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Good morning, dear members!
First of all I apologize to you all, because this post is going to be very long. Anyway I hope it will be not so stupid, so that you can forgive me. I'm not a "teacher", I've nothing to teach anybody, but I always hated "ignorance". Censorship (and all that is connected to censorship) is the subject, and I think we need an appropriate thread to discuss it, because too many times we speak about the low quality of the shows, blaming censorship for this. So I spent some days in studying the new EU rules about censorship, pornography, ecc ... and this is what I understood. Surely you will find these conclusions very surprising, because you can see that it's possible for a channel to air a very good content without risks and, at the same time, to air a crap and extra-censored content but risking much more. Unfortunately ETV seems to love "ignorance and money for nothing", following the second way. 1) New Eu laws: [hidden link - please register] What's the problem in poor words ? - ETV has an Austrian license ----> Austrian law. - New EU law tells that, even if ETV is not in conflict with Austrian laws, it could be in conflict with other EU members having jurisdiction (Italy, Germany, etc...) Let's focus our attention on these points: Art. 3(2)(a) ----> art. 27 (1,2,3). Art.27 (2,3) should be ok thanks to the time-restrictions of the "hot content" (23:00 - 04:00) Art 27 (1) depends on the definition of "Pornography". This is the main point. 2) Definition of Pornography. It seems to be a "mistery" about this definition, but if we look carefully we can have an accurate internationally accepted definition: [hidden link - please register] Art.2©: <<< Child pornography means any representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes.>>> So we can desume the definition of "pornography": <<< any representation, by whatever means, of a person engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a person for primarily sexual purposes. >>> We can see that the definition of Pornography is connected to the definition of "sexual activity". Now we need to define "sexual activity" ---> "sexual act": I can say what happens in Italy and, to be sure, I consider the most restricted definition, which is the one given by supreme court entitled to quash a judgement in some sentences about sexual violence: Sexual Acts: a) Acts involving genitals b) Acts involving erogenous zones. Erogenous zones are those ones stimulating a sexual instict. Sexual acts involving erogenous zones con consist in touching these zones, but these acts have to show these features: I) remarkable intensity II) remarkable duration III) They must provoke an excitement in a "normal person". 3) Considerations: When acts on genitals are not involved, we can't speak about "Pornography" without proving a remarkable intensity and duration and without proving the excitement in a "normal person". With the typical cuts always performed by ETV, proving the contrary would be so difficult that only a crazy could think to take a legal action against ETV for this reason. So it's nearly impossible that Italy (in this case), as a EU members having jurisdiction, could object something about this. So: no "sexual acts" ---> no "Pornography" ---> no problem. Just some examples according to my interpretation: - Allowed (according to the rule to be not so long): [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register][hidden link - please register] - Not allowed (because involving an action on genitals) [hidden link - please register] (I'm not an expert about EliteTv, but probably this is the reason for which they don't show these scenes anymore (as far as I've read) 4) The problem is another and it's called "smss, vipsmss,..." [hidden link - please register] In poor words we have "prostitution": 1) When we have "sexual acts" among persons who are in the same place in exchange of money or some other benefits. 2) when we have a behaviour having the aim to provoke sexual instincts, in exchange of requests and money or benefits, even when the interaction is without physical contact. According to me this is the real problem! Even something like this: [hidden link - please register] could be interpreted as "prostitution", because we see: I) who pays II) a direct connection between a request in exchange of money and a performance which could provoke sexual instincts (for example in fetichists). Hence my conclusion: Nowadays we have unwatchable nightshows, but Etv risks much more than during some unforgettable nightshows of 2006 with Jaya & C (without smss). The reason is simple: vipsmss on screen and plasma, girls' answers at the microphone with promises to fulfill the requests, their advertisments for "Gold Members", etc... are the only secure way to have "problems" in EU. 5) Conclusions: what ETV should do According to this view, ETV's way is completely wrong. They should think about: - Removal of SMSs and Gold Members services. - Removal of girls' promises at the micro - Return of 2006 style during the nightshows (so that they can have a larger number of calls, earning the money they lose because of the removal of smss). - Instructions to the models: they can speak about everything with their customers at the phone, but they must tell them that they have to accept what girls decide to perform, which must be so satisfying to entertain the customer even if he has no possibility to decide what to ask for. Girls knows very well what customers like. If a customer asks for something and the girl wants to fulfill his wish she should do it in a delayed time (at least 20/30 minutes), so that none can prove that her act is to satisfy the caller's request. --------- I repeat, I'm not a "teacher", it's only my interpretation, knowing Italy. It would be interesting to read something similar from Germany and other Eu countries.Feel free to give your own contribution here. Thanks to everyone who gave me something to read about this subject. Thanks in advance to further contributors and sorry again for the "book" I wrote. |
Lets try to understand how "The Lover's Guide" can be shown on FTA channels but the babes are so limited on what they can do, this was on Body in Balance UK Sky 275 40mins ago.
