Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 rating(s))

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16.08.2016, 23:24

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I see on the Rampant streams that all the perv cams for each model are in place for anybody out there who is happy to burn money Blush Tonight I'm expecting another nights helping of shite being served up with either a static babe, a shitty 2 for 1, or a shitty you can only see the top half only garbage. Fuck you Babestation, I hope ofcom come in and hammer you with the heaviest of fines to finally consign Perv Cam to the shit bin where it actually belongs. Its not very often that I'm waving a flag in support of ofcom but it's got that bad now that they might actually be the only saviours left to bring this nonsense to an end even if it does rather contradict my signature.......Blush

16.08.2016, 23:22

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
Positive wrote:It would appear that the more the public complain, the more the thumb screws get tighten on Babestation. Last night Lori's entire show - almost from start to finish - consisted of top half only camerawork... The fact that those of us in the know are aware that nothing at all is happening below the waist with Lori anyway, is an indication that this is just a deliberate tactic by the producer. I suspect he gets his kicks from hearing the public constantly complain. I don't suppose enough people text or phone in their complaints to make it a financially lucrative tactic (and certainly no one who knows Lori are going to be duped into spending money on the cams just because only her top half is on view)... The producer appears to be getting his own perverse jollies.

Exactly you hit the nail on the head here, Lori for example has never and will never show anything below, she has made numerous appearances on BSX and to date has never shown her pussy once. Lori's show and the entire cast of the babes last night was ruined from start to finish. I have no videos to post as I point blank refuse to record any of this shite. I also wish our friends ofcom would get involved and put an end to all this nonsense, its supposed to be a babe show on the telly, instead the show is misleading and just down right sadomasochistic on the part of the producers. It used to make or break the nights entertainment depending on which babes were on, now it doesn't make one blind fuck of a difference. Its well documented that last year Babestation changed owners and it shows, previously the show was carefully thought out with an actual structure to it, now its just a shambolic mess. Whatever happened to the shower set Sad

16.08.2016, 17:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Now these show are so contrived it's hard to get any enjoyment at all from them. These perve cams are without doubt the biggest destructive element that as happened since the shows started. And that includes anything ofcom have put in their way. They maybe profitable at the moment, But they will soon die a death. Once everyones pussy as been seen , then what else will there be to see.

Girls once got their popularity/notoriety with being willing to push the boundaries. And the sexiest girls were the ones who did this best of all. Now they don't need to be sexy, they just wait till the camera goes head and shoulder view and then start to rub their cunt. The clowns who are willing to pay money for that may get a flash of fanny. But when it is done without any sort of devilment. Any sort of tease. Any sort of meaning by the girls to entertain, what point is there?

I read another popular forum, and the silly fuckers there seem to think it is great to be ripped off like never before just because Alice Goodwin as got her knickers round her ankles and is showing a bit of pussy. As long as they dig deep for the privilege that is.

12.08.2016, 15:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:It would appear that the more the public complain, the more the thumb screws get tighten on Babestation. Last night Lori's entire show - almost from start to finish - consisted of top half only camerawork... The fact that those of us in the know are aware that nothing at all is happening below the waist with Lori anyway, is an indication that this is just a deliberate tactic by the producer. I suspect he gets his kicks from hearing the public constantly complain. I don't suppose enough people text or phone in their complaints to make it a financially lucrative tactic (and certainly no one who knows Lori are going to be duped into spending money on the cams just because only her top half is on view)... The producer appears to be getting his own perverse jollies.

Exactly you hit the nail on the head here, Lori for example has never and will never show anything below, she has made numerous appearances on BSX and to date has never shown her pussy once. Lori's show and the entire cast of the babes last night was ruined from start to finish. I have no videos to post as I point blank refuse to record any of this shite. I also wish our friends ofcom would get involved and put an end to all this nonsense, its supposed to be a babe show on the telly, instead the show is misleading and just down right sadomasochistic on the part of the producers. It used to make or break the nights entertainment depending on which babes were on, now it doesn't make one blind fuck of a difference. Its well documented that last year Babestation changed owners and it shows, previously the show was carefully thought out with an actual structure to it, now its just a shambolic mess. Whatever happened to the shower set Sad

12.08.2016, 13:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

This so-called ''Perve Cam'', I would love to agree with you Scottishbloke, that it will be the death knell for these shows. But will it? Because there are still enough fucking idiots out there willing to hand over their cash to these money grubbing companies and the lackys that work for them.....
Could someone explain to me how it works please. Please tell me why someone would phone these girls to just see head and shoulders and nothing else. Or by phoning does it give the caller the right to perve. If not then why the fuck should anyone want to waste money on the conniving models who are every bit as guilty as their paymasters......
This dishonest behaviour is just one reason why Ofcom should get involved, and just loosen up on it's obsession towards nudity........

12.08.2016, 12:34

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:I think it has to be said that Babestation has been a fucking abomination in recent weeks. Perv cam has all but completely ruined what once remained of the last half decent show left with regards to the UK channels. No sooner are the knickers dropped and the inevitable camera pans up to the top half only of the model. When the perv cam isn't in use the show then descends into a snorefest of the static babes doing well nothing that I would deem as remotely sexy.

The babes now have a sequence of 4 positions at best. Position one is side on (static) Position 2 is lying flat (static) Position 3 is standing (static) last but not least we have the all time favourite of arse in the air (static) every move is carefully done with precision as to not give even the slightest hint that we might get an oops moment. It has no tease, no class, just fuck me I think I'll watch something else. The era of phoning up your favourite babe and having them conduct out your wildest fantasies onscreen are long gone Thumb down

Babestation needs to improve as its fast establishing itself as a has been show, it has a decent cast of babes but lately its been serving up junk Envy

It would appear that the more the public complain, the more the thumb screws get tighten on Babestation. Last night Lori's entire show - almost from start to finish - consisted of top half only camerawork... The fact that those of us in the know are aware that nothing at all is happening below the waist with Lori anyway, is an indication that this is just a deliberate tactic by the producer. I suspect he gets his kicks from hearing the public constantly complain. I don't suppose enough people text or phone in their complaints to make it a financially lucrative tactic (and certainly no one who knows Lori are going to be duped into spending money on the cams just because only her top half is on view)... The producer appears to be getting his own perverse jollies.

