* Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

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Amateur models online
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02.07.2008, 23:59

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

is this Eurofestival?

what a disaster!

02.07.2008, 22:07

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Tonight at ETV: Molvanian Peaks Secrets, who killed Iskander Palmer?


Desita is trying to do something sensual but her efforts have been spoiled by someone, guess who.

02.07.2008, 00:09

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I know Markus
I will not lose 10€ because I no longer sends sms for months

01.07.2008, 23:34

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

to bill:

They made shows in the past for Astra and Hotbird. And the shows were really good because there were only 3-4 models like it RL now do.

You can ask them why they don´t do it but you save your 10 Euros because they don´t change it i think.

Good night


01.07.2008, 23:29

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

guys just a quick reminder: there are 4 beautiful topless girls on one bed @ RL. if you call them they get fully naked. :-)

and you can choose between blond or black, small tits and big tits ;-)

01.07.2008, 23:25

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@ markus76 & ghostwriter2008
the models and the direction of etv are responsible.
for months there is soft model
85% of the models are very happy to show nothing.
It was very easy for etv to circumvent the rule
It was enough to make a show on astra and a show on hotbird
Why they do not ?????

01.07.2008, 23:22

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

 didn"t see much of Eurotic last night because I was checking out RL. But what I did see was Sabrina telling a guy who had sent an S>M>S>to her asking her to pour cream down her pants. that there were other thins she would consider but putting cream down her pants was "never gonna happen". My point is that if this had been 18 months ago (same model ) she would have did this and had a luagh with the other models. The models used to be so full of fun and enjoyed doing things for callers---not any more.They want to do nothing but show there feet. A while ago a model even refused to take her socks off !!!!absolute shit

01.07.2008, 23:10

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

<<< They can make their decisions if they wanna work or strike like Alex it does and she leaves the company.

I don't think Alex left because of the new rules. ;-)

01.07.2008, 22:40

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Sorry ghostwriter,

but you know the models aren´t stupid. Mostly of them are students and they have the brain to think about it.

They can strike the shows and can boycott the shows. So please don´t tell me the girls are only victims. They can make their decisions if they wanna work or strike like Alex it does and she leaves the company.

And this is no attack against you it is my own opinion. They are over 40 models and can decide what they wanna do or if they wanna fool the viwers to earn the money....

01.07.2008, 22:01

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

@markus 76, don't get surprised, this is just ETV mission: fool the viewer. :)))))))

And I think models deserve our respect: they haven't any guilty about this situation.

01.07.2008, 21:39

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

guys turn on RL. better girls, hotter shows. :-)

01.07.2008, 21:36

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Just one advice: Don't try to understand ETV. It will cost you many years or maybe the whole life.

01.07.2008, 21:02

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

The stupidness never finds an end.

A german user from Germany wants from Moona "the stupid Redhair" that she should take off her boots and pantyhose because her wants her to see barefeet.

And what did she say???? She can´t do it because she likes her boots and he should send more SMS and she would eventuell change her mind.

Please how stupid is this??? Now the Footsies dont get their wishes and they want the money from the footfetishman why nobody calls them.

I know it is stupid what i write but i hope now the Fetishists understand the politic of the channel and stop the the Calls/Sms, too.

Best wishes to all and no respect for ETV Girls anymore.....


01.07.2008, 19:32

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

I know I am complaining again but here we have the evening show containing some of Eurotics best models and not one of them can show anything other than their feet ?????The channel has so much potential but ignores the fact they are losing potential callers because of this. Just doesn"t make sense

01.07.2008, 15:32

Re: * Now open - the HOT AIR topic *

Sarah did the entire nightshow and (I think) the main evening one.

Maybe she did 10 hours as Cleopatra.