23:37

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Well ! its 40 minutes into the "HOT" show tonight and I have not seen one tit yet (and I don"t mean the gay guy ) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ It"s back to RL for me

11.07.2008, 14:23

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Just use WM Recorder 12.1 and install Real Player before. I will do it next days too

11.07.2008, 14:07

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< I know, do you have a vid from Jaya's performance yesterday? ;-)) >>>

no not interested in Jaya... and don't know how to record :D

11.07.2008, 13:52

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I know, do you have a vid from Jaya's performance yesterday? ;-))

11.07.2008, 13:33

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< That's quite simple: pussies, pussies and pussies. :-D

And maybe a shower, a bathtub, a toilet, a bed, a pole aaaaaaaaand action!!! :-))>>>

we all know where we can get a lot of pussies on a bad these days ;-)

11.07.2008, 13:16

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ ghost

That's quite simple: pussies, pussies and pussies. :-D

And maybe a shower, a bathtub, a toilet, a bed, a pole aaaaaaaaand action!!!  :-))

But I only repeat myself. :-O

11.07.2008, 12:03

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ bellerophon

100% agree with you. But obviously you havn't seen the cameraman singing hours before!!

i think they can't put the level lower than this what we see nowadays. :-(((

10.07.2008, 19:10

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Oops they did it again.

Sabrina interviewed the girls about their age and their favourite sex positions. They talked about fore play, aand that Sugar make love every time when Sabrina her see. We know now that Kleopatra is married and is about 23.

But you don´t see the interesting parts of the models and only talking about isn´t so much sexy or isn´t it.

Or does they wanna find some new callers who only wanna think about nudity or sex? I don´t know but when you have "Rules" why you are allowed to talk dirty but not to show it?

And at night when you allowed to see it you only get the same "Hot modells" every night or something like Monna or the Masked ones who aren´t sexy for my anyway.

Okay, do much talk. Meet me at a beach or Beer Garden near you....


10.07.2008, 13:29

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< Hi Rockabye--What gives you the impression that I like cream ? ha ha >>>

well Glassy my friend you told us about your preferences 1 or 2 times ;-)

you should really try out the other channel.

with your creative ideas and the hot and sexy models the sky is the limit. :-)

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