12.08.2016, 07:46

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:I think it has to be said that Babestation has been a fucking abomination in recent weeks. Perv cam has all but completely ruined what once remained of the last half decent show left with regards to the UK channels. No sooner are the knickers dropped and the inevitable camera pans up to the top half only of the model. When the perv cam isn't in use the show then descends into a snorefest of the static babes doing well nothing that I would deem as remotely sexy.

The babes now have a sequence of 4 positions at best. Position one is side on (static) Position 2 is lying flat (static) Position 3 is standing (static) last but not least we have the all time favourite of arse in the air (static) every move is carefully done with precision as to not give even the slightest hint that we might get an oops moment. It has no tease, no class, just fuck me I think I'll watch something else. The era of phoning up your favourite babe and having them conduct out your wildest fantasies onscreen are long gone Thumb down

Babestation needs to improve as its fast establishing itself as a has been show, it has a decent cast of babes but lately its been serving up junk Envy

I completely agreeThumb downThumb downThumb down

11.08.2016, 21:06

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I think it has to be said that Babestation has been a fucking abomination in recent weeks. Perv cam has all but completely ruined what once remained of the last half decent show left with regards to the UK channels. No sooner are the knickers dropped and the inevitable camera pans up to the top half only of the model. When the perv cam isn't in use the show then descends into a snorefest of the static babes doing well nothing that I would deem as remotely sexy.

The babes now have a sequence of 4 positions at best. Position one is side on (static) Position 2 is lying flat (static) Position 3 is standing (static) last but not least we have the all time favourite of arse in the air (static) every move is carefully done with precision as to not give even the slightest hint that we might get an oops moment. It has no tease, no class, just fuck me I think I'll watch something else. The era of phoning up your favourite babe and having them conduct out your wildest fantasies onscreen are long gone Thumb down

Babestation needs to improve as its fast establishing itself as a has been show, it has a decent cast of babes but lately its been serving up junk Envy

03.08.2016, 20:08

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

best-reporting wrote:No one has decribed the show from last night with Dannii Harwood

Yes well Danni tried in vain to recreate her famous sessions which she used to do in her RLC era where we'd get something of a voyeurs behind closed door type scenario. Sadly this never came close to any of what had gone before. It was dull, drab and we even more censored than the POV sessions where all we get to see is the top half with down below clearly out of sight.

On the whole I've been less than impressed with the junk that Babestation has been serving up in recent weeks. If they are not busying censoring the lower half they are instead doing their very best by instructing all the babes to have a competition as to who can put in the most static performance with as little as 3 position changes in the space of 2 hours. Not good enough!Thumb down

Its that bad that even these life models would give any of them a run for their money or any given night Blush

Take your pick, either try your hand at sketching any of these models or any of the other ones that we see on Babestation and the other drab channels Thumb up

03.08.2016, 19:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

No one has decribed the show from last night with Dannii Harwood, one of the famous girls who is on Babe station.
The scene was set to be a door and a key hole to see Dannii in, from outside. It makes the audience into a spy, and she was acting as she was with a man in the room (there was no other person I do not believe). But it is a very different show, did other members like to see this? My idea is this is more of a fun show but not so sexy, but so it is not be 'the same' as all the other nights.

20.07.2016, 18:10

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I cannot find anything remotely erotic about a girl being smothered in oil. And then having to keep removing long hairs shed from extensions that are stuck on false tits and fake tans by said oil......And then to be wiped on any part of the set that it will stick to, Is for me totally gross....Just one more reason not to watch......

20.07.2016, 17:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

For it to be a truly perve cam. Would it not be more apt if it showed all the tossers who are stupid enough to pay for it.

09.07.2016, 18:50

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

S66 seems to have a lot of detractors, but I must say the quality of their picture is much better than Babestations, especially on the web streams. I seem to get a fuzzy haze caused by whatever background the set has. The brick background seems to be the worst. A constant battle going on with the focusing spoils it for me. I thought it may have been my equiptment, but as I said, its fine on S66.

08.07.2016, 23:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I agree, there needs to be a balance. Kim got some great moments last night not just for perv cam, and Amanda was solid as usual, but Lori was incredibly lame. As you say, all waist up shots like watching boring Hannah Martin.

Danni was a little better, but seemed static later on.

Still, it's superior to Studio 66, so I'll give it that. Normally I'm not for perv cam in general. I guess I just enjoy watching Alice rub inside her thong and get excited by it Tongue

08.07.2016, 23:20

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:I do know how much you seem to enjoy recording Lori's shows, Scottishbloke; and I really do appreciate these uploads. But, unfortunately, Lori does not perform for this type of nudity (perv cam). Whilst the perv cams operate we will only see Lori's legs firmly shut, apart from when she is wearing panties. The type of shows that you clearly enjoy from Lori will unfortunately be a thing of the past.

Yeah Lori used to give us some legendary flashes or near miss's from her Elite era. Perhaps the dumbing down of the shows has finally also taken its toll on Lori. On BSX the other week the type of performance she delivered was no more explicit than what she had been doing on the FTA TV show which is strange because when she's allowed to she's usually the one that'll push the boundaries more than any of the rest such as proper hand rubbing handthong sessions Blush