TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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27.01.2012, 22:00

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

brudgon wrote:my friend birthdayAngryAngryAngry
....and tonight roshanaCryCry

tough choice. does your friend have boobs ?

27.01.2012, 21:55

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

my friend birthdayAngryAngryAngry
....and tonight roshanaCryCry

24.01.2012, 15:31

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

I take a look at tonight preview and i think i go early in bed and dream my dream for better ETV times. And tomorow i take it again or not. I dont know?AngryThumb down

23.01.2012, 16:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Franky11 wrote:What happened to Sabrina, Tessa, Lilian, Ronnie, Carla, Jane?
Are they in schedule for this week?

Jane is wednesday, thursday and saturday in the night show and on friday in the evening show.

23.01.2012, 14:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Hello Gentlemen!
What happened to Sabrina, Tessa, Lilian, Ronnie, Carla, Jane?
Are they in schedule for this week?

22.01.2012, 23:11

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Well, and I thought this day will end in agony...I am so happy...I simply cant stand Naomi and Michelle at the same time on screen and I cant cut my tc screen on two. Except putting some blanket on that half when she is on it. But they switch cameras so quickly even this is impossible.

22.01.2012, 23:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
jonas wrote:Michelle is replaced by CHELSEA, but nobody in this forum remarked it.

It seems that CHELSEA now will only replace other models in nightshows.
I am sure that this is not her own choice Angry

it was just a small test to see how much time you need for your post. Smile

and if you don't like it it'll be the best to send a mail to etv and ask for not scheduling Chelsea in night shows. ;)

And why is Kate now in every nightshow or Naomi, who is now boring with her handbras, wetbras and so on.... lol

Sarcasm, okay, but why can´t Suzy get a chance for the night? Is she not willing or does she need more Vitamine B??

Good night and a nice week to everyone.

22.01.2012, 22:59

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

elmo wrote:and what about me ?

I'll miss 5 hours of Michelle Cry

You write to etv, too.
Ask for Mishel instead of Chelsy ...

22.01.2012, 22:58

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
jonas wrote:Michelle is replaced by CHELSEA, but nobody in this forum remarked it.

It seems that CHELSEA now will only replace other models in nightshows.
I am sure that this is not her own choice Angry

it was just a small test to see how much time you need for your post. Smile

and if you don't like it it'll be the best to send a mail to etv and ask for not scheduling Chelsea in night shows. ;)

It seems that you don`t like my posts Smile

22.01.2012, 22:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

and what about me ?

I'll miss 5 hours of Michelle Cry

22.01.2012, 22:40

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:Michelle is replaced by CHELSEA, but nobody in this forum remarked it.

It seems that CHELSEA now will only replace other models in nightshows.
I am sure that this is not her own choice Angry

it was just a small test to see how much time you need for your post. Smile

and if you don't like it it'll be the best to send a mail to etv and ask for not scheduling Chelsea in night shows. ;)

22.01.2012, 22:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Michelle is replaced by CHELSEA, but nobody in this forum remarked it.
But I don`t expect too much in this janine show Sad

It seems that CHELSEA now will only replace other models in nightshows.
I am sure that this is not her own choice Angry

22.01.2012, 13:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

and why just 6 girl

22.01.2012, 11:15

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

why joanna in night show,her no show nothing, and not is sexy
Angry Lilian only worse
Thumb down

21.01.2012, 20:17

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

universal wrote:
watcher1 wrote:Hi,
I think it will be a very good schedule for todays night show. I´m curiose and hopefull to see a excelent erotical show.

Very good selection this night with Angelina, Kia, Mashiara, Michelle, Nancy, Randa, Roshana and Scarlet.Thumb up
I hope that the staff of ETV will be great. But regrettably we are on Saturday, the worst day for the show.AngryThumb down

Do you mean Hans??
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