Eurotic TV - General Discussion

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02.01.2012, 06:49

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

HvB wrote:at least it will be a different show from her tonight: creme isn't allowed anymore ...

Creme isn´t allowed anymore? is it true? is it a fake? how do you know?

greetings, and a happy new year.

01.01.2012, 22:31

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

watcher1 wrote:
limacchio wrote:very nice team for this night, only 1 problem Lilian, why?

A new year is coming and ETV allowed us to see "Princess" Lilian at the first night show at 2012 - it´s really a surprise and a "big" gift ! My opinion: Tonight it will be the next time that Lilian makes a full of herself and will give us her "great" performance. I must say: "Lilian, is this really needful"?

at least it will be a different show from her tonight: creme isn't allowed anymore ...

01.01.2012, 22:14

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Amigo1205 wrote:the directors must respect the strict rules or lose the job.the pressure comes from the big boss.
the big boss has pressure from KommAustria and fear of losing his license.
and that alone is the reason for the spread of boredom in the night shows.even if they want, they can not
a disaster for ETV and the audience.
the only way out, a license from a country with more generous rules.

There is only one problem with this theory : Some models are allowed to show their pussy !
Yesterday night, Ronnie and Jane were not censored.
And I don't believe in rules which allow to show the pussy of a part of the models and don't allow the same thing of the others.
The reason of the ETV censorship is only money.
Read the (excellent) Bellerophon post (eUrotic TV - 2011 models facts and figures. Today, 11h01) according the number of sms received by the models:
For the 5 first positions, we have:
2.80 - Scarlet
2.32 - Naomi
2.18 - Kate
2.10 - Mashiara
2.05 - Connie
It means that it is not necessary to show a pussy to be popular ! Chelsea, Jane, Kia or Claudia are far in this ranking.
So, ETV prefer the models who are a little shy which the spectators hope to see less shy.

The solution to counter this strategy is not simple: we cannot hope that the new models - especially when they are pretty - are only called if they are already hot!

01.01.2012, 20:28

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

ito wrote:I support the opinion of Wilsonsand on December 29.
I also think that the shows are becoming very repetitive and with a total loss of eroticism. Teen shows broken balloons with his ass, tying the hands and feet are completely repetitive. Even a show that might be erotic as it is putting cream on the body, the models are doing by inertia and reluctance that you can not gamble with the sensuality of the body.
When a girl opens legs more than normal, then change the position of the camera (lest see you "something"). In a show called erotic are becoming the pussy in something forbidden, as if the models from Eurotic weren't that part of the body.
When a VIP Gold Member asks the girls something special, cut the show a lot of times, and usually when the camera returns to the girl that has already tired and has resulted in the show finishing.
Finally, we hope to change the mentality of those who run this channel with the new year.
For the moment, I wish you happy new year to all

the directors must respect the strict rules or lose the job.the pressure comes from the big boss.
the big boss has pressure from KommAustria and fear of losing his license.
and that alone is the reason for the spread of boredom in the night shows.even if they want, they can not
a disaster for ETV and the audience.
the only way out, a license from a country with more generous rules.

01.01.2012, 19:48

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

WILSONSAND wrote:There was something i didn´t like. It was the poor and ridiculous way Gia, Kate and ETV fulfilled the request from our friend Slow.

well, thanks for your concerns and njutares.

basically I do not expect anymore something magic will happen, on the other hand if you see the whole scene uncut, it was cut in the wrong moment again, switching to Michelle with Gia and Kate freezing in their position on the bed waiting the camera to return. when finally it returned the momentum was gone, and the girls tried to safe it best they could, however, in vain. so far on the poor performance, which am certainly not happy with, but in this case I'd blame either the director or the video mixer, rather then the girls.

for the girls performance in itself: I agree with you on the unnecessary cover up of Gia, on the other hand Kate was very willing but wasn't given the chance.

further agree that improvement will at a certain stage be essential for the channel. But presently me myself has no glorious ideas either. stop the sms ? yeah, ok. but no income for etv, no investment ... no show, be it bad or good. believe patience is the slogan of the day.


01.01.2012, 19:31

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Dear Christine,
Happy New Year to you and all the ETV team.
I have one wish for 2012 it is imperative to put in this great desert studio accessories essential to the creativity of models: the cage, the pole, the vertical chains, chairs and other ...
Currently the girls always make the same thing and the shows are without life.
For the quality of the shows and the pleasure of its viewers it is a gesture simple and more profitable than a studio in Berlin.
Copy to ETV

01.01.2012, 19:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion


"There was something i didn´t like. It was the poor and ridiculous way Gia, Kate and ETV fulfilled the request from our friend Slow. This was the request: "
(remove bra/frock) very polite asking

slow has been f¤¤ked before.
Our 'only weapon' is the choice of spending our money or NOT spending.
If NO calls/sms come in, some brain will start thinking how to improve the
decreasing cash flow.