90.71MB [hidden link - please register] or [hidden link - please register] [hidden link - please register] Btw thanks to eccles for the heads up it was on ![]() Educational maybe but it does not explain why channels in the adult section of the EPG can't be a little stronger. |
Post: #60 Last edited: 04.01.2012, 17:02 04.01.2012, 16:55 Re: Censorship: let's try to understand something more.
The last actions performed by Ofcom ( 20.12.2011):
[hidden link - please register] Here a little resume will follow. At the end (CONSIDERATIONS) we can understand what Ofcom allows and what Ofcom forbids after 22:00 ( 23:00 – 04:00 in ETVland) Breaches of BCAP Code Rule 4.2 8. Rule 4.2: “Advertisements must not cause serious or widespread offence against generally accepted moral, social or cultural standards.” 9. The 18 July Finding highlighted a number of examples of broadcast material that were clearly inconsistent with the Chat Service Guidance, such as: • extremely prolonged and close up images of the genital area; • bunching of underwear to simulate masturbation; • pouring oil and white cream onto, and massaging it into, the buttocks, anal area and genital area; and • presenters wearing clothing that did not adequately cover their genital and anal area. 10. Ofcom noted that in conjunction with those images the presenters performed various other actions including: opening their legs wide to camera; stroking their bodies; thrusting their buttocks; massaging oil into their breasts; and miming sexual intercourse. The combination of these images and action resulted in prolonged and frequent scenes of a strong sexual nature. Ofcom was also concerned at the degree of offence likely to be caused to viewers who might come across this material unawares. Additionally, Ofcom considered this material should not have been broadcast without mandatory restricted access. 11. Ofcom therefore recorded in the 18 July Finding the following breaches of Rule 4.2 of the BCAP Code: Office Girls, Sport XXX Girls, 5 April 2011, 22:00 40+ Readers Wives, Essex Babes, 5 April 2011, 22:00 to 23:00 Office Girls, Sport XXX Girls, 6 April 2011, 22:00 to 23:00 40+ Readers Wives, Essex Babes, 7 April 2010, 22:00 to 23:00 Sport XXX1, Northern Birds, 8 April 2011, 22:00 to 00:00 Sport XXX1, Northern Birds, 10 April 2011, 22:00 to 00:00 Office Girls, SportXXX Girls, 10 April 2011, 21:00 to 22:00 40+ Readers Wives, Essex Babes, 10 April 2011, 22:00 to 23:00 Office Girls, SportXXX Girls, 13 April 2011, 21:00 to 22:00 Office Girls, Sport XXX Girls, 14 April 2011, 00:00 to 01:00 Seriousness and repeated nature of the Breaches Breaches of BCAP Rule 4.2 41. Ofcom considered that all of the breaches of Rules 4.2 were of a sufficiently serious nature as to warrant the imposition of a statutory sanction. The images were strongly sexual, focusing on sexual anatomy and included manipulation of labia by clothing and the use of fluids to further sexualise the imagery. 42. In respect of the material shown after 22:00, the transmissions of 6 April 2011 (Office Girls, SportXXXGirls, 22:00–23:00), 7 April 2011 (40+ Readers Wives, Essex Babes, 22:00–23:00) and 8 April 2011 (Sportxxx1, Northern Birds, 22:00–00:00), were in Ofcom‟s view the most serious. Each of these broadcasts contained close up, detailed and prolonged shots of vulval and anal areas. 43. In the broadcast of 6 April 2011, the principal focus of much of the material was the genital and anal area of the presenter. The presenter waved her rear for long sequences at the camera, her buttocks coated with clear fluid, drawing attention to the heavily sexualised display of the genital region. Other sequences contained prolonged very close up shots of the crotch, the labia covered only in the middle, and the surrounding skin coated with fluid. The thin fabric strip was used as a device to manipulate the labia. 44. In the broadcast of 7 April 2011, the presenter‟s vagina and labia were covered only by a thin strip of material. Close up shots of the presenter‟s rear placed emphasis on the vaginal area; the presenter also rubbed at the labia, mimicking masturbation. Frontal close ups of the presenter‟s vulva showed the material being bunched and pulled up and down; a liquid – saliva or oil – was used around the vagina and mons pubis to further emphasise the sexual anatomy. 