* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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Amateur models online
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10.07.2008, 01:41

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Some nice action Gia-Desita tonight, pity Mr A***ole Clown spoils everything just by his own presence.

Anyway Gia moved her panties a little, and it seems her pussy is totally shaved. :)))))

Desita has just tried to take Gia's bra off, but she has denied.

It seems Gia likes Desita a lot, this isn't the first time they have fun together. :)))

07.07.2008, 22:17

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Don't forget the yahoo group. ;-)

07.07.2008, 20:47

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Hi Rockabye--What gives you the impression that I like cream ? ha ha

I think its gonna be RL from now on as Eurotic is not getting any better

07.07.2008, 14:05

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

instead of complaining about ETV you should have watched RL yesterday.

there were some really hot shows from the girls including an amazing "muschishow" from Megan.

and glassy especially for you: they always have cream @ their studio and know how to use it :-)

07.07.2008, 13:45

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I wrote last night about the standard of camera work during the show. Well it seems I was right---- who is working the camera today ? yes GEEEYAAA  she is about as steady as a ship in a force 9 gale at sea. Is this the start of the regular cameramen leaving as well as the models ? She seems to be treating the whole thing as a joke while we get sea-sick trying to watch the boring models.

06.07.2008, 23:59

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Here we go again--another night of poor camera work with nobody seeming to know what to do. The  show is a total mess and being run by a bunch of amatuers. Who isworks the cameras at night ?  is it another model or what ?They keep hiding the action or the models tits in the writing at the bottom of the screen  !!! crap utter crap. I"m off to a bar for a few drinks and watch girls who show more  than the models do during the day on Eurotic. By the way I have found a cure for insomnia--- go to bed with a warm drink and watch Eurotic. You will fall asleep in no time  HA HA

06.07.2008, 21:31

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Thank you for your help Bellerophon,

i really meant Kristi. And yes for me Monna sings every songs with her own rhytm and not what the song is like to be... But it is my opinion and it seems to me Monna has found new friends because she gets a lots of SMS. I don´t know for what but who cares....

Money for Nothing should be the opening song for every ETV Shows this days....

BTW: Kim is at ETV 2. I watched a few minutes and i must say a dressed woman with bra and panties can be sexy when she can play the game of erotic.. She is always hot in her own way. If someone wants to check please zapp to ETV 2.


06.07.2008, 14:14

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I would rather describe the singing as monasylarabic.

I'm sure they are the only ones that actually understand what is coming from the lips. -))

06.07.2008, 13:23

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I'm surprised no one has described Monna's singing as Monnatonus :-))

05.07.2008, 20:23

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

If they don´t wanna strip why they don´t sell books or Hamburgers?

Because they need the money. They earn 3-4 times better at etv. Loool.

05.07.2008, 19:48

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *


The Moona thing did it again. She started to sing. The performance was so weak that even the blonde one who i don´t remember the name sung like a Opera Star.

Why does this kind of models sing if they don´t can? If they don´t wanna strip why they don´t sell books or Hamburgers?

Good evening to all


04.07.2008, 15:42

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Models too firm,  Julia a bit upset.


04.07.2008, 13:46

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Desita & Angie are going to Marilyn Manson show tonight. (they just said it)

A little disappointing from metal goddess. :)))

Maybe they go there for opening act Type 0 Negative (and their frontman Peter Steele).

04.07.2008, 12:44

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I have never seen a bunch of girls act and look so stupid as they are this morning (friday). What kind of show are they trying to put on ? Another total mess by Eurotic the calamity channel.

03.07.2008, 15:46

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

"Tonight at ETV: Molvanian Peaks Secrets, who killed Iskander Palmer?"

Hihi, my compliments to you outside, I love a good sense of humour!

Anyway, did I see Julia directing last nights art festival on etv?...parts of it was actually good in a strange way, I felt as if I was trapped in a Jess Franco movie! Either way I missed most of the show because I´m in one of my 'boycott etv periods' again and only zapped by.

I think the lowest point was when Ringo and Desita danced to 'Love in a trashcan'....and it was still actually kind of enjoyable...(oh dear, what am I saying!?).