Boycott etv

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11.01.2016, 12:30

Re: Boycott etv

Dear Andrea di Parma,
the boycott is useless. What it would be appropriate to do it is a letter to the administration of ETV without it published on the "wall" and there politely make our grievances. I have a few credits that I can not spend because of the coverage of the adsl in Italy and in spite of that I always watched the program on television since on the web there are constant interruptions. Now I'm not watching the program because I do not like the exclusive show and I would gladly revisit a show as in the past. We have the same desires that do not fight with the strike but through dialogue. If then by ETV do not want to talk, i look at other programs and i stop to buy credits.
If you want to do a script to the administration of ETV i’m always willing to sign it.
Best regards.

11.01.2016, 11:51

Re: Boycott etv

People lost their money asking for full strip not fullfilled. People lost their money paying for Izzy (Izzy?) tits. There are some happy few willing to spend for boring exclusive. No more exciting interaction among 5 or 6 top models like Gia, Scarlet, Sabrina, Maschiara, Claudia etc... No more surprise. No more psycological intriguing interaction among models and self-expression of model themselves. No more games. No more smiles. Just a peep show behind the curtains. Leaving apart peep show followers they are loosing their supporters. But they CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT SAT CHANNEL. Web only would die in a week due to strong competition. Things will change. Go on. GO ON

11.01.2016, 04:25

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:. I will never stop to thanks everybody for your posts.

How can this be, you've only given 2 thanks in all your time on this forum Lol Big Grin

11.01.2016, 01:29

Re: Boycott etv

A great solution for ETV show: put a ohmibod vibrator under the slip of the girls.It's fantastic. One vibration.

11.01.2016, 01:23

Re: Boycott etv

The worst thing is that they are pretending hot show...they accept vip msg credit for full strip and they don't do it....could be rollo or anyone else viewer.... credits spent for nothing, daylight robbery....when will this robbery come to an end?

10.01.2016, 22:28

Re: Boycott etv

kennyboy2012 wrote:This forum, as others have said is for sharing thoughts, comments, ideas, opinions, and exchanging these. On occasions this gets quite negative and personal and just degrades the forum as a whole. Creating a thread is like starting a conversation, and once started, these threads are not under the exclusive control of the thread creator, who can decide who speaks and who cant. Its a shame that some haven't realised this. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are at the core of a free world. A forum is a discussion, an exchange of views and opinions. When one person believes that only one viewpoint is to be spoken, then it becomes a dictatorship, and this is wrong.

damn it Kennyboy, this is so etvishly phrased it might as well be on their wall Tongue

10.01.2016, 21:52

Re: Boycott etv

stegiato wrote:
andreaparma wrote:I will never stop to thanks everybody for your posts that help all of us to understand the situation and what is in progress. I suggest not to reply to slowfox and companions (all of us know who we are talking about) when they are off topic. This topic is BOYCOTT ETV.....

Hi andrea, you know i mostly think as you about ETv many times i said you were right or your posts were perfect, one few days ago was exactly what i think, but this time i think you're wrong, is not good to say someone that think differently of you to shut up or stay out, if they think something different they're not out of topic they just think differently, if someone is against your boycott ideas is fair explaining why, i also hope everyone here write what he thinks and not come only to provoke or create useless controversy, i won't say if i'm pro or against boycott i said before what i think, but i come here to read what members think about it and i can assure that if comments are done with passion are interesting in every direction they go, saying so i repeat i hope everyone write what really think and not something for bother others members.

I've posted why I don't think this boycott is realistic or sensible, but what I find interesting is that if any comments are not supportive of the thread creator, then they are instantly vilified. This forum, as others have said is for sharing thoughts, comments, ideas, opinions, and exchanging these. On occasions this gets quite negative and personal and just degrades the forum as a whole. Creating a thread is like starting a conversation, and once started, these threads are not under the exclusive control of the thread creator, who can decide who speaks and who cant. Its a shame that some haven't realised this. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are at the core of a free world. I may disagree with a lot of which is posted, and I am vocal on occasions, and I do think that some posts should be reconsidered and directed more at the subject that the person to who they are responding. We are all guilty of this on occasions, but although I may disagree with some, I will never belief that they should not have the ability to reply or speak.
A forum is a discussion, an exchange of views and opinions. When one person believes that only one viewpoint is to be spoken, then it becomes a dictatorship, and this is wrong.

10.01.2016, 21:39

Re: Boycott etv

andreaparma wrote:I will never stop to thanks everybody for your posts that help all of us to understand the situation and what is in progress. I suggest not to reply to slowfox and companions (all of us know who we are talking about) when they are off topic. This topic is BOYCOTT ETV.....

