Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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27.01.2017, 00:02

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

That explains a lot
I tuned about 330am and was baffled to see head views only and shock horror! a fully clothed Alice

Sadly ofcock would take advantage of any slip up as they have done in the past

26.01.2017, 18:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

They are saying on the other forum that last nights babestation debacle was, due to showing daytime graphics they then wasn't allowed to show adult content. If that was the case, then why didn't they rectify the wrongs. But are we really blaming the graphics, I don't think so. Why have the girls hanging around doing nothing. It doesn't make sense.

But what makes less fucking sense is, reading the forum they still had guys forlornly watching for hours on end. Just hoping for a glimpse of tit. Sad, so fucking sad. But also. so fucking hilarious.......

26.01.2017, 13:29

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

No body knows what happens. Confused All the girls do not know how to do. Alice makes fun with a dance and Priya is a mad girl; she looks sad and so boring.
Only Alice has used a telephone and does not remove her bra or any other girls too.
This is the worst night but also it is more strange.
It is good news Lola is on studio 66; 10/10 In love not babe station 1/10 Thumb down

26.01.2017, 04:04

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Best night in years!!! 3am already and not one single nipple shown. Very tantalizing LOLOLOLOLOL

Thumb downThumb downThumb down

26.01.2017, 00:57

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Hopefully this wasted hour of non adult content means that they've been using the perv cam only for this time, and that the rest of the night will be sans perv cam or with limited perv cam. Of course I know the real reason is probably due to something very stupid, either incompetent producers, or maybe all of them are shagging someone behind the scenes and can't film the others.

Already midnight and not even a nipple in sight is very odd. Cameramen seem to be elsewhere...

12.01.2017, 17:47

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Last night I was watching a wee bit of Babestation and hats off to Lexi Lowe as she was actually getting into a lot of interesting positions, however the cameraman wasn't having any of it and subsequently panned up to her top half only Thumb down I am to assume that it wasn't listed as one of the many (try 3) Blush approved positions that was allowed to be shown on an 18+ channel - Ah well - what's new Tongue

03.01.2017, 17:47

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

BS were actually the better of the two channels over the holiday period by far [i only know streams for the main two and don't have sky], S66 was more tame at night than it usually is during the day, plus LDM, which is enough to put me off my dinner for weeks. you're not far wrong about the TV listings though, but it is with freeview that babestation is about 5 channels after kids TV channels [or was last time i actually used my TV] - because you know, normal TV first, then news, then god, and finally kids come into play, then they remember about porn at the end - seriously, whoever is in charge of the freeview channel order needs shooting....I mean, the previous iteration of the listings wasn't too bad, the teleshopping and foreign stuff was between them and the kids stuff...I could be a bit wrong though, my old TV had issues with its EPG not remembering half of the channels and I've not even bothered linking the aerial to this new one because TV is shite at the best of times, never mind holiday season.

Is it just me that BSextra isn't working for? Stream not loading from any source.

03.01.2017, 10:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Please remember that these shows must comply with child friendly seatbelts at all times. Also please remember that the vast majority of Parents/Guardians are highly irresponsible and cannot be trusted to lock these channels and block them. Its been well documented that especially in the UK that the average child stays up until at least 1AM on a school night and at the weekends the average time is 4AM.

Thank goodness we have Ofcom on hand aswell as the channel producers themselves to take care of this. I really think Ofcom ought to do even more for the good of this nations children, this should involve door to door welfare checks and daily interrogation techniques deployed on each and every Parent & Guardian in order to force a confession out of them by any means possible, the more violence used the better I would say Thumb up

Hats off to Babestation for coming up with shows so safe that they wouldn't look out of place right next to all the other child safe channels. Rumour has it that an EPG move to the 600's is imminent Smile

01.01.2017, 16:42

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

New years eve as long as I can remember as always been a good night to take a look into the babechannels. More likely to see one or two girls tipsy on whatever girls get tipsy on nowadays. Giving us a show that could quite possibly entertain us, due to the girls party spirit. But sadly it didn't happen last night, no party atmosphere at all. Last night was crying out for a naked Alice or a drunk Sophie to show us their goods. But instead it was a complete bore.

26.12.2016, 09:42

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

quiquems wrote:Maybe in 2020 Babestation will go to solve the problem of aspect ratio in the stream Cool. It is a pain convert of 4:3 to 16:9 Sad
About the freezes in the streams I gave up Sad

To be objective about this, some people might argue that the streams are a shit lot better quality wise that they were say when Babestation was actually still a credible channel in its glory era. Because of my refusal to record any of this shit anymore I am oblivious to any ongoing technical issues as I'd take a shitty webstream on any given date in exchange for a great show. S66 has arguably the best stream quality at the moment but just like Babestation it continues to serve up shitty shows Cool

Right I'm just away to wrap up some presents as my Christmas officially starts now Smile as I've had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas nightshift and I myself just like Babestation have had a shitty Christmas so far Blush

24.12.2016, 17:03

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Dear friends,
despite the errors of some TV shows, I must say that the women of Britain are the most beautiful though they are dressed, all girls Babe Station and answerers of this Thread i make my most sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas, the birth of the child bring you good health and happiness.

24.12.2016, 16:50

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Maybe in 2020 Babestation will go to solve the problem of aspect ratio in the stream Cool. It is a pain convert of 4:3 to 16:9 Sad
About the freezes in the streams I gave up Sad

21.12.2016, 15:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

One girl that i do like, and that is the girl called Mia from Xpanded. A channel that most dislike but i find that it has the best bunch of girls of any of the channels. Please don't get me wrong about my view of the girls on there, they are just the best of a very bad lot. And the girl Mia being the best of those. She seems to have a little bit of devilment about her, something the other girls are lacking. My only hope is that Babestation don't poach her for their channel. That would be criminal.

But sadly with these shows today, there is no room for anyone who appears to be anything approaching a loose cannon which I think Mia could quite easily be, if she was to be freed of Xpanded's rigid rules. But the control the other channels have on girls performances are even more rigid, but done in a way that the less than intelligent viewer notices.

Less intelligent, that leads me on to the ''two minute fucking challenge''. And in the past ''the girl caller''. Now you would think that no one would fall for that shit. But people do, otherwise why would the channels keep coming up with such fucking nonsense. They do because it makes them money. It is hard to believe that wankers think that they are in competition with some air-head that is persuading him to shoot his load before the two minutes are up. Two fucking minutes, I can't recollect shooting my load looking at these beauties for two fucking years.

The other day i took a look back at a couple of vids of the time when Danica ruled the channels. She didn't need to jump around like a fucking lunatic, all she needed to do was look into that camera in a certain way. A way that said, ''don't take your eyes of me because you may miss something''. What do we fucking get now? Alice saying it's 8 nil to me boys, as she admires her pumped up arse in her laptop.

20.12.2016, 23:11

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Actually this channel is produced by the enemy. WTF AngryAngryAngryAngryAngry

20.12.2016, 21:24

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Amanda Rendall has left bs and gone back to Xpanded



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