Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 rating(s))

(4.86 / 5, 7 ratings)

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30.10.2016, 15:32

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I hate Halloween, and when I read , not so much on this forum, but on that other one, That how much the voyeurs have enjoyed seeing empty headed girls dressed up in costumes that have fuck all to do with Halloween, Catwoman, Wonder Woman? mm, what the fuck? Then I fucking despair. One well known contributor on the other forum described them as ''fun and something different''. They were different all right, But fun....Fuck off!!!

My reason for watching these shows when I do. Is to see a girl being sexy, with little, or no clothes on her person. Not to be dressed up in some infantile manner, In a tacky costume from the costume department of ''being fucking stupid''
Maybe the makers could afford to put out this shitfest if their everyday shows were any good. but they are not. They are crap. And if they think that by going to the pound shop for the pathetic cans of cobweb spray and plastic bats it will make them any better. Then they really are pissing in the wind.

29.10.2016, 02:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Jeez, I don't half feel like shagging Wonder Woman right now----- oh and that perfect ten arse of Olivia's-----mmmmmTongueTongueTongueThumb upThumb up:Thumb upIn loveIn loveIn love

28.10.2016, 19:15

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:Act now Ofcom. Ban the pervecam from our screens.......

Even if Ofcom were to ban the Perv Cam it doesn't neccessary mean that this will yield better shows. When the girls aren't doing Perv sessions then they retire again to statues. As much as I equally loathe the Perv Cam under the present management the shows would still remain very poor Thumb down

28.10.2016, 15:16

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I am very surprised that Ofcom will allow something like the perve cam to share a stage where full visible nudity is banned. I would lay my last penny and say that a vast majority who don't subscribe to pervecams get very frustrated as the camera operator moves away from any likely cunt shots......This sharing of sets is a clever ploy my the makers to get people so frustrated that they will give way to their sexual cravings and fall into the trap.....

If the makers persist on wanting payment then Ofcom should act and put their pervecam shows on a pay per view channel.......It isn't healthy to do what the shows are doing, they tease and then they deprive people, who in the majority, are sexually starved individuals.........Sex is a very powerful emotion, to some ''all consuming'' is it safe to be played with in such a ''make money at all fucking cost'' type of way.......

Act now Ofcom. Ban the pervecam from our screens.......

28.10.2016, 03:15

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Anyone know of a site to watch the perv cams for free?

27.10.2016, 17:27

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:Why is it taboo to watch certain programmes where full frotal nudity is involved (babechannels), but becomes un-taboo if you pay to watch.

When you stand in the church and say I watch the babe shows

Bad Thumb down you have to go to hell

Then you can say; no I forgot to say I also pay to see them

Then they say; we are wrong this is the good way Thumb up Big Grin

27.10.2016, 15:51

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Changing the subject slightly, Censorship and the 'nanny state' , much stricter than it's ever been in my opinion. Take for example the warnings before a tv programme . they tell us that ''this show contains offensive language'', instead of ''some people may find the contents of this show offensive''. Now the authorities are telling me what is offensive, and i would much prefer to make that decision myself.

Another thing about censorship i have never been able to understand. Why is it taboo to watch certain programmes where full frotal nudity is involved (babechannels), but becomes un-taboo if you pay to watch. This is a dig at the programme makers who have blamed ofcoms actions for the dumbing down of babechannels, but have found a way to embrace those restrictions through the introduction of fucking pervecam

27.10.2016, 03:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ashley and Alice get a lot of hype because of their looks but their shows are average, back in the good old days there were far more top babes and top performers around so they didn't stand out

27.10.2016, 03:22

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Personally i think Jada is extremely boring and static these days although im not a fan of her anyway,
I think the majority of the BS girls are a shadow of their former selves, i just find some girls attractive and some unattractive, even my faves like Sophie Hart and Jenna Hoskins have been tamed down far too much now, or maybe they just can't be bothered anymore

27.10.2016, 03:10

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Well I'd forgotten just how explicit this show used to be until I replayed a recording I had from 2012 in which Lori is really rubbing her pussy to the camera for the duration of her shift. The lack of videos being posted now on the forums tells you all you really need to know about this once great channel. Even when Ashley does get naked its more akin to a life model than a babe show perfomer, Also on the technical side of things tonight we've already had several black outs and picture freezes, the picture freeze I never really noticed for the first few minutes as I thought it was just the norm when you take into consideration the one position babes. The shows are no longer of much interest to me now. They are boring and uninspiring Thumb down

27.10.2016, 02:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Other than a few slips barely shown at the bottom of the screen while the producer was elsewhere, tonight has been pretty lousy. Huge emphasis on perv cam, especially for Alice, and she's no longer showing what she used to up to three weeks ago, with her standing and kneeling positions. Those seem to be a thing of the past. At least Ashley is being allowed to stand and show ass, but I suspect she's banging the producer. Just the vibe I get.

27.10.2016, 02:37

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ha ha ha I like your response about Lori, Scottishbloke.Big Grin you're right about the crap on tonight, apart from Jada and PriyaThumb downThumb up:SadSmile

27.10.2016, 00:25

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I'm afraid you'll have to join the back of the queue Rallkin123 as I've been standing there a long long time Blush That's me just back home from work. Had a quick look at the BS Channels. Same old shite, different night Thumb down

26.10.2016, 03:59

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Some one oughta shag some sense into Lori! Please sir, let me be the first to have a crack at her crack TongueTongueTongue

26.10.2016, 01:04

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

And this is all we are getting to see of Lori tonight.

Fuck you Babestation - Sit on this Cool