Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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02.10.2016, 15:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I'm not quite sure how this perve cam thing works. Does it mean that if you call a girl you will be allowed to view her perve cam as well as speaking to her. Or is perve cam a completely seperate thing and you have to pay extra for it? If the latter is the case then the audacity of the makers to ask for people to call them is un-fucking believable.

A call that could cost more than £2 a minute, and it results in you seeing the top half of the model. And if that is how it works, why then do people ring up? I know lots of people on here have their brains in their cocks. But even a brain as big as a bell-end should tell you that you are being ripped off.

And as far as the perve cam subscribers are concerned. Can you not understand that by your inability to get by without seeing some mediocre models cunt, that you are going to be ultimately responsible for the demise of these channels. But in a way you may be doing us all a favour in pulling down the curtain on this crap.

02.10.2016, 14:42

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:"Forum of the banned", that's us. It's good to see that we can still have a proper discussion about the state of things in the adult tv world without an arsehole of a moderator putting a stop to it. So, "long may that remain". I don't know if anyone ever looks at other similar forums, like the one we used to belong to. If you do, then you will be aware of how fucking shite that particular one as become. The same contributors, saying the same things as they have always done, with never the need for a mod to raise his ugly head.

Very true.

02.10.2016, 12:02

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I think it's mainly down to the cameraman/producer. You can always tell when the babe is thinking about something more daring but is constantly glancing sideways looking for permission and then immediately covers up or goes back to boring. The slow-motion moves with sideways glances and then the camera pans out or moves sideways/up to a headshot etc.
There again sometimes either the producer loses attention, goes to sleep or simple allows something extra to happen, IMO there are rarely true accidents.

02.10.2016, 10:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

"Forum of the banned", that's us. It's good to see that we can still have a proper discussion about the state of things in the adult tv world without an arsehole of a moderator putting a stop to it. So, "long may that remain". I don't know if anyone ever looks at other similar forums, like the one we used to belong to. If you do, then you will be aware of how fucking shite that particular one as become. The same contributors, saying the same things as they have always done, with never the need for a mod to raise his ugly head.

02.10.2016, 04:40

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Exactly my sentiments about Sexy Lori, Scottishbloke you're so spot on .Thumb upThumb upThumb up

02.10.2016, 04:27

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

EJKKPT wrote:so, if Lori does 'endorse' the upper body camerawork, it's not due to her 'modesty', or an attempt to 'hoodwink', but more likely because she actually likes pervcam as it generates extra income for here

I certainly do agree that it is not entirely down to modesty why Lori endorses the upper body camera work. I definitely do not agree that she 'likes' pervcam. I have seen Lori do pervcam when it first started on Babestation, and, as Scottishbloke said, some of her shows were very revealing. But even then there was obvious reluctance on her part - she would always be at certain angles, the focus on the camera lens would always be too blurry. She quite clearly did not want to be too explicit. And, as I have said, we should have no problem with that, because it is her choice. The only problem was when she did BSX shows - initially deceiving people into thinking that she would be revealing all explicitly; which never ever materialized. However, this time around things are very different....

Lori has clearly been reluctant for the camera intrusion. She is definitely happy for the upper body camerawork - you can even see her directing the camera upwards on many occasion. Of course pervcam generates extra income; so there is no doubt that Lori will be happy for that. But she would not be happy if people were aware that what she is offering on pervcam was not worth their while. Just as when she did BSX, people would only be fooled for so long before they realized the sham. It is not that Lori was overtly doing anything wrong - just that BSX shows were designed to offer the public much more explicitness than could otherwise be seen on their regular channels, and here was Lori doing exactly the same cover-up performances.

Whilst pervcam remains, a few of the girls are well suited to it - the likes of Alice. But Lori's shows are now dead. Upper body shots are now the norm; and Lori will be absolutely fine with that.

02.10.2016, 04:11

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:I have seen all of those clips from a while back when Lori did pervcam a lot better than she is doing now. As you say she did reveal everything on those shows, albeit with deliberate poor camera quality. But this time things are different. Her BSX shows shouldn't even be allowed. People are spending good money for nothing... But I am not unaware that Lori can be quite revealing at times. However, this time around it is clear to me that Lori does not wish to be revealing on pervcam.

Yet when it comes to teasing us with the handthong if and when it is allowed she is one of the best in the business and is also usually butt naked within minutes of her appearing on set but thats her limit now unfortunately. Alice Goodwin for the first time I can remember has got her panties off completely, unfortunately the legs are firmly closed with not even a hint to suggest that she might show more than she should.

Watching Babestation these days is like knocking your head off a brick wall. Yet again we've had another lame session from Amanda Rendall, what the fuck is going on and Ashley seems to be getting more screen time than any of the other babes these days! but she won't do fuck all different, if even she took her stocking off and showed us her bare legs for a change that would at least be something Sad

02.10.2016, 03:50

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Yes Rallkin123 I used to have an account on that forum, I took the decision to close my account down, they now have me listed as banned Lol Big Grin It never used to be that bad but admin and his toss mob of mods either banned or chased all the good members away hence the reason it now resembles an empty shell of its former self because in the past all these posts would have challenged and I would have been one of the first members to call out those particular members!

