TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

3.79 (29 Bewertung(en))

(3.79 / 5, 29 Bewertungen)

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02.02.2012, 12:32

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

jonas wrote:Why are Lilian, Carla and Tessa again in nightshows, but CHELSEA not since nearly 2 weeks? Cry

are you serious?

Chelsea last night show: 22/01/12

Lilian last show: 15/01/12
Carla last show: 15/01/12
Tessa: 18 days break before last night
Sabrina last show: 15/01/12

but thanks for your objective opinion.

02.02.2012, 11:12

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Who knows when we'll see suzy and cindarella and a night show ????? TongueTongueTongue

02.02.2012, 08:47

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Why are Lilian, Carla and Tessa again in nightshows, but CHELSEA not since nearly 2 weeks? Cry

01.02.2012, 22:43

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

tonight kateBig Grin .....i'm happy but for me there isn't the right cast for her....maybe i will wrong but this is my feeling for tonight

01.02.2012, 15:35

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:for info: Timi will be in tonight's after hour instead of Joanna.

So time to go bed early to sleep Big Grin

01.02.2012, 15:16

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

for info: Timi will be in tonight's after hour instead of Joanna.

31.01.2012, 22:19

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:Thx Tarl!
Unfortunately was my euphoric for nothing. If I understood it right, the "couch potatoes" only promise to stand up for a shower or some shoe shows. This is what ETV meant with "creative break"? Maybe a brain wash? I'm sorry for my pessimism, but I don't expect something spectacular. Confused Another useless advertising.

So they have given the "couch potatoes" such a "creative break" in order to reconsider their position once again and try to be more active during the shows . And whatever the final outcome would be I applauded for this courage decision .

In all cases we should stay optimistic Big Grin this time the "couch potatoes" had been given a creative break the next time the "couch" itself would be target sure guys this day will come .

However I was wondering why ETV didn't give at the same time both the " couch" and the "couch potatoes" that creative break !!!

31.01.2012, 18:28

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Thx Tarl!
Unfortunately was my euphoric for nothing. If I understood it right, the "couch potatoes" only promise to stand up for a shower or some shoe shows. This is what ETV meant with "creative break"? Maybe a brain wash? I'm sorry for my pessimism, but I don't expect something spectacular. Confused Another useless advertising.

31.01.2012, 17:44

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

i hope this night is a very hot show , maschi scarlet pls make us happy SmileIn loveCoolBig Grin

31.01.2012, 15:52

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

logic wrote:Who has seen the short trailer at 22:00 where Sabrina said something about the come back of some theme shows at Thursday night? I'm sure I heard also the word "shower-show". Tongue
Please, can somebody post what exactly she said. I haven't record it.

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30.01.2012, 21:06

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

tonightTongue r........

30.01.2012, 15:34

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

poseidon69 wrote:Again Karry in night show, her is soft soft soft model Angry no show nothing nothing
why no cindirella or suzy? Angry

I can't speak for Suzy but Cinderella has no interest in Nighshows,she has said this more then 1 time on the mic (min. 2 times) when she responded to VIP's,at Suzy is still the hope that we would to see her in the night in the next few weeks.

30.01.2012, 15:09

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Good idea. Why not? When Suzy and Cinderella it makes better!Tongue

30.01.2012, 14:45

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Again Karry in night show, her is soft soft soft model Angry no show nothing nothing
why no cindirella or suzy? Angry
stop call if not change nothing! Envy

27.01.2012, 22:07

Re: TV Guide - Preview & Discussion

Slowfox wrote:
brudgon wrote:my friend birthdayAngryAngryAngry
....and tonight roshanaCryCry

tough choice. does your friend have boobs ?

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