Hi andrea, you know i mostly think as you about ETv many times i said you were right or your posts were perfect, one few days ago was exactly what i think, but this time i think you're wrong, is not good to say someone that think differently of you to shut up or stay out, if they think something different they're not out of topic they just think differently, if someone is against your boycott ideas is fair explaining why, i also hope everyone here write what he thinks and not come only to provoke or create useless controversy, i won't say if i'm pro or against boycott i said before what i think, but i come here to read what members think about it and i can assure that if comments are done with passion are interesting in every direction they go, saying so i repeat i hope everyone write what really think and not something for bother others members.

10.01.2016, 18:40

Re: Boycott etv

I'm very happy of this topic as no place like this is useful to understand unhappy viewers, unhappy paying premium and also happy viewers (it seems they exist). I will never stop to thanks everybody for your posts that help all of us to understand the situation and what is in progress. I suggest not to reply to slowfox and companions (all of us know who we are talking about) when they are off topic. This topic is BOYCOTT patient, it takes time but union is our power. I keep you updated: financially they are dropping down, no money for models and technicians like in the past. Premium very poor, just look at the transparent curtain or hear from recent paying viewers. The logical solution could be switch off the fta and move everything to web, at first sight, but this is impossible because the web without fta support cannot survive to strong web competition and that would be in a very short term. So things will change. Maybe they do not understand the only way people is pleased to spend credits if looking at lively interaction in studio, feeling a connection with a favourite model, surprise, models having fun in studio without boring script, models free to make a jam understand what i mean.....but things will takes time and we are longtime viewers and we can wait this shit will melt as ice in the sun.....

10.01.2016, 15:37

Re: Boycott etv

Slowfox wrote:
Scottishbloke wrote:Slowfox one thing you might wish to consider is for every couch potato watching the show for free is a potential new customer, the same callers that once ETV had won't always stay loyal and neither will those who sent in sms wishes. Sometimes its good to take a step back and take into consideration of how this might effect the channel in the long term.
Yes scottisbloke and slow think back about your start at etv. For me I found eurotic with a switch true all the free astra channels (or was it hotbird?) and I saw some nice girls (kaleya and slaveya one of me favorits) and other, makeing some erotic entertainment, looking for a while, came back to the channel an other day and after a time I start paying. Why? I love what I see and I there are some nice next door girls and I want that they do some things for my taste. I think this was the way of the most viewers/customers.

Definitely not. Once the shows are 'better' and for free again all these potential customers will lean back again and say, why should I pay as it is for free. Let the idiots sending sms pay for me, I laugh about the by ETV 'plucked chickens' and retards spending their money. That is what will happen, and what we had in the past and until now.

For me also No slow. Like me a lot of viewers had credits in their account and wait to use this credits and if the shows are better, they also will buy new credits. About all this freeriders, yes they are in the past, today and in the future, but if one of a hundert pays for credits, sms or call etv makes money and all other if they cant look etv, they go to an other channel or web site.

As you can clearly see from all discussion around, those paying are still considered as having not all seven sins together. Do you really believe the from your perspective potentially improved shows will change this ? That it will make those sitting on their moneys all of a sudden will dig out their coins as to contribute ? NO !

No slow, they had differend tastes and they had to much money. I must work for my money and if my customers thinks I made a bad work I got no money and so I would not pay for a bad return. If I can estimate that the return would be better I would pay more.

And sorry if I am wrong. All this people asking for a boycott have never spent any money or only a few bucks here and there. This boycott is made to convince the paying customers to withhold their moneys for them turning the shows for free again. One or the other paying customer may have second thoughts, but only one or the other.

No slow a lot of people here are paying customer. I think a lot of viewers will spend money if the show would be at a constant better level.

And for those really leaving, new will appear. I saw a lot of new names these days signing the VIP sms. Or have they just changed their nick names not to be recognized ?

Yes slow, these happend all the years, but would a viewer turn to a customer if they found a bad free show, or would they go to a cheaper channel. You say a lot of new names, every time are some new names, but today are only a few names we see with the sms, less than in the past, so the rate of the new names is high. For a month of exclusive there are a lot of cheaper channels and this channels had a return that was stable with the level what they do. Status now is you had to pay for every (morning), afternoon, evening and night exclusive, in total 3 x 30/31 x 2 credits. For this you got a lot of monthly subscriptions.

And last I think that this 2 credits for an exclusive show wouldnt make the finance better, because I think etv makes the most money with the calls, than with all this sms around the day. For the sms around the day exclusive was poison and also for calls, they lost a lot of credits when the girls are out for an ex.