EJKKPT wrote:My take on things would be slightly different: We know that, while Lori is not keen on showing full pussy, she has no problem whatsoever with 'hand-panty', after all, she used to do it all the time, until (I'm guessing) the aforementioned commercial motives of BS decided that this would now have to be paid for, so it moved to BSX, and disappeared entirely from FTA. In addition, and AFAIK, relatively few of BS's roster show full pussy, with most showing nothing at all, so Lori, with 'hand-panty' and (I'm led to believe) slight 'glimpses', is actually better than some (many?) on pervcam (relatively speaking), so, if Lori does 'endorse' the upper body camerawork, it's not due to her 'modesty', or an attempt to 'hoodwink', but more likely because she actually likes pervcam as it generates extra income for her; also, given that it has been up and running for a while, presumably those who use the 'service' are now fully aware of what is/is not shown?

Excellent post from you again Sir Thumb up Its also worth noting that in the past Lori actually did proper full on pussy cam shows which may shock a few on you to hear but believe you me I've seen them and they were good. Unfortunately I no longer have this footage in my possession incase anybody sends me a PM asking for the video but its bound to be kicking around the internet somewhere Blush

With regards to Lori's shows on BSX they are criminal, they are nothing other than handthong shows, absoulte fucking scam on behalf of Babestation and it disappointments me that she agrees to go along with the sham, promising viewers more than what she can do on the telly and then do exactly what she does do on the telly Thumb down

In a previous post I noted how Babestation is now airing on Virgin Cable TV now aswell, only one of the channels however and that one is Babenation which might go a long way to explaining as to why its been the weakest out of all 3 of them or perhaps its purely coincidental on my part Blush

I have seen all of those clips from a while back when Lori did pervcam a lot better than she is doing now. As you say she did reveal everything on those shows, albeit with deliberate poor camera quality. But this time things are different. Her BSX shows shouldn't even be allowed. People are spending good money for nothing... But I am not unaware that Lori can be quite revealing at times. However, this time around it is clear to me that Lori does not wish to be revealing on pervcam.

30.09.2016, 19:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Hi, Scottishbloke, I saw Kerrie on day time Babestation a few weeks ago and she told the viewers she isn't doing any more nights on Babestation, only days. Having said that I have seen her on Bsx a number of times so perhaps she's alternating between the softer end of the spectrum and the more harder stuff. If that's the reality of the situation, I will sorely miss seeing her on Babestation as she really looked as though she was thoroughly enjoying interacting with the viewers and callers and very seldom gave a a poor show and when she was on Studio 66. I sincerely hope that she will reverse her decision and come back on nights once again. Jumping Jezabels, we certainly need a really good performer like her to show the other girls what constitutes an adult night time show. but something in my water senses she was taken off nights because quite a lot of her shows were at times almost bordering on Ofcom alert! I'm probably wrong, though or maybe not, only she will know the answer to that. By the way, did you get my message I sent you about my predictions esp. regarding Liverpool, Sunderland and Stoke?SmileThumb up

30.09.2016, 19:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Well AniseedBalls take a look at Amanda Rendall for example, she came back to Babestation and at first was able to resume action from where she last left off, now she is being forced into lame 2 for 1's and when she is given solo time, she is being censored and held back. I know that you like the Alice Goodwin type babe but her lifeless performance just bores the arse off me, even if she does accidentally flash every now and again, it doesn't have any teasing build up to it.

Lori has a proven track record of producing great shows, with the right set and producer in charge her shows are second to none. I know she likes to yell a lot down the mic which is one part I don't like about her but some of the best sessions I've seen in the history of this channel have come courtesy of Lori. When she left Studio66 it was a massive loss for that channel and something which they have never ever recovered from in my opinion.

30.09.2016, 17:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

So why do they not perform to a decent standard now SB? I know it's all a matter of taste and opinion, And all the girls that you mentioned are the bull in a china shop types. My preference is for the understated actions, and then the look into the camera with a cheeky grin telling you that shes just got one over the jobsworth producer. Some viewers like crash bang wallop, some like subtle. Sadly we are not getting any of those.

30.09.2016, 17:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls as I said in my last post I think blame is on both sides of the fence. I would like to list some babes on this channel who if given the freedom to perform have all proven at some point in the history of this channel to deliver and they are Amanda, Lori, Jada, Jenna & Sophie, perhaps I've missed a few others out but these are the stand out performers for me as it currently stands. I would also include Kerrie Lee in this but she hasn't been on the channel in ages and it doesn't look like she'll back any time soon Sad

30.09.2016, 10:35

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Why don't the girls give us that better show then SB? They have the power to give as good a show as they please, if they really want to. They just need to be subtle about how they go about it instead of telegraphing their every move to a nervous camera operator. And for fuck sake if they would stop following their choreographed script every night then that would help. Not only Alice, but every one of them.

29.09.2016, 17:58

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls I don't think any members on this Thread have said that the girls are totally blameless in all this sham. However BS does have some babes that if the conditions were better would put on good performances. There is blame on both sides of the fence. I'm well aware that some of the girls on this channel aswell as the others clearly have no motivation other than to fleece the customers. The buck however does stop at the top, with a decent man in charge of Babestation then all this could easily be fixed.

29.09.2016, 17:54

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke, I too was pissed off with their performance, except Jada, but the rest were abysmal, I'm really sorry to say.Thumb down