Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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10.11.2016, 03:21

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Taking away all talk of Perv Cam well for at least 1 post that is Smile if it hadn't been for Jada last night then it would have been an otherwise shit night allround for Babestation, Jada was the only babe last night that actually bothered to put on a few decent sessions for the old school punters, so for this, I applaud her for her efforts, I hope what she did can eventually be replicated by the rest and if it can be then Babestation might yet again rise from the ashes Thumb up

Well for once i will have to disagree with you mate i find Jada's style of performance boring and static, i guess she is just another one who is living off past gloriesThumb down

Anyway it is depressing to see how bad BS has got this year a few of my favorites are really starting to bore me now, the question is how long will this crap go on for? i wish i could just ignore the babeshows but i still have the faint hope things will get better one day

09.11.2016, 17:46

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Taking away all talk of Perv Cam well for at least 1 post that is Smile if it hadn't been for Jada last night then it would have been an otherwise shit night allround for Babestation, Jada was the only babe last night that actually bothered to put on a few decent sessions for the old school punters, so for this, I applaud her for her efforts, I hope what she did can eventually be replicated by the rest and if it can be then Babestation might yet again rise from the ashes Thumb up

09.11.2016, 16:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Perve cam exists only at the detriment of normal babeshows. What used to be free to enjoy as now become a pay per view form of entertainment......But what galls me most of all is that they still have the audacity to utilise the original show as a way of getting this perve cam crap across. If they want perve cam let them find a proper pay per view channel to show it on, and leave the phone in shows alone.

Babestation are the biggest culprit, with all of their output 100% pervecam. I was once a fan of Alice, for the way she looked, and the sometimes cheeky flash. But now that Alice is all but gone. And now she spends all her time looking over her right shoulder, looking at her laptop showing the perve cam images of her pumped up arse and shaved pussy. She doesnt even look at the main camera as she goes about rubbing her snatch, out of view to every one other than the guys foolhardy enough to pay for pervecam.

And to anyone who says that we non-pervecam fans should join the perve revolution and pay for the privilege of pussy shots. But if we did, how many minutes could the average watcher afford? Very few i would say. And then what? Sit back and watch the crap again. These programmes are 24 hours a day, that would mean an awful lot of crap to watch, for just a few minutes of pussy from a model who is not bright enough to know who her real bread and butter fans are.

06.11.2016, 18:21

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Another scintillating night in store with the one and only Cali Garcia. By the way, I am being sarcastic.

03.11.2016, 17:37

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Theres no mystery as to why the demise of the babechannels. A few years ago they thought they were untouchable in the adult world. They started to treat their viewers like morons. Every ailment they suffered they blamed Ofcom, whilst all the while it was one channel doing the dirty on the other. The slightest misdemeanour was oh so soon reported to the watchdog by the rival channel, and then vice-versa.

If one channel seemed to be getting the upper hand they were soon knocked back a peg or two by the opposition. And so it went on week after week. Even the forums got dragged into this fucking stupid war. Remember ''Bluebird'', well that name could not be mentioned on another well known forum, and if you did mention it, it was always censored by your post being being withdrawn. To this day i will never know why. But the moderators had their orders and they carried them out to the letter. I wonder why?

So here we are almost at the end of this type of TV. But we shouldn't feel sad. because one of todays reasons why there is very little appeal for the babechannels, is the ever flourishing world of cam sites. Take the main player in this field ''Myfreecams'' it's much fairer priced, in fact you pay what you want to pay with no hidden extras. And some of the girls, especially the Americans, can show these babechannel makers the art of being professional...

And when it comes to beauty, well the Eastern European cam girls can outshine the tattood, pumped up tittied so called lovelies that the babechannels persist on calling ''babes''..... In every way they are superior in what they do. The vast majority care what they do. they seem to enjoy what they do. And whilst a lot do work from studios, those studios are mainly clean and welcoming, unlike the grotty surroundings put on show for babechannel watchers.

And try as hard as you fucking want to girls of babechannels, this is one ''two minute challenge'' you have no chance of winning.........

01.11.2016, 18:44

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

richardhead wrote:
AniseedBalls wrote:Maybe it's me who's different from all other babechannel watchers. Especially those that pay money to watch Pervecam. Is it really a turn on to view a pussy in isolation from the rest of the girl who the pussy belongs to. If i am viewing lady bits, then i want to see the complete lady. So ok it maybe alright to view once just for the novelty of seeing a pussy on your screen. But after that, thats it, you've seen it, nothing else to see.

But judging by the audience it must attract. It seems that people who watch pervecam, really must be brain dead. Does the rest of an attractive female body carry no importance. Put it simply, to some, no it does not. The girls must not have a very high regard of themselves either, to sell their self off in this way isn't the brightest thing to do.

