Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 rating(s))

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09.09.2016, 00:00

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

20 minutes ago that the girls abandoned the sets Confused

08.09.2016, 00:58

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

It is very clear that these cameramen on Babestation are under instructions to behave like teenage prudes. It is now beyond pathetic.

07.09.2016, 18:28

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Why has the holier than though brigade won this battle of what is permissible on our screens. Both what can be said and what can be seen is all decided by who, I don't know, I also don't remember voting for them and giving them permission to be my moral guardian......

But it as to be said, as far as the babechannels are concerned, then they themselves have to own up to be in some way responsible for todays censorship. For their dogged pursuit of every last penny from its viewers. And the slipshod ways it goes about getting that money.....Is it any wonder our moral guardians think we need protecting?......And I also say some babechannel viewers ''do'' need protecting.

Calling a girl on the telephone to be able to get a stiffy is somewhat old hat. Surely it's time for something new. But as I say the makers of these programmes haven't got neither the inclination nor the skill to come up with something different, something original, something that will bring a stiffness back to my cock, and not a yawn to my face...........

06.09.2016, 11:03

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Perve cam, the viewer who pays for the privilege, what does he get? He gets the sight of a models pussy in isolation from the rest of her body. I like to look at lady parts also, but I like to look at the lady the pussy belongs to. And if I'm unable to do that, then what is the fucking point? Also for a girl to allow herself to be used like that, doesn't say a great lot about her, and the path she as let herself get on.

Adult tv models have never been stars in the entertainment industry, but they once had some personality, and that is what appealed. But now totally zero.

I challenge anyone to name a present day model that as anything other than too many tattoos and plastic tits to entertain with. And if anyone can name a girl, please tell me about her.

06.09.2016, 03:03

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:If the current owners at Babestation do not sell up and move on, then I believe that the end has now come for the regular television viewers... As for S66 and the other channels, I do not hold out much hope either. This may well be the end of an era.

Well on tonight's showing so far and last night's it doesn't look like Babestation are going to buck the trend of awful shows any time soon. I do agree that they need to sell up and allow somebody else within the Adult Industry the chance to repair the damage that has already been done. Lexi Lowe for example last night put on one of the dullest shows I've ever seen from her, it was as if she and the others were holding out for the cam shows before putting any sort of effort in.

Sure she got naked and all that but who really gives a fuck, it wasn't a particularly arousing show as to say. She looked very pretty, cracking figure on her but she was static the whole night. She barely move an inch. Perfect and flawless performance for a life model but for a so-called late night adult channel it was a million miles off the pace. This is only one example of many just incase anybody thought I was singling out Lexi for criticism.

06.09.2016, 02:38

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:These people really ought to be accountable for not providing the acceptable level of adult entertainment that their licenses grant.

They are accountable to all viewers; they will tell them without spending any money.

06.09.2016, 02:16

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

If we consider that there is really no reason whatsoever why these channels cannot provide a lot more exciting shows and still get the same numbers paying for the cams or whatever other products they have to sell, then we have to ask ourselves, why???

If the current owners at Babestation do not sell up and move on, then I believe that the end has now come for the regular television viewers... As for S66 and the other channels, I do not hold out much hope either. This may well be the end of an era.

04.09.2016, 23:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

To be honest I'm now at the point where I no longer give a fuck about any of the channels. I'd love to say that Babestation will have to change its way if they are to compete with the rest of the mob but that just wouldn't be true. Studio66 offer nothing in the way of competition as its just a collection of models who are stiffer than a dead body in a morgue.

The alternative to the now dreary shows on the telly used to be in the shape of the web only ones but Unleashed has now been butchered to fuck with one to one cams with the babes now which has fast become a major disruption, hence the reason the complete lack of flow in recent weeks. Other web shows that used to also offer competition are now dropping like flies. I predicted a long time ago that Babestation would have the honour of being the first ever channel of this sort in the UK and would ultimately prove to be the last. All will eventually topple. sorry for the gloomy prediction but I think this era will soon come to an end.

Look at the amount of channels that we used to have, Babestar, Bangbabes, SportXXX, RLC, Chatgirl, Babeworld, Bluebird, Sin TV, Sexstation, TV X Callgirls and look at what we have presently. Babestation, Studio66, Storm and 2 crappy xXpanded channels. No competition now and this is the end product, a half baked once great channel intent on its own self destruction. A long time ago it used to be Ofcom who'd put an end to a lot of the now defunct channels but I suspect their presence this time around won't be required to fire any fatal bullets as the producers of these shows are doing a grand job in hanging themselves.

04.09.2016, 16:33

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

But who can blame the programme makers when viewers are willing to pay the equivalent of £180+ an hour to watch a girl show a flash of vagina. I have often wondered how people afford to participate in these programmes, whether it be to see a pussy flash, or to have a telephone conversation, ( i use the word ''conversation'', in the loosest possible way'') I wouldn't pay that sort of money if the girl was sitting in my fucking living room.......

But it is paid by someone. How? i do not know. It is simply a mystery to me, how this money is earned. When those paying the money out seem to sit at home for most of the night with cock in hand.... Not a great preparation for anyone needing to get up early and go and earn the money that keeps the babechannels merry go round turning. But somehow they do, and im sure the babechannels are very grateful.....

