* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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Amateur models online
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13.07.2008, 23:43

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

thanks for the info, i adore zita, sigh :(

tonight the always boring night show

13.07.2008, 23:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *


Zita left at 21.55 she was there this afternoon

13.07.2008, 23:27

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

i'm curious: who call at the phone the gay ex moderator?

@outside: where's zita?

13.07.2008, 22:03

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Paola is back, without Hera tonight.

13.07.2008, 21:46

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Napoli Festival at ETV, just played "Tu vuò fà l'Americano" (you wannabe an American) from Renato Carosone. :))))))

now playing Il Carrozzone from Renato Zero, very depriming song, so I'll switch. :))))))

Nice Zita tonight.

Please stop playing Nino D'Angelo, neither Kaleya had this tastes for trash italian music. :)))))))

13.07.2008, 15:52

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

kk^^ i´m only a student and even i make mistakes (but at least not in my exams ;))



(the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

13.07.2008, 15:07

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@bellerophon: Well noticed.

13.07.2008, 15:00

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@Markus: ETV land is already part of the EU...



(the three musketeers - the arabic-german musketeer)

13.07.2008, 11:05

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@glassy,yes you are right Gia was doïng a nice dance/show but the camera was realy distroyïng it Big time !!!! So to etv don't do that your making a mess of it !!! Keep it normal so that we can enjoy it what the girls (in this case Gia ) do ,and btw we viewers don't want to see that kind of camera work !  So to the camera person or director If you like to mix go work for a music performer or Mtv but don't do this at etv ! ( but than again don't do that  because maybe you would destroy this persons career also !) (normaly i don't give too bad comments for  etv but this time i do because they messed up the dance/show of Gia ,she deserves (hope you know what i try to say) better !)

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

13.07.2008, 10:51

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It's always fun to read some properly researched posts ... ;-)

13.07.2008, 10:23

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *


look at last night. You have Saturday night and what did you get? Only Randa in my mind was watchable. The Rest was a collection of ugly models(Amanda, Jessy) or Models you always saw naked in the past(Alaya or Sabrina) and a model with the mask i dont know a word for her. I know a word for her but when i write i can be locked from the forum...... :-) Norah, bah...

Why they dont put some newer models in the nightshows. And please put some newer hot models in there. Please no Monna or Kleopatra. But i think all newer Models all soft or cold and i think they decide to stop nudity because it is better to talk about blowjobs, and sex postions or Gays in the afternoon......

Yes, protect our children from the normal sex(nudity etc) but make them all to gays or Fetischists.


PS: Thank you for your info.  Next time when some of you make a fault i will fool you, to.

13.07.2008, 01:59

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Stop criticizing this wonderful channel ETV (laughs)
48.4% of the person who visits this site are happy with what they see (see votes homepage)
If you are not happy stop voting for ETV

13.07.2008, 01:40

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Is Hans the replacement for A***oleander???


12.07.2008, 22:53

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Re Markus76--Hi my friend-- Its good to know someone is on the same wavelength as myself regarding this crap channel. bye bye

12.07.2008, 22:48

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi Rockabye-- As Shirtfull says the scenes were on before RL started. I was just passing time after working and waiting till RL came on .I have taken your advice but sometimes can"t help myself checking to see if things have improved at Eurotic--they have not and it would seem are getting worse (if thats possible)