Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 rating(s))

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09.03.2016, 17:14

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Where's Alice gone? Singapore is it to keep an eye on her man. Surely he wouldn't do anything un-toward would he? Or would he, after all he used to be a footballer didn't he?

29.02.2016, 18:30

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

totally agree about the cameraman filming them from the waist up even when the girls are naked. that' what annoys me most about Babestation. In the past the shows were fantastic showing lots of naked girls in lots of positions.for goodness sake you Babestation production team please bring the old days back with decent babes like Jada, Geri, Adele, Morgan, Gina and Felicity Hill. the only babes worth watching are Kerrie Lee and Lori at the moment.

24.02.2016, 17:02

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

AniseedBalls you might wish to watch the unleashed webshows instead, once they are finished I more or less fuck off to my bed unless Lori, Jenna, or Kerrie are on, last night was a very easy decision for me to make, the show was boring so I switched off and got some sleep Smile

Its the same with all the channels now on the telly, the webshows are the only ones that still maintain my interest. Babestation just like the rest of them have had their moment and like all good things they have to end at some point, perhaps the novelty factor too of having these channels at my beckoning call have finally worn off. When I first noticed them back in 2004 which was the year I got SKY installed l was like Wow..............Smile Now I'm like whatever, if its good its good if its not I no longer give a shit.

On the other forum I used to post relentlessly on the damning facts about ofcom and how they have sucked all the life out of the babe channels but it got me nowhere, it was as always just letting off a bit of steam. Another thing you would have noticed AniseedBalls since joining this forum is that this is nothing like the UKBC, whereas over there you'll get post after post and debates and spats lasting for hours on end on this forum you'll get nothing of the sort.

Also most members on this forum are only really interested in discussing the merits of ETV, very very few members will be willing to step outside of their own zones, I'm the exception to this rule but the majority of members aren't remotely interesting interested in stepping over that line, on a positive note I am happy to see a bit more interaction on the UK Threads than compared to last year when the only Threads which were being posted on were the Caps and videos ones.

Now with regards to Alice she's never delivered the type of performance that has ever done anything remotely interesting as far as I'm concerned, a very attractive girl but I look upon her in the same way that I would with an oil painting, that all said and done I welcome your comments nonetheless even though we tend to sing from different hymn sheets but as I said this forum isn't the UKBC so don't be expecting a massive debate to now take place as sadly you'll be left disappointed. You'll get plenty of debates on the ETV Threads as I said but very little elsewhere Cool

24.02.2016, 16:27

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I happen to think Alice Goodwin is by far the best looking girl on any of the babestations, But by far the most infuriating with her same old, same old. routines and never changing costumes. But last night she came to our screens saying the same old things but with a bit more meaning. What a fucking disappointment this girl is. Just the same as ever is what we got, For a brief moment at the beginning of her first stint, it did look like she meant business but the production staff soon put paid to that. As soon as she started to tease by pulling her panties down a little. The camera went to above the waist, and that was fucking that. Show over!

Only one thing for it. Turn the shite off and watch something else, so that is what I did. And what I do often these days. As I have said many times before, The noose hasn't been tied that tight by ofcom. It's the fucking programme makers who are strangling the fucking life out of the adult channels.

18.02.2016, 03:18

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Morgan was the first ever babe i saw on the babeshows when i started watching them in 2007 and i agree she still looks exactly the same now

16.02.2016, 09:46

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I must admit its very frustrating seeing the stunning Morgan Preece only doing Babestation dayshows, not even the webshows Sad

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Morgan used to be one of my favourites when she was doing the nightshows 10 years ago and she honestly hasn't aged a day, oh how I'd love to see that beauty unwrapped in all her natural glory Tongue

27.01.2016, 15:45

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Digital, isn't it supposed to produce a great picture quality. Then why is the picture quality on my tv ''shite'', when i watch babestation, Why do the models have so-call simulated sex with arses pumping up and down, when all it does in reality is send a shock wave of horizontal lines flooding across my tv screen, as it did last night when Sophie Hart was doing her show. Putting her directly in front of a venetian blind doesn't help matters, but hey what the fuck do I know about technical things like that.