For me the way is, make good free shows to got calls (today etv is far away to had 60 call-minuts per girl and hour), sms and new customer. Than make good addons on the website, with excellent and better picture quality videos from the girls or 3D from the shows, or different angles or more cameras so it makes sense to pay for this things. This could be done with a minimum of additional costs and not like today with two crews for two studios for the energie mix.

10.01.2016, 14:55

Re: Boycott etv

A question for docock who are you speaking to, I know its not me as I don't have an account on ETV but its obviously aimed at somebody, your post seems to be somewhat off topic and anybody reading your post would have to question as to what it's actually got to do with the subject matter of this Thread Blush

10.01.2016, 14:30

Re: Boycott etv

I think the lack of videos on the ETV section of the forum tells it's own story, yes Slowfox does have a point that ultimately its just a hobby of some forum members, well yes and although that is very true it's also very true that the nightshow videos act as a form of promotion aswell as some sort of souvenir token for some who perhaps may have called the show and seen there wishes carried out onscreen.

BTW I thought that was a really good, analytical, well worded and intelligent post which love.giant put together even if all members didn't agree with the opinion of it, you can't really knock the thought process that went into it. On the positive side ETV haven't yet confirmed whether or not the current set up will stay permanent or not as they are only trialling it which I hope proves to be an abject failure on their part in the same way that the split screen transmission to the UK SKY feed at the beginning of last year also proved to be a failure.

10.01.2016, 14:25

Re: Boycott etv

Slowfox wrote:
Scottishbloke wrote:Slowfox one thing you might wish to consider is for every couch potato watching the show for free is a potential new customer, the same callers that once ETV had won't always stay loyal and neither will those who sent in sms wishes. Sometimes its good to take a step back and take into consideration of how this might effect the channel in the long term.

Definitely not. Once the shows are 'better' and for free again all these potential customers will lean back again and say, why should I pay as it is for free. Let the idiots sending sms pay for me, I laugh about the by ETV 'plucked chickens' and retards spending their money. That is what will happen, and what we had in the past and until now.

I can only say, Slow, that I was one of those potential customers turned paying customers Scottishbloke mentioned. I was addicted, spending almost three hundred Euros impulsively on exclusives and tv shows, when my favourite models were on, between the beginning of November and beginning of January,

I was quite happy but then after the addiction/honeymoon period abated a bit I realised that the return I got for my money was not adequate (having a mixed track record with my VIP SMS messages, as you may know, wishes fulfilled as I wanted them in about 80% of cases and one unfulfilled/declined wish at the end).

And that other web sites provide cheaper alternatives and cater exactly for my tastes (just a comparison: I spent about 500 Euros in the last 6 years on content from dozens of websites, and my NAS is full of content, about 1,4TB of videos and pics compared to spending 300 in 2 months on stream only content). Also, my ETV expenditure/income ratio was unsustainable in the long run, it was an expensive hobby.

And just one fact regarding ETV - watching the recording of the morning show in fast forward I realised how much less wishes are there now than just when I started 2 months ago. Almost no wishes this morning. But just watch the highlights from the Sunday morning show from 8th November, the one where isadora bared it all, there were wishes one after the other - 2 strips and 3 showers for Isadora, 2 showers and strips for Tallona, etc., all in all 11 exclusives in the morning in total, not counting the many studio wishes.

10.01.2016, 13:20

Re: Boycott etv

There are many who do not pay and complaining in the Forum sure.
There are also many who do not accept the current ETV and therefore book no shows, make phone calls or send SMS.
And I have the feeling that at the moment has not the right concept ETV.
But you can change that.
Yes, if you want.

10.01.2016, 13:00

Re: Boycott etv

Scottishbloke wrote:Slowfox one thing you might wish to consider is for every couch potato watching the show for free is a potential new customer, the same callers that once ETV had won't always stay loyal and neither will those who sent in sms wishes. Sometimes its good to take a step back and take into consideration of how this might effect the channel in the long term.

Definitely not. Once the shows are 'better' and for free again all these potential customers will lean back again and say, why should I pay as it is for free. Let the idiots sending sms pay for me, I laugh about the by ETV 'plucked chickens' and retards spending their money. That is what will happen, and what we had in the past and until now.

As you can clearly see from all discussion around, those paying are still considered as having not all seven sins together. Do you really believe the from your perspective potentially improved shows will change this ? That it will make those sitting on their moneys all of a sudden will dig out their coins as to contribute ? NO !

And sorry if I am wrong. All this people asking for a boycott have never spent any money or only a few bucks here and there. This boycott is made to convince the paying customers to withhold their moneys for them turning the shows for free again. One or the other paying customer may have second thoughts, but only one or the other.

And for those really leaving, new will appear. I saw a lot of new names these days signing the VIP sms. Or have they just changed their nick names not to be recognized ?