Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 rating(s))

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06.02.2017, 20:14

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Luxor wrote:
saoirse wrote:
Scottishbloke wrote:Last night out of all the channels the best show was actually Xpanded TV believe it or not, Amanda Rendall put in a pretty decent shift:

shame she's a sectarian bigot, puts me right off her.

Aye? Well that's one way to tell she's Scottish I suppose. Which side of the divide is she on?


06.02.2017, 19:52

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

saoirse wrote:
Scottishbloke wrote:Last night out of all the channels the best show was actually Xpanded TV believe it or not, Amanda Rendall put in a pretty decent shift:

shame she's a sectarian bigot, puts me right off her.

Aye? Well that's one way to tell she's Scottish I suppose. Which side of the divide is she on?

06.02.2017, 19:47

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

saoirse wrote:shame she's a sectarian bigot, puts me right off her.

If you say so, I personally couldn't give a fuck what she is, I don't care what any of these women think or say outwith the shows. I judge them all on whether or not I found them entertaining or not. At the end of the day Amanda isn't my bird or wife so why should I or anybody else for matter give one flying fuck about anything she or any of the rest of them have to say.

Besides most of these women are airheads anyhow. Her sister Caty Cole was apparently doing a university degree of some sort a few years ago. I don't think any of us need to guess how that went. Amanda Rendall or any of the rest of them for that matter won't be running for Prime Minister anytime soon as they haven't got the brains to do so hence the reason they are getting their tits out for a living, Its called a lack of education so I take what Amanda says with a pinch of salt Cool

06.02.2017, 19:34

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Last night out of all the channels the best show was actually Xpanded TV believe it or not, Amanda Rendall put in a pretty decent shift:

shame she's a sectarian bigot, puts me right off her.

06.02.2017, 19:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Last night out of all the channels the best show was actually Xpanded TV believe it or not, Amanda Rendall put in a pretty decent shift, I was constantly channel hopping from 902 to 914. I think she might have actually flashed her pussy or got pretty close to it. Astonishing for a channel which has long been regarded as the tamest of the lot, it is actually now becoming the best. Amanda was doing a fair amount of rubbing and her show had what none of the rest could manage, the element of surprise Thumb up

As for Babestation and S66, fucking dreadful yet again, I swear to fuck, Pretti hadn't changed position in well over an hour. Just wondering who is actually getting off to them. as for the dayshows, what's the appeal there. On the other forum, skateguy used to run a Thread entitled knickerless daytime shows Blush I would be very interested to know what the download number is, I know some members will always thank the posts irrespective of the content. I sometimes wonder if its the member they are thanking and not so much the upload Cool

06.02.2017, 15:29

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I still watch in hope that one day these shows may come good again. But right now I find them totally and utterly depressing. I just don't like the way the people who own them have taken full advantage of the one thing that we should all be totally against. That being censorship. They introduced the pervecam, And by doing so they gave themselves the license to print money. And what is the most galling to me is they have been allowed to do it on a public free to air channel. All over these forums you will read of the shows being spoiled by above the waist shots only. And that is why I am so fucking angry at the cunts who subscribe to this underhand money making piece of cynical skullduggery.
I would love to know why you gladly hand over your money to see an isolated pussy that doesn't mean anything if you can't see who's pussy it is. To that question i really would like an answer off someone who uses pervecam as a regular way to fill a tissue.

05.02.2017, 00:49

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Does anybody know what time the show starts or is this it. All I have seen so far has been wall to wall of shite, phone waving and top half only camera angles. I'll get my coat Cool

04.02.2017, 17:27

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I think studio66 are going for the spaceage portal look whilst babestation prefer the distressed antique style.LOL.
The sets just reflect the utter garbage of what is supposed to be erotic entertainment.

04.02.2017, 15:02

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Just compared the difference between the looks of the sets of studio66 and babestation, And it proves what a fucking train crash babestation as become. Vibrant warm colours and lighting of Studio 66. To the dusty, grimy looking, brick patterned wallpaper stuck up with fucking sellotape of babestation.
Babestation, don't have any pride whatsoever as to what they offer it's customers. What sort of person who is responsible would look at those sets and be proud of what they see? They are just fucking lazy bastards who's feet wouldn't touch the fucking floor if I had anything to do with it.

02.02.2017, 18:43

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Jeez, you are so right about these girls on the babe channels, AniseedBalls. They are utter garbage and talk shite as well.Thumb downThumb downThumb down

02.02.2017, 12:41

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

BsXtra stream doesn't work for me either

02.02.2017, 11:13

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Why are adult channel models no longer sexy? Why is it that a group of girls whose job it is to be just that fail so fucking dismally. Plonking themselves in front of a camera doing the same thing night after night Isn't in any way sensual.
Girls today have never been sexier, unless those girls happens to be babechannel models. One look at these models instagram pages go a long way to explaining why they are as they are. You see countless pictures of girls taking pictures of themselves, not for anyone else to see, but themselves. And it is just the same when they are in the studio. Some of the girls never look into the camera, but prefer to look on their laptop screen at themselves to see how their trimmed and manicured vagina looks in the pervecam.
I want these girls to be irrisistable, I want them to look like they enjoy entertaining us. I don't want them taking the piss with the two minute fucking challenge. I don't want to hear any shit about girl fucking callers named Rachel. And I don't want to be left playing fucking gooseberry as she blatantly flirts with the producer.
Oh FUCK the lot of them.

01.02.2017, 13:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Today is the first day of the new scheduling pattern for all the shows and what a mess it is

27.01.2017, 11:30

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

New addition for babestation,

picture upload sites

27.01.2017, 09:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

speedybert wrote:Sadly ofcock would take advantage of any slip up as they have done in the past

No I don't think they would, don't be making any excuses for Babestation, airing a dayshow at night with head shots only is unforgivable Thumb down