It's just that it seems to be much better quality picture coming from a Myfreecams bedroom in Bucharest than it does coming from a professional studio in London. How can that be I wonder? Maybe they have better quality venetian blinds over there .

25.01.2016, 01:30

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Cheers Andy tonight the stream seems to be back to normal however but thanks for the information. I shall give that a try next time I find the stream in a bit of a pickle as to say Big GrinThumb up

25.01.2016, 00:54

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:Unfortunately I was unable to upload anything from BS1 last night and the same appears to also likely be the case tonight, there appears to be a timing issue, I can record the stream and play it back and view it ok once the recording is finished on my own laptop, however uploading is an entirely different story as all I get is the same frame. I tried to upload a few sessions from that stream but to no avail.

[hidden link - please register]

As you can see on the right hand corner the timer is away to fuck, until this is fixed at there end then I'll be unable to upload anything from stream 1 Sad


Try using FLV_Extract, and copy the audio and video files to mkvtoolnix, that should fix the timer problem

24.01.2016, 20:32

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Unfortunately I was unable to upload anything from BS1 last night and the same appears to also likely be the case tonight, there appears to be a timing issue, I can record the stream and play it back and view it ok once the recording is finished on my own laptop, however uploading is an entirely different story as all I get is the same frame. I tried to upload a few sessions from that stream but to no avail.

[hidden link - please register]

As you can see on the right hand corner the timer is away to fuck, until this is fixed at there end then I'll be unable to upload anything from stream 1 Sad

10.01.2016, 19:40

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Compared to what else is on offer on the web, these babechannels are so tame and restricted, That maybe so, but people still want to watch, And the reason they watch is because they used to see rules broken. A little slip there, a little flash here. But sadly the way these girls are able stay naked for hours on end and not show anything they are not supposed to, is a wonder in itself. Between the girls and the camera operators, censorship as got so good that for me they have knocked the stuffing out of these shows.

I for one don't believe for one minute that Ofcom are totally responsible for this rigorous censorship. These shows could be much more appealing if the makers loosened up with their controls. And it could happen if it wasn't for other agenda.

09.01.2016, 04:32

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Bit of a 2-4-1 going on right now between Jenna and Lynda, its probably the most interaction i've seen for about a year on BS, why is this happening at 3am though? i'd rather watch Jenna do a 2-4-1 with another babe but Lynda does look good for her age

09.01.2016, 03:45

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

It's been a while since I last passed comment on this channel but the quality between this channel and rest is light years, despite all its flaws Babestation actually understands the concept of a nightshow and I have to say that tonight has been excellent Big GrinThumb up

Exceptional performances from Lori, Jenna and Pretti with Jenna just edging it as my babe of the night Tongue Well done Babestation, praise when its due I think Big GrinThumb up

28.12.2015, 17:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

In my opinion the best and sexiest girl on any channel if she was allowed to be, would be Alice Goodwin. Why are full length shots of her always in short supply. Is it that Alice will show more than she should if given the chance? She does have roaming fingers that lend themselves to sexy pantie play. And you can feel the nerves jangling of the camera operator, as he/she plays safe and pulls the shot to safety

Newcomers to these channels will not remember the competition that Alice and Danica used to play out every week. or when Danica didn't pull a sicky as she often did. Followers would compere the two of them. and their post boxes would be brim full. When Danica left the shows she had had almost three million responses. With Alice not far behind. Competition we could do with today.

But I do wish Alice would lose the stockings more often, She is a gorgeous girl with a stunning figure, a figure i would prefer with the least clothes as possible

24.12.2015, 10:49

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

In all honesty, could there really be a worse job than being a babe channel babe? It takes a particular sort of girl to choose this as a career. And to think lots of this current group of girls have been doing it for year after year. They may earn decent money, but spend it on tits and tats. So put your tits away girls and get a proper job, would be my advice.
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