04.09.2016, 16:00

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

If nothing else, pervecam as at least generated a bit of lively debate on this forum. And without a doubt this forum wanted a kick up the arse. It seemed to be dieing a death along with the programmes it was meant to follow,

01.09.2016, 16:45

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

MrMan the perve cam isn't a good idea no matter what. These shows have been reined in way too much as it is without any more forms of censorship. And that is what pervecam is, ''censorship''. Granted they have always been told what they can and can't show, but in the past they have had the balls to overstep the mark now and again.

But with the greed cam the makers of the shows themselves have become the arbiter of what we should see and what we shouldn't see. As with Alice last night, if there was going to be the slightest chance that she may have shown a mere hint of pussy, then before that happened the camera was swiftly moved away. Not moved to save themselves the wrath of ofcom, swiftly moved because now they can find mugs to pay for such privileges.

I must say i turned off the TV before long and went to bed. What once was a naughty secretive adult entertaining pastime. Is now such a bad place to find yourself in. Iv'e had enough!

01.09.2016, 01:24

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Perv cam is a great idea when used sparingly I think.

For the most part with most of the women, they have become slaves to it, not giving good sessions like they used to or can do.

I never imagined I'd ever see Ashley Emma (Yes she was nude at Elite quite a few times) of all women giving some excellent nude sessions! LOL, surprise.

Even Danni Harwood is lazier than Ashley used to be now. WTF???

Alice while showing the goods at times on slave cam, is now sitting the entire night, doing nothing.


31.08.2016, 23:28

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls wrote:I was watching last night when the transmission went off. Not a word from the people who are in charge as to why they had gone off.

To be honest I wasn't so much watching but casually flicking through the channels and then I noticed that both the TV feed and web feed were both down. Was I bothered, not really, more curious as to why it took an hour and a half for the action to resume (if you really want to call it that) Blush and yeah like you say no word of an apology or reason given. Besides the really shitty shows I've also noticed that technically Babestation has also been a shambles in recent times such as the constant flickering and random black outs. Both the production and the shows are falling apart. I'm guessing we've already seen the good times come and go and now the inevitable collapse will happen.

Last year I heard from a reliable source that the money is drying up on the shows all across the board, this might go some way as to explaining why desperate tactics are now being deployed. 10 years ago they were throwing money at the channels but in the current climate I'm led to believe that they are no way near as profitable. If the likes of Babestation and co want to be successful again then they must take customer feedback onboard as I reckon this is one of the main reasons as to why economically they are now struggling.

31.08.2016, 14:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

The people who produce these shows IMO aren't professional tv people, they are just chancers who have jumped on a bandwagon that will make them a few quid. So why people expect to be entertained with professionalism is beyond me. But the sad thing is, some people are entertained by this tripe and night after night join in by phoning very average looking girls. Who, have decided that if they don't contribute to perve cam as well as paying £1.50 per min, or whatever it is, then they can have a less than intelligent chat as long as its just the head and shoulders and no more. But this is the crazy part, the callers are happy with that.

I was watching last night when the transmission went off. Not a word from the people who are in charge as to why they had gone off. Anything would have been better than the loop they played. Even if they had lied. Because that would have been an acknowledgement to the people who watch these shows, but by not keeping people in the know just shows what they think of their supporters.

But having been treated like something unpleasant on the bottom of the programme makers shoes. The gullible will keep returning night after night. And that is exactly why these chancers love to be chancers and love to feed this shit day and night.

30.08.2016, 22:53

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:Scottishbloke and quiquems have been providing video clips from Babestation for years now, and guaranteed there would occasionally be some good shows amidst the tame dross.

Firstly thank you for the compliment, I try my best but I've only really been uploading videos for a few years, quiquems has certainly been doing it twice as long as I have Thumb up but I'd also like to pay respects to all the members who are either currently contributing to the Threads or have done so in the past as it is a long list of members and I don't want to try and list every single member who has made a contribution at some point along the line because inevitably I'll probably make an error of judgement and forget to mention a few so I'd just like to say a collective thanks to all Big Grin

Right now that I've got the opening paragraph out of the way and I cannot speak on behalf of any of the current uploaders but in the last month I've either recorded a session then played it back and instantly deleted it or stopped the recording completely down to the lack of quality being aired. It's certainly extremely frustrating as Babestation has a very decent line up of ladies (well on paper certainly) but if the production level just isn't there I simply cannot bring myself into uploading a show just for the sake of it. The videos will unfortunately dry up and that's a real shame but personally I'd rather wait until it picks up before resuming the mass posting, as I said in a previous post I'll still post the odd session here and there but its getting more and more rare as each night pass's by.

Tonight we have a line up of Alice Goodwin, Beth, Madison Rose, Olivia Berzinc, Kimberley Jenner & Preeti Young which a few years ago would have most certainly guaranteed probably a few good 2 for 1's, perhaps a few shower sets and some handthong but that was then and this is now. I expect shite and anything else better than that will be a bonus for me.
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