* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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Amateur models online
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06.08.2008, 15:20

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It was, as another poster here would say, like a funeral. Like the whole ETV staff was frozen. There was 1 strip from Annabella rather at the beginning worth watching (see Videos & Requests in a few minutes), but when she started to show her nipples she suddenly stopped (for whatever reason)

06.08.2008, 14:53

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I have recorded it and must say yes, it was the weakest Nightshows for Times.....

The newbies only sitting around has done nothing. The smoking guy in the chair was sooo displaced like Eskander.

There was really nothing... I don´t who how they earn money that night. And from 3 to 6 Maryah was alone and i think she don´t have five calls this time or any sms. I think she earned not 5 Euros this Night :-))))

But it is their problem.... When they want to transform to a children channel please do it but without me. The mods at Kikakanal more sexy as every girls last night.

Greetings to all


06.08.2008, 00:09

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I think the odds are pretty high that no one will go topless on either ETV1 or 2


My blunder  just reviewed recording and Paola did earlier.

05.08.2008, 23:55

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Mr ETV changed the name of your channel
Nuns TV would be much better

05.08.2008, 23:14

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It would seem by tonights gathering of soft models that Eurotic are trying to see if they can make people call in to the show using the same "rules" as during the daytime. They went totally soft during the day but still they received calls making them money. It would seem they are experimenting tonight to see if they will still get calls to the soft models. At the moment it does not seem to be working as most of the models are looking around wondering what to do.Why have the sexy and not so shy Zita in the early evening show where she cannot perform to her full potential ?? Once again Eurotic throw away an oppertunity to make money.Same old shit I suppose. Its just not worth watching anymore other than a passing glimpse while moving to other channels.

05.08.2008, 22:27

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi woman and men,

now we have the chance to see a "afternoon" Show at Midnight. The put all their softies into the night and the "gay", too.

We can be proud to see wishes about footshow or others..... The "new" Lace is there, too.....

I don´t know how much Annabela is allowed to show from herself, but she is with Paola the only "warm" Model there...

Good night to all and please if you can buy a "soft ice" for yourself :-)


PS: Athina and the two "Catwomans" are buried in ETV 2.... If you interested in Carnival you can zapp to them... Poor Athina

04.08.2008, 19:12

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Sunny was always a hot model with very beautiful tits. I`m glad that she returned to eurotic TV.

03.08.2008, 23:54

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Yesterday was really a nice show. A amazing Randa, a very good Annabela and a gorgoeus Patricia.....

But what is this tonight????

Eskander dressed like a woman. A newbie at night and Ultraviolet turn down the show to a minimum. Alayah or Tessa can´t save the show and about Maryah and the second mask one with can discuss.

But i think when RL will broadcast at a Satellite they will have a big opponent for sure.

Best wishes to all


30.07.2008, 18:23

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

ok guys (and girls).

Remember that this the the ETV forum. Not the RL one.

If you want info or post comments about that service then do it in the proper place. NOT HERE

30.07.2008, 17:48

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi Bellerophon-- If it was some kind of protest to the mangement of Eurotic they certainly couldn"t miss it. Maybe we need a little "model power" to get things changed.. Maybe they could do a totally topless protest with no tape the next time Goodbye friend

30.07.2008, 17:01

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Great comment Moona!!!

Nobody understood what you wanna say but who cares about you......

Bye, bye Moona go back to Kindergarden!! You are now on first place of my no go list. Even Gia is better then you!!



30.07.2008, 15:10

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

It is really nice to read what someone of you have seen....

Did i have a different channel of ETV or not? When i take a look into ETV 1 and ETV 2 at afternoon i only see feets, feets and fully clothed new soft models and Ultraviolet :-)

Or will you call it Eurotic when you see Patricia in a bikini?

And for tonight i see really black... When the schedule is right than you will get this night only fat models and Eskander :-)

How worser will they go? Another gay model? More Lace look a likes?

I am glad that RL will start at Astra. They can´t be worser than ETV this days

30.07.2008, 12:05

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

glassy I'm a little bit disappointed of you... you always told us your great phantasies about cream or water pouring down the models and now you get the job done when you see boobs covered with tape?

come on dude, stop watching ETV it's not good for you, it makes you soft. ;-)

30.07.2008, 11:56

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

With all the girls taped up with elastoplast yesterday evening they looked like they were going to a fancy dress party at the hospital accident room ha ha . But look on the positive side--it looks like in the past few weeks the girls are wanting to get back to  "normal " shows during the daytime. They have been getting more daring but still cover their tits with their hands but its a step in the right direction I think. I feel if it was up to the girls we would be seeing tits during the daytime again. They certainly wanted to do it yesterday. Maybe another week and the tape comes off. (i hope)

30.07.2008, 00:17

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Funny that we seem to be happy now with what we complained about just a few weeks ago ...