Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

4.18 (131 Bewertung(en))

(4.18 / 5, 131 Bewertungen)

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24.02.2011, 21:21

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

outside wrote:She looks like a peach today, wonderful.
Thumb up

slowly I start to worry about you ... sure you're not into fruit fetishism?

24.02.2011, 16:08

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

She looks like a peach today, wonderful.
Thumb up

21.02.2011, 19:12

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

klemi wrote:...That time she was awesome, showing pussy even full frontal
And THAT'S ALL you want?
I have no words..I only pity you.

A girl is a girl and a woman is a woman and a lady is a lady and those gorgeous female creatures DO have a whole body and not only a tiny part of it.

btw..I never saw a pussy. Only a shaved skinned pubic bone

21.02.2011, 17:55

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

@Slowfox, Klemi

I think that it is not possible to let say that there is an agreement for cuts, while SCARLET was the first victim and we sometimes all saw her tears on this subject because her work was sabotaged by these damned cuts about which we enough spoke here.

Many things took place since March 2010 in and out ETV . It is true, as we can see it that today SCARLET stopped fighting, she accepts this state of thing and made as the others while she showed us in past what she was capable and all her difference what made her unique "numéros".

Do not forget that SCARLET's talent is not measured by the surface of the skin which she shows, but by the way which she has to show it, by the feelings of seduction and desire that she makes pass , by movements of her body and expressions of her magnetic face.

Yes SCARLET gave us many many beautiful things and for it although she made today we must have a single thought to her; to say a huge thank you and be thankful and happy that she is still on our screens.

ETV prefers uniform shows, if a head overtakes it is necessary to cut it; so boredom so often mentioned here by many viewers because I repeat it:

" The boredom was born one day from the uniformity "

21.02.2011, 11:00

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I agree there must surely be an agreement with directors because after her comeback she is not the same. Yesterday because of a miserable nightshow again I checked some of my archives of her from March 2010...That time she was awesome, showing pussy even full frontal, she performs horrible, as almost all models...I really guess why etv has such poor programm in begin of 2011. Scarlet is not an exception. If you get bored check some archives from March 2010 as I did yesterday.

20.02.2011, 16:59

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

The only ranking which counts for ETV is money and from this point of view SCARLET is a real treasure.
From the beginning to the end of the show she is occupied to the phone and the one who receives most SMS.
Even the other models recognizes it and say it to you with a little tinge of jealousy " everybody wants to speak to SCARLET... "

The real criterion of the fame is there and it is worth all the other rankings.

20.02.2011, 16:36

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I'm very happy every time, when I see her in the show. Scarlet's Aura is unbelievable and
for me she is the most beautiful and friendly girl in ETV and of course the Dancing Queen.

When I came home yesterday, I was in good hope to see her again in the show. Now I wait for Gia's show on monday to see Scarlet. Thanks to Gia, that she invited her. I think it will be a very nice show.Thumb up

Scarlet you are forever in my heart with the biggest place there!Heart

20.02.2011, 13:34

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Michael_N wrote:@zorgaux
That is so and not so. Let's be honest. The viewers (ie we) have not forgiven her temporary transition to a soft model, despite her explanation. They (ie we) do not wish to return her on the first place in the ranking. It seems she hasn't changed, but there has changed a lot our attitude to her. Now we have new Queens. Unfortunately it's reality.

I doubt that the viewers and the forum members are the same. I doubt that the No.1 of our ranking is always the money / callers queen of etv, too.

Okay, let's replace the viewers on the members of the forum. The idea is not changed.

20.02.2011, 13:09

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Michael_N wrote:@zorgaux
That is so and not so. Let's be honest. The viewers (ie we) have not forgiven her temporary transition to a soft model, despite her explanation. They (ie we) do not wish to return her on the first place in the ranking. It seems she hasn't changed, but there has changed a lot our attitude to her. Now we have new Queens. Unfortunately it's reality.

I doubt that the viewers and the forum members are the same. I doubt that the No.1 of our ranking is always the money / callers queen of etv, too.

20.02.2011, 13:07

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

That is so and not so. Let's be honest. The viewers (ie we) have not forgiven her temporary transition to a soft model, despite her explanation. They (ie we) do not wish to return her on the first place in the ranking. It seems she hasn't changed, but there has changed a lot our attitude to her. Now we have new Queens. Unfortunately it's reality.

19.02.2011, 20:03

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat


thank you my friend!
now I know who was the funny guy and so I can understand the behaviour of Scarlet.
but even if the show is bad, her way of staying on the screen is always nice

For monday I trust you : just wonder how it will be

19.02.2011, 19:42

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

JBGOOD wrote:One year ago, after her show these pages were full of comments.
Times have changed…
Hans show was nul, zero, because the girls were too numerous.
But the expressions of SCARLET's face always remain so meaning and unique, and JB we shall see again them next Monday . Be sure.

19.02.2011, 19:07

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

One year ago, after her show these pages were full of comments.
Times have changed…
I found last night show very poor Is it because of the models? The regie? the new studio?
Nothing special even from Scarlet.
We only get the confirmation she likes to stay in front of the camera: she knows how to stay in front of the camera. But unfortunatelly the guys behind the cameras are sometime …funny , as well as the guy who drives them .

I have more than one doubt to see her next Monday, and you know why.

17.02.2011, 22:56

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

It is great that Scarlet has blond hair again. I prefer this!
Tomorrow is her next nightshow Smile

14.02.2011, 19:13

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

It`s Valentines`Day and I think of you ! Heart