Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

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12.02.2011, 20:25

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

gudiwie wrote:I have noticed that Scarlet very often changes her sexy underwear
in her shows Tongue
Simply great
I believe this makes only Scarlet

Has to keep the ebay shop well stocked ... Tongue

12.02.2011, 19:32

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I have noticed that Scarlet very often changes her sexy underwear
in her shows Tongue
Simply great
I believe this makes only Scarlet

12.02.2011, 19:18

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

JBGOOD wrote:Julia as Director, bad music, everithing against her usual way of performing...And of course the usual bad camerawork for Scarlet.

yes, the reason she's alone without her gang .Smile

12.02.2011, 14:07

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Yes, this show of Scarlet was unexpected,
but what has ETV made with this surprise ....... Cry

@ rialpka Merci pour votre note

12.02.2011, 12:59

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

rialpka wrote: The Surprise expected below was well there ...

it was really a surpise, but not a nice surprise to see her in the night show, in this night show, because this was the show she had not to be in! Julia as Director, bad music, everithing against her usual way of performing...And of course the usual bad camerawork for Scarlet.

But this is Scarlet, nothing new: somethimes explosive shows, sometime ...this kind of show.

Anyway it was nice to see her againg, with her smile. To me she looks more and more like the young Scarlet of late 2009.

12.02.2011, 10:48

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

The Surprise expected below was well there and I hope that her fans were able to see the show.
I shall qualify it usually so Scarlet was very, very badly filmed all night long; with sometimes sequences of three seconds!!!!
Not need I think of specifying more each could see .
She was there, happy and smiling it is good to see Scarlet so.

11.02.2011, 23:57

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Scarlet looking very nice tonight, back up to her fighting weight of
last year, which is nice Tongue

11.02.2011, 22:30

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

outside wrote:In depends on Shamus old school studio lights (same lights that made appear Tessa and Brianna green-haired): honey blonde or redhead?

Gia and Kally with blue hair, also nice Big Grin

11.02.2011, 22:23

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

before the show I was happy that Gia is in the nightshow, now I'm more happy that Scarlet is in the nightshow Confused...Big Grin

11.02.2011, 22:22

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

In depends on Shamus old school studio lights (same lights that made appear Tessa and Brianna green-haired): honey blonde or redhead?

08.02.2011, 12:30

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Yesterday the good observers were able to note that the QUEEN was called during the five hours of the show, make the account, you add the SMS and you notice that this queen is a treasure for ETV. She was the same during her own show but yesterday it was Randa show.

So for the fans of SCARLET are not victims I take the risk of telling them to be attentive to a possible surprise.
I understand badly English, but I grew to hear:
Rendez-vous dans trois jours.
A bon entendeur salut.

07.02.2011, 22:13

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Well, which soft fruit is she now?
A raspberry?
Anyway sweet and juicy.
P.S. When this topic was closed she had her 2nd ETV anniversary.
So congratulation sweetie.

07.02.2011, 19:54

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Great show Monday night. Perhaps not the hottest she has made but it was great to learn that Scarlet now have overcome her emotional problems. I’m looking forward to see what the future will bring, there hasn’t been a performer like her since the start of ETV.

01.02.2011, 19:48

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

robert wrote:@ luca82
How wise (I'm sarcastic) to see through all the evidence presented on screen and to choose to mock the words of a 20 year old girl (and many other members of this forum).

18 years old...19 years old...20 years old...that which you call evidence is only the behaviour of a girl which job is based on the teasing of the viewer; and she is very able.

Therefore I repeat that she is a good actress, and this is a compliment with reference to her job.

Robert, compliment (I'm sarcastic) for your ingenuity.

01.02.2011, 15:26

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Thank Scarlet.
By the show of yesterday night i hope she stopped all arguments
Hoping that she will receive only fine mssg and phone call , her beautiful face and smile can't be offended.
again thanks thanks