Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 rating(s))

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29.09.2016, 17:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Please everyone stop making excuses for the girls. The girls are every bit as much to blame for the poor shows as are the producers and camera operators. Each and everyone of them is being instructed to do exactly what they are doing. They are giving a more raunchy show if you are willing to pay for it, no more, no fucking less. And why there are people with more money than sense out there, willing to pay for the privilege then can you blame anyone for cashing in.

Everyone should have realised by now that this is a channel selling sex as entertainment. Everyone who is responsible for making this type of TV don't give a flying fuck about people who watch it for free, And they don't give a fuck about those who pay for it either. But they don't just ''give a fuck'' about the latter quite as much.

29.09.2016, 15:50

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Apart from the Jada session which I uploaded BTW when she got naked with the oil involved it was an otherwise fucking atrocious night. That's 2 nights running now where we still haven't seen the best of Amanda Rendall. As I said when I seen the line up, it had all the ingredients for a good show but as predicted BS would still find a way to fuck it up and so it proved Thumb down

29.09.2016, 08:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Well, what can I say, lads? Tonight's show was a load of old gubbins, awful and lack lustre! Thumb down Only Jada offered something positive over on Meet the Babes at Mid-night for just over an hour when she went totally nude. Regrettably, Amanda, Sophie and Jenna were real disappointments all night long.Sad But then again, perhaps as Scottishbloke and Lutonbloke have both pointed out on this forum, it's not them personally, but the bosses, producers and cameramen who are the real villains in this sorry state of affairs on Babestation at this present day in time, plus the advent of the use of these perv-cams which are a complete rip-off and bloody expensive to boot.Thumb downSad Just looking at their vids of the past will tell you they can give the most erotically charged performances and the producers and cameramen were pretty decent and quite liberal in what the allowed us to see, too. Thank goodness there are always the videos that people like quiquems and other good contributors who regularly upload shows both past and present. To them I offer my heart-felt thanks. If it wasn't for the fact that I can download these vids, I very much doubt if I would continue to watch Babestation or Studio 66 for that matter until both channels vastly improve some what!!! Let's hope that all shows WILL improve and pretty damn soon; for as the song goes, "It Can Only Get Better".SadThumb down

29.09.2016, 03:36

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Jenna and Sophie are my two favorites babes on BS, if only they were allowed to do a proper old school 2-4-1, but we know 2-4-1s will never ever happen againThumb down anyway tonight hasn't really been that good but its no surprise anymore, plus the sets are getting boring now its about time they used something else

29.09.2016, 00:47

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Perhaps it might improve as the night passes, Scottishbloke. I'm still hopeful Sophie will produce another outstanding performance as she did a couple of weeks ago. Likewise I'm hopeful of Jada, Amanda and Jenna to rise to the challenge as well.SmileThumb up

29.09.2016, 00:32

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Sorry lads but tonight isn't looking so great, I know we're only half an hour into the Adult part of the show but the signs aren't too good if I'm being honest Sad

28.09.2016, 21:52

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

fair enough. babestation's alright. prefer s66 if i'm honest.

28.09.2016, 21:50

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I am going to say one thing and this is. I will not be wasting any of my time and energy responding to any members that decide to troll me on this forum. All posts hence from this point onwards will be ignored and will not be dignified with a response. I'm not going to give the mods on this forum the thankless task of moving all the posts to the Off Topic Discussion once again. If you have an opinion on Babestation saoirse then please do so, if not, then kindly fuck off as your wasting my time and in the process you are behaving like the attention seeking asshole which is what you are with yet more false allegations.

28.09.2016, 21:44

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I too think Jenna's a babe, Lutonbloke, I have to disagree with you regarding Jada. Static she may be at times, but for me she exudes sex. having said that, I do accept your criticism of her.Thumb upSmile

28.09.2016, 21:38

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion


[b wrote:
Your post should be ignored as I fully expect it will be Smile

and yet you replied to it.

i was told that you used to run around the forum acting like you owned it and you left the mods with little choice. and then there was repgate. you and a few others begging new members for reputation points. wouldn't surprise me if you've been up to the same behavior on here.

28.09.2016, 21:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

saoirse wrote:funny, i was reliably informed that you were banned for mouthing off to the mod's (who do a great job by the way as do the one's on this site) and general assholery.

You were reliability misinformed dickhead Smile Your post should be ignored as I fully expect it will be Smile

28.09.2016, 21:18

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Yes Rallkin123 I used to have an account on that forum, I took the decision to close my account down, they now have me listed as banned Lol Big Grin It never used to be that bad but admin and his toss mob of mods either banned or chased all the good members away hence the reason it now resembles an empty shell of its former self because in the past all these posts would have challenged and I would have been one of the first members to call out those particular members!

funny, i was reliably informed that you were banned for mouthing off to the mod's (who do a great job by the way as do the one's on this site) and general assholery.

28.09.2016, 20:54

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Yes Rallkin123 I used to have an account on that forum, I took the decision to close my account down, they now have me listed as banned Lol Big Grin It never used to be that bad but admin and his toss mob of mods either banned or chased all the good members away hence the reason it now resembles an empty shell of its former self because in the past all these posts would have challenged and I would have been one of the first members to call out those particular members!

EJKKPT wrote:My take on things would be slightly different: We know that, while Lori is not keen on showing full pussy, she has no problem whatsoever with 'hand-panty', after all, she used to do it all the time, until (I'm guessing) the aforementioned commercial motives of BS decided that this would now have to be paid for, so it moved to BSX, and disappeared entirely from FTA. In addition, and AFAIK, relatively few of BS's roster show full pussy, with most showing nothing at all, so Lori, with 'hand-panty' and (I'm led to believe) slight 'glimpses', is actually better than some (many?) on pervcam (relatively speaking), so, if Lori does 'endorse' the upper body camerawork, it's not due to her 'modesty', or an attempt to 'hoodwink', but more likely because she actually likes pervcam as it generates extra income for her; also, given that it has been up and running for a while, presumably those who use the 'service' are now fully aware of what is/is not shown?