45. In the broadcast of 8 April 2011, in addition to the strong emphasis on the presenter‟s barely covered vagina – principally through extended close ups – white cream was used to heighten the effect of the stress on sexual anatomy. This cream resembled seminal fluid and in one shot was seen dripping around the presenter‟s anus and perineum. In many shots the presenter rubbed or stroked her vulval and anal areas so further emphasising, and sexualising, the explicit imagery. -------------------------- CONSIDERATIONS (content aired after 22:00) Forbidden: - Detailed and prolonged views of genitals - Insistent rubbing and stroking of genitals, manipulation of labia by clothing, mimicking self-masturbation. - Use of liquids or white cream to simulate male or female liquids Analyzed and not punished: - Opening their legs wide to camera; stroking their bodies; thrusting their buttocks; massaging oil into their breasts; and miming sexual intercourse (these actions are punished only when combined with the forbidden content listed above). In few words another demonstration that Ofcom (greatest censor all over Europe) has: 1) No problem with Marcel and his ballons to ride ![]() 2) No problems with cream or fluid if they aren’t used to simulate ejaculation. 3) No problem with "aircocks ![]() |
Post: #59 Last edited: 03.01.2012, 11:26 03.01.2012, 11:23 Re: Censorship: let's try to understand something more.
Here we are: 2012 has come.
New rules in ETVland: 1) No riding of ballons 2) No use of cream I've no more words about this channel ![]() We know, Ofcom is the strictest censor all over Europe (please,if you can, remember to give your contribution here: [hidden link - please register] . But these further restrictions applied on ETV can be seen nowhere. In fact, according Ofcom guidelines: •at no time broadcast images of any real or simulated sex acts (these include vaginal or anal intercourse, masturbation, fellatio or cunnilingus); •at no time include shots of presenters spitting onto their or others‟ bodies, or include shots of presenters using other liquids, such as oil and lotions, on their genital or anal areas. •at no time broadcast shots of presenters using liquids of a sort or in a way which suggests the liquid is ejaculate; Now: 1- Riding ballons is not a simulated sex act (because a simulated intercourse needs the presence of 2 features who have to simulate the main protagonists: a ballon can't be a protagonist) 2- Cream is neither a liquid nor a lotion 3- Ofcom forbids the use of liquids only when used on genitals and anal parts, or when used in a way which suggests the liquid is ejaculate. Conclusions: Once again we are worried about Ofcom, but we see that ETV new rules are even stricter. My question (once again): where can we find these new guidelines imposed to ETV? - Molvanian laws written in the sky? - New RTR guidelines written nowhere? or... - some other self-rule invented in ETVland ![]() |
Post: #58 Last edited: 18.10.2011, 10:36 18.10.2011, 10:05 Re: Censorship: let's try to understand something more.
Sorry Hilbert, my poor German doesn't allow me to help you.
But I'd like to say something more: In a previous post of mine I spoke about Ofcom. Ofcom is the government approved regulatory authority for the broadcasting and telecommunications industries in the United Kingdom. This is what Ofcom can do about "programs complaints": As the regulatory body for media broadcasts, part of Ofcom's duties are to examine specific complaints by viewers or listeners about programmes broadcast on channels that it has licensed. It does not oversee unlicensed channels broadcast to UK viewers. When Ofcom receives a complaint, it asks the broadcaster for a copy of the programme, it then examines the programme content to see if it is in breach of the broadcasting code. Ofcom requests response from the broadcaster to the complaint. On the basis of this response, Ofcom will mark the complaint as either "upheld" or "not upheld", or alternatively simply "resolved". During the last months Ofcom's rules became stricter and it has been created a "guideline" (you can read in my previous post: 18.08.2011, 19:04 [hidden link - please register] ) We know that ETV, for example, is not licensed in UK. So, at the moment, Ofcom has no direct power on ETV. Otherwise even these stories about Jane, Joanna and some vipsmss would be against the "Ofcom guideline". My fear is that Ofcom-guideline can draw the line for other Eu regulatory authority, like RTR for example. At that point, it would be another "punch" against the content of Liveshow Channels. For this reason I ask all the UK residents or British expats to subscribe the e-petition you can find here: [hidden link - please register] Come on friends! It's not only against the censorship of content of the Liveshows Channels, it's something against the censorship of our freedom and the hypocrisy of people who don't find a better way to wash their dirty souls. Many thanks!!! |
I hate any kind of incomprehensible censorship, otherwise our poor lives becomes really impossible.
