* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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26.07.2008, 12:38

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

re Roxana.

I am reminded of a song by The Police "Roxanne, you don't have to take that red dress off tonight" - maybe the words were a little different -))

Yes, she went for it allright. And I sure went for it as well. Filled that barf bag up at the first attempt.

26.07.2008, 12:34

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Yes, you are right. They did it before the nightmare show but Everybody has seen SAbrina, Patricia or Sugar 1000 times and there is no any news about their bodies.

And for Roxana you said it right. She is not everyones taste. But they have newbies like Annabelle who wants to show more but she wasn`t allowed about their stupid and useless Rules.

This morning Kiara was there. She had a lots of oops and nobody attack her or drilled her the way they did it with Annabelle.

But who cares ETV said in a chat these days that they wanna have fun and don´t want make shows with tits, Muschi or Feets again....

But if they don´t wanna do that kind of shows what should a user wish?

- A dance from a model for 10 Euros?

- A song from Maryah for 10 Euros?

I think they joke and fools their users these days in a very bad way.

But who cares? In this forum only 0,00001 Percent of their users......

25.07.2008, 20:47

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I'm watching the show since the late afternoon (and still watching !) and i must say (i said i !)  Gia and Penelope are in a very good mood ,specialy Gia she has a lot of energie today and looks very nice and sexy ! The other girls are also good ofcourse ! (Emily,Patricia,Jennifer,Jessy,Emotion,Anabella)

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

25.07.2008, 17:17

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I think with such a question for the origin of a writer rumours will start.

So: Silence is golden...

25.07.2008, 14:52

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ kasenit

You know better than that to ask -))))

25.07.2008, 14:32

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

 Hmm... can our esteemed BoardMod confirm that the new member 'asator' (in thread 'sabrina pregnant?') hangs his hat in Molvania? I would bet...

23.07.2008, 00:29

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Norah plz, could you lend Veronica one of your eyemasks, so we can admire a little bit more from her (I suppose) pretty face?

Anyway, the catmask girl is doing some interesting lightgames with (sure this is pretty) her "lower back". :)

22.07.2008, 08:02

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I claim that it isn't necessary to watch ETV no longer.

Why? Meanwhile many of  these comments about ETV shows, models, their clothing and behaviour (Gia!) are like a mirror which reflects everything that takes place in Eurotic and its the vicinity. 

But what's this mirror ( in mind) like? Is it a plane mirror which reflects the reality or is it a distorting mirror which perverts the reality in producing magnified or diminished images?

I'm afraid some comments are focused on redundant details about clothing like pantyhoses or torn jeans (in summer) or behaviour (cold, warm etc.) which don't reveal anything about a show's quality or model's value in the show.

So they're subjective contributions and opinions and reflect a virtual image.

Stop arguing and keep on  watching? Maybe better, sometimes...;-))

22.07.2008, 00:32

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I have to point something:

I wrote "Welcome to new member, whoever is.", and this is true, unless new member is you-all-know-who-I-am-talking-about. :)))))))))))))))))))

21.07.2008, 23:43

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

BoardMod has spoken and so it’ll be.
Just something to think about: Looking at all the dirt we throw at etv and it’s stuff, it is no wonder that sometimes someone explodes and in a rage chooses just equally inappropriate words to fight back. I don’t think that Bellerophon was the right target, but I understand the mood very well, when a bunch of not very well informed folks is pouring dirt on your work. Most of the time you just have a good laugh about it, but sometimes it hits you in the wrong mood and makes you run berserk.
I don’t envy BoardMod for his job, because it’s not easy to find the right time to jump in and stop it without suppressing every discussion. I think he does his job very well. I know boards where it is done in a much more frigid, ehm, rigid way.

21.07.2008, 23:30

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

July doesn't mean necessarily summer. So it might be useful to wear a pantyhose.

21.07.2008, 23:08

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I try to stay out of here simply because it is 'open house' and everyone is, within reason, free to say what he or she wants to.

Personally, I have no issue with what Bello writes. He does so normally in that quaint British kind of humour. A humour that maybe a stranger would not understand.

I do not know who our new member is. I  know the country of posting and have just left enough clues who the identity may be.

But the new member is entitled to politeness. If you are unable to do that then I suggest that you think twice before commenting.

Thank You !

21.07.2008, 23:02

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Source:google meteo.

This morning there were 32° in Molvania, hotter than in my southern Italy (just 30°).

Anyway next two days it will decrease (29° tomorrow and down to 19° on wednesday, and it will be rainy).

21.07.2008, 22:52

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Well spoken Klemi,

you write wise Words as always. But it seems to me for someone it is enough that they send daily softshows and at night when they could show warmer things they mostly put there used and not erotic models in there.

Good night ETV and welcome RL.


21.07.2008, 22:47

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Why should anyone welcome a newcomer who is acting like this? Bellerophone makes great posts and every newcomer should be more careful of what he writes. This newcomer should maybe watch some older videos of etv in past and then he might join in our opinion, because etv is full of shit for what, maybe more than a year now. Yes and boardmod you might be right, you never know who you are talking to. So what? We all are here such long time that we all are almost friends now. So what if maybe this newcomer is even one of etv stuff? Bellerophone I fully agree with you. Girls like Violet should never be on television, because she does this job awful. She is dressed like in the middle of winter. And by the way, in our country is also 12-15 degrees centigrade. With etv it is even colder.

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