Excellent post from you again Sir Thumb up Its also worth noting that in the past Lori actually did proper full on pussy cam shows which may shock a few on you to hear but believe you me I've seen them and they were good. Unfortunately I no longer have this footage in my possession incase anybody sends me a PM asking for the video but its bound to be kicking around the internet somewhere Blush

With regards to Lori's shows on BSX they are criminal, they are nothing other than handthong shows, absoulte fucking scam on behalf of Babestation and it disappointments me that she agrees to go along with the sham, promising viewers more than what she can do on the telly and then do exactly what she does do on the telly Thumb down

In a previous post I noted how Babestation is now airing on Virgin Cable TV now aswell, only one of the channels however and that one is Babenation which might go a long way to explaining as to why its been the weakest out of all 3 of them or perhaps its purely coincidental on my part Blush

28.09.2016, 20:40

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

just been on that forum, Scottishbloke and the obsequiousness and fawning of the contributors to that site just makes roar with laughter, as well! They obviously will settle for mediocrity.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

28.09.2016, 19:53

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:
EJKKPT wrote:The current, abysmal state of the babe channels, and in particular BS, is nothing to do with prudishness, or Ofcom - lets face it, even Ofcom would be hard pressed to find anything to moan about, so lame are the shows, now.

No, its commercial decisions by the broadcasters that are to blame for this sorry state of affairs. Sad

Now, this might seem contradictory, after all, the raison d'etre of the channels is to make money, so why piss off viewers, and therefore potential customers, but the reality is that, as the shows have tamed down over the years (initially due to Ofcom censorship, and the broadcasters' failure to challenge them), it has resulted in fewer viewers/potential customers, and an inevitable loss of revenue. You'd think at that stage that any sane individual would think 'fuck this', Ofcom have compromised our product to such an extent that we have no option but to seek a legal judgement on their censorship, but no, instead, the broadcasters started focussing on selling products (pics., videos, website consent/online only shows etc.), and in doing so, have deliberately offered less and less on the FTA shows, to 'encourage' people towards the paid for content; this has reached a massive new low with the arrival of pervcam, which has resulted in a near total focus on this particular product, to the near complete detriment of the FTA product i.e. the babe channels themselves.

It doesn't matter who the babe is, they are employees, and simply do what they are told (within the limits of what they are able/willing to do as a performer); if all the producer is going to allow the cameramen to show is their upper half, and at times recently it's become little more than 'head and shoulders', what is the babe supposed to do? Yes, there are babes around these days who are lazy (doing little more than sit/stand, looking bored/uninterested, barely moving etc.), Lori (for example, and whether you like her or not), is not one of them, so when her shows are reduced to being unwatchable (for her fans), you know things have got really, REALLY bad. Sad Angry Thumb down

This is an excellent post, and everything you say about the shows I agree with. I have expressed these same sentiments a lot of times - in regards to the commercialization of Babestation being to the deliberate detriment of the shows themselves... You are also correct that there is very little that the girls can do when it is their employers who dictate terms... But in regards to Lori herself - who has been without question my absolute favourite performer over the years (no one else even comes close to Lori, for me, that's how much I like her) - it is very evident that she herself endorses these lame camera-upper-body-half pathetic shows precisely because the pervcam is not to her liking. She clearly does not want the camera intruding where she herself is unprepared to show. Some of the other girls are the same in this. That is why whilst pervcam remains the likes of Lori's shows will be forever dead. She will always be happy for the camera to be up top. We cannot blame her for this, that is just how she is. She will only ever perform when that camera is not in operation!! The girls that are prepared to do pervcam properly obviously won't ever make a fuss if the camera ever went below (which it very rarely ever does). But the likes of Lori will be asking for the cameramen to stay well above, or legs will remain FIRMLY closed. And this is really the crux of the problem since pervcam has been introduced. I mean, who is going to pay for pervcam if it is blatantly obvious that the girls are keeping everything well and truly covered? This is why a performer like Lori will encourage this lameass camerawork - whilst pervcam remains - because going below will only reveal their actual reluctance; hence damaging their profits.

My take on things would be slightly different: We know that, while Lori is not keen on showing full pussy, she has no problem whatsoever with 'hand-panty', after all, she used to do it all the time, until (I'm guessing) the aforementioned commercial motives of BS decided that this would now have to be paid for, so it moved to BSX, and disappeared entirely from FTA. In addition, and AFAIK, relatively few of BS's roster show full pussy, with most showing nothing at all, so Lori, with 'hand-panty' and (I'm led to believe) slight 'glimpses', is actually better than some (many?) on pervcam (relatively speaking), so, if Lori does 'endorse' the upper body camerawork, it's not due to her 'modesty', or an attempt to 'hoodwink', but more likely because she actually likes pervcam as it generates extra income for her; also, given that it has been up and running for a while, presumably those who use the 'service' are now fully aware of what is/is not shown?

I agree, however, that so long as pervcam exists, the awful FTA shows now being served up will remain. Angry Thumb down

Talking of pervcam, I believe that the already extortionate prices being charged, for what seems to be a very poor quality product to begin with, have been increased! Confused
Hopefully, as the novelty of pervcam wears off, coupled with the ever upward (it seems) charges, we might just see its demise Thumb up Cool , though I'm not holding my breath.
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