And all done with a shitty cheap webcam too,what a waste of time.

Totally agree Thumb up, see a "piece of meat" and cam quality / price is the great scam of the babechannels now Cool

01.11.2016, 18:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:Maybe it's me who's different from all other babechannel watchers. Especially those that pay money to watch Pervecam. Is it really a turn on to view a pussy in isolation from the rest of the girl who the pussy belongs to. If i am viewing lady bits, then i want to see the complete lady. So ok it maybe alright to view once just for the novelty of seeing a pussy on your screen. But after that, thats it, you've seen it, nothing else to see.

But judging by the audience it must attract. It seems that people who watch pervecam, really must be brain dead. Does the rest of an attractive female body carry no importance. Put it simply, to some, no it does not. The girls must not have a very high regard of themselves either, to sell their self off in this way isn't the brightest thing to do.

And all done with a shitty cheap webcam too,what a waste of time.

01.11.2016, 18:20

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Looking at the picture below sums up Babestation perfectly. That set is a total fucking shitheap. It's dirty, it's scruffy, its fucking awful. And if the powers that be can't see how fucking abysmal it is, then what fucking chance as these shows got.
Look at it for fuck sake management, and do something about it..... You are ''Un-fucking believable''

01.11.2016, 18:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Maybe it's me who's different from all other babechannel watchers. Especially those that pay money to watch Pervecam. Is it really a turn on to view a pussy in isolation from the rest of the girl who the pussy belongs to. If i am viewing lady bits, then i want to see the complete lady. So ok it maybe alright to view once just for the novelty of seeing a pussy on your screen. But after that, thats it, you've seen it, nothing else to see.

But judging by the audience it must attract. It seems that people who watch pervecam, really must be brain dead. Does the rest of an attractive female body carry no importance. Put it simply, to some, no it does not. The girls must not have a very high regard of themselves either, to sell their self off in this way isn't the brightest thing to do.

01.11.2016, 05:20

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Exactly Rallkin123, at least with the hand thong sessions you never quite knew for sure whether the girls were getting off on it or not, some of them used to rub the pussy vigorously Tongue I used to love this show and others because of the innuendo involved, a babe whether she is topless or nude just condensing the viewers and callers does nothing for me, its like watching an art model with the added so called bonus that they are somehow bringing themselves to a climax. Only an idiot would come to this conclusion, I don't tend to upload the same number of shows which I used to do and this policy will continue for as long as Babestation and co continue to con the lot of us Thumb down

01.11.2016, 03:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Spot on about Kimberley, Scottishbloke. She's fooling no one with her orgasmic expression on her face!Thumb down Another thing, these far too frequent climax sessions are a joke and in my opinion a complete waste of time, primarily because you only see the top half while they are supposedly trying to convince you they are getting sexually aroused. Do us all a favour, Babestation producers and bring back the hand and reverse hand thong sessions instead. That was far more realistic and more arousing than the shite they're spewing out at us for the past 18 months or so.Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry

01.11.2016, 02:57

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Perhaps its just me, maybe I didn't pay enough attention in class or something when it came to biology but I'm curious as to how exactly Kimberley Jenner manages to achieve an orgasm just by wiggling her tits around a bit and without even touching herself or even say shoving a finger at least up her snatch Blush yet she has got the cum face on and eyes all over the fucking shot, how did this happen, was I taking a shit or something when all the scientific research was thrown out of the window all thanks to Babestation.

Nice try Kimberley but you're fooling nobody pulling that face Thumb down

31.10.2016, 00:28

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:I hate Halloween, and when I read , not so much on this forum, but on that other one, That how much the voyeurs have enjoyed seeing empty headed girls dressed up in costumes that have fuck all to do with Halloween, Catwoman, Wonder Woman? mm, what the fuck? Then I fucking despair. One well known contributor on the other forum described them as ''fun and something different''. They were different all right, But fun....Fuck off!!!

I agree, cosplay is merely just an excuse for the girls to keep their clothes on even longer, I found the whole ugly affair childish, just been reading all the verbal diarrhea on the other forum in which one well known spammer posted that he wished it was cosplay every night. I had a brief look at the channels before resuming the movie I was watching before retiring to my bed without even a second thought as to what boring gimmicks BS and the rest were getting up to. Fair play to Babestation as in keeping up with the Halloween tradition they served up yet another dreary horror show Thumb down I'll 2nd the motion, Babestation fuck off......Cool

30.10.2016, 17:46

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I did not find the cat suit of Nicole was boring Smile

She can wear this more and not only for Halloween time.

30.10.2016, 16:19

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Re - Post 462:

Quite agree AB.
Same goes for Christmas, St Patrick's Day and Easter.
You know they are all going to be dressed up as Santa, a Leprechaun and an Easter Bunny for the respective occassions.
Vey banal and very, very boring
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