But I think that the correct approach to the problem should be: to be careful to a correct interpretation of national and international laws (no expressions about violence, racism, nazism,...etc). [hidden link - please register] art. 6,9,10,11,27 The same word could have different meanings depending on the way it's used. So I think that censorship via software is a "stupid" kind of censorship. My personal view: - ETV pays too much attention to the stupid aspects (according to me words like "pussy", "mushi", "abspritzen" or "cum" have no problems during the nightshow). - ETV should pay much more attention to the aspects previously told by Tari. |
Tarl_Cabot wrote:I have no idea if the censorship of the sent VIPs is made by a software or by the german Mod. A manual censorship would explain the differences between the shows when different Mods are working. Of course the german Mods know the german language but also exist some differences in their skills and so that censorship could be explained also sometimes by a missing knowledge of the german language. That is because you have to dictate them what you want to appear on the plasma, and most of the time they cut words and such, or write it with a lot of mistakes. That is also a reason why I'll send a SMS when and only when I'll be able to do that from the site, without having to dictate anything. |
Tarl_Cabot wrote:I have no idea if the censorship of the sent VIPs is made by a software or by the german Mod. A manual censorship would explain the differences between the shows when different Mods are working. Of course the german Mods know the german language but also exist some differences in their skills and so that censorship could be explained also sometimes by a missing knowledge of the german language. both a wordfilter is applied and the mod is supposed to filter what the filter missed |
Chris26 wrote:What about yesterday? I have no idea if the censorship of the sent VIPs is made by a software or by the german Mod. A manual censorship would explain the differences between the shows when different Mods are working. Of course the german Mods know the german language but also exist some differences in their skills and so that censorship could be explained also sometimes by a missing knowledge of the german language. As I have learnt are the italian Mods are doing anyway just what they want. So hard to understand and even harder to explain what they do or don't do. ![]() |
What about yesterday?
"Jane I want to cum all over your sexy face" et cetera. And they censor "future"? |
tarl_cabot wrote:often it's hard to understand which words are censored and why. you sent a VIP and you see some *** in the middle of a word and you don't have any idea why. it's often because a part of the world is also included in a sexual word and so are even parts censored. often it's just a good laugh or should be seen as a kind of funny puzzle for the viewers. one moment later you see one of these endless abspritzen and you just think Angry Angry Angry why me and not that bullshit? Hi Tarl can tell about another interesting example. Always when my VIP contained JU (the super modi i mean) and I have sent it from Gold-Website it was deleted. Not replaced through "***" or so, completely removed and missed in the message. I don't know a word it is suspect in direction toward the meaning like and starts with this both letters. Someone from another country sent also a VIP via Website and we could see JU on plasma. We both wrote in the same language and sent it to the same moderator. When I sent a message via mobile phone nothing was changed it appeared like written. It's really a mystery or a part of the laws of Murphy. Greetings |
Chris26 wrote:But it doesn't make any sense! As an old member you should know ETV and making sense is a lost-lost situation! ![]() Like T_C was writing some posts ago. |
The_Feeling wrote:One thing left to say..... and btw. sorry to trespass against the forum rules But it doesn't make any sense! The mechanism should trigger only in the event someone writes, for example, "fuckre", not "future". |
Post: #49 Last edited: 14.10.2011, 23:43 14.10.2011, 23:10 Re: Censorship: let's try to understand something more.
One thing left to say..... and btw. sorry to trespass against the forum rules
vappiano68 wrote:"I wish you all the best for your fu**re" The answer vappo is fu... software for fuck or fucked,fucking,fuckup,fuckwit ..... so they censored it! like here [hidden link - please register] |