Curious things that I like

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25.07.2014, 18:05

Re: Curious things that I like

This is the Castle of Peñíscola, Castellón (Spain).
Here are two great films were made.
El Cid (1961) by Anthony Mann, with Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren.
Calabuch (1956) by Luis García Berlanga, with Edmund Gwenn and Valentina Cortese.
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25.07.2014, 18:04

Re: Curious things that I like

guys, few photos from our recent rain and storms!!
best wishesSadSad
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25.07.2014, 17:12

Re: Curious things that I like

Hi Guys, Southend pier trains
The longest pier in the World was opened in late 1840's
A Horse drawn tramway took the visitors the 2km to the
different venues at the end!! Electric motion took over
as it still is today!! Cheers!!!SmileSmile
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25.07.2014, 16:57

Re: Curious things that I like

Mont Saint-Michel in France.

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And Mont Saint-Michel in France during low tide.
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25.07.2014, 16:28

Re: Curious things that I like

Hey Guy..... Trams in London 1952
Horse drawn trams first intrduced in 1860
followed by the power being obtained from
overhead cables,power being tranferred via
a pole sending the power to the motors 1952
saw the last tram in London ,but now of course
there is a new generation on the streets!! Cheers my friendsSmileSmile
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25.07.2014, 10:29

Re: Curious things that I like

Hey Guys, Rye Museum Sussex UK
housed in a fully renovated 14th century medieval tower,
included the exibits is a skeleton in a cage!! there are
the old jail cells below!! CheersSmileSmile
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25.07.2014, 07:54

Re: Curious things that I like

hey guys Eurostar passenger train
From St Pancras station London to Europe
via Channel Tunnel Paris, brussels,down to the
French Alps! soon Amsterdam as well!! best regards!SmileSmile
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25.07.2014, 07:42

Re: Curious things that I like

Hey Friends, Deal Castle SE kent
16th century coastal artillary fort built
by Henry V111 thought to be one of the
finest Tudor castles. Regards guysSmileSmile
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25.07.2014, 07:34

Re: Curious things that I like

Morning guys, Power station nuclear waste train
The flasks are brought to the railhead( about 1km)
by special transport loaded onto the train using the
gantry, and sent to Cumbria NE Coast for dispersal
Cheers GuysSmileSmile
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24.07.2014, 20:43

Re: Curious things that I like

Angkor Wat was first a Hindu, then subsequently a Buddhist, temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world. The temple was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in Yaśodharapura the capital of the Khmer Empire, as his state temple and eventual mausoleum. Breaking from the Shaiva tradition of previous kings, Angkor Wat was instead dedicated to Vishnu.

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24.07.2014, 20:28

Re: Curious things that I like

Hey guys, few photos of the trains at
my beloved Dungeness Cheers!Smile
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24.07.2014, 17:51

Re: Curious things that I like

Hey Fiends. A small but well appointed Museum in my town Lydd
Open during the School vacations or if you ask them!! lots of items
of local history, in a small place!! and of course our old fire fighting
machine!! best regards!!SmileSmile
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24.07.2014, 15:04

Re: Curious things that I like

hey guys, Anderton boat lift
the lift is called "A two Caisson Lift lock"
located at Anderton ,Cheshire NW UK
It has 20mtr vertical lift between two
canals the river Weaver and Trent and Mersey
canal Cheers my friends!!SmileSmile
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24.07.2014, 09:58

Re: Curious things that I like

Hello Friends, Greenline Buses
A trip on one of these, as a lad, was magic!!
from London to the country!! many different locations
to choose from!! A fantastic day out!! best regardsSmileSmile
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24.07.2014, 09:31

Re: Curious things that I like

Hi Guys, Ford Dagenham Ferry Kent-Essex
the ferry crossed the Thames between Gravesend (Kent)
to the Ford motor car plant in Dagenham(Essex) the car plant
is now long gone but memories linger!! Cheers GuysSmileSmile
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