01.01.2012, 18:40

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I support the opinion of Wilsonsand on December 29.
I also think that the shows are becoming very repetitive and with a total loss of eroticism. Teen shows broken balloons with his ass, tying the hands and feet are completely repetitive. Even a show that might be erotic as it is putting cream on the body, the models are doing by inertia and reluctance that you can not gamble with the sensuality of the body.
When a girl opens legs more than normal, then change the position of the camera (lest see you "something"). In a show called erotic are becoming the pussy in something forbidden, as if the models from Eurotic weren't that part of the body.
When a VIP Gold Member asks the girls something special, cut the show a lot of times, and usually when the camera returns to the girl that has already tired and has resulted in the show finishing.
Finally, we hope to change the mentality of those who run this channel with the new year.
For the moment, I wish you happy new year to all

01.01.2012, 15:04

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

njutare wrote:So etv is on air even in 2012.
Does anyone know if the Astra contract got renewed ?
(obviously it must have been renewed).
Wasn't it supposed to end 31.12.2011 ?
Any modifications to the new contract ?
Like towards softening or, as we saw in the sylvester night show,
towards lowering the quality.

I bet that the rules of the new contract was the ones they started using 2 weeks ago, banning every single request but feet shows and not using any props or decorations whatsoever. Thumb downThumb downThumb down

01.01.2012, 11:50

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

For the new year any new models coming in know what the channel is about and therefore
It should be contractual to do nightshows.
We need a 3 shift night showcase feat a new model every other week soft or not !
That way they will know if they like it or not. look at Roshana she is causing a storm.
At the moment the top 7 of 2011 are making the channel stagnant and boring

01.01.2012, 11:05

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

So etv is on air even in 2012.
Does anyone know if the Astra contract got renewed ?
(obviously it must have been renewed).
Wasn't it supposed to end 31.12.2011 ?
Any modifications to the new contract ?
Like towards softening or, as we saw in the sylvester night show,
towards lowering the quality.

31.12.2011, 18:30

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

lucifer70 wrote:
I haven't seen ETV for about ten days, first because I had more interesting things to do and second because Gia was not on. So yesterday I turned on the TV and I must say that I'm not surprised to see a sad and poor show. Unfortunately, our friends are no longer able to produce anything interesting.
They confuse lust with the useless naked performed as meat market.
They confuse eroticism with the vulgarity.
They confuse fantasy with the annoyingly useless and continuous movement of the camera that shot at the models from unlikely angles.
All this while incompetent directors "manage" mismatched cast of bored models, treating customers as if they were a mass of poor voyeurs.
I repeat, none of us needs to watch at ETV to see a naked woman, what matters is not what a model does, but how she does! (to strip do not just mean take off your clothes).
During this year many hot models are gone and they have not been replaced. There are only 2 or 3 new models which are barely able to occupy a place in the studio. Moreover they represent the best of the new course, because the alternative is a patrol of kittens which are only able to spend many words about their alleged timidity - only to discover that this disease can be cured with only 10 coins, who knows - it would be the cherry on the squalid cake that ETV is cooking for a long time.
They are amazing, they had showers and they ruined it by inventing the shower box - a result, no one asks showers.
Strip? No they ruined it by non-stop cutting the performance of the model, making it useless.
Lesbian? No, the censorship forbids it! They don't know that there are many ways for two girls to interact without becoming vulgar? (Kat and Gia last aftehour for example).
Balloons? It was not my favorite show .... but it was better than nylons and feet.
Format 5 models. Incredibly, they managed to ruin that too!

What else can I say? Gia should be on this night. Let's hope so!Cool
If I had 5 cents for every time I said "hope" regard to ETV, now I'd have a lot of money!Cry
However, I wish you a wonderful new year!Big Grin

Very well said mate

31.12.2011, 15:56

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

I haven't seen ETV for about ten days, first because I had more interesting things to do and second because Gia was not on. So yesterday I turned on the TV and I must say that I'm not surprised to see a sad and poor show. Unfortunately, our friends are no longer able to produce anything interesting.
They confuse lust with the useless naked performed as meat market.
They confuse eroticism with the vulgarity.
They confuse fantasy with the annoyingly useless and continuous movement of the camera that shot at the models from unlikely angles.
All this while incompetent directors "manage" mismatched cast of bored models, treating customers as if they were a mass of poor voyeurs.
I repeat, none of us needs to watch at ETV to see a naked woman, what matters is not what a model does, but how she does! (to strip do not just mean take off your clothes).
During this year many hot models are gone and they have not been replaced. There are only 2 or 3 new models which are barely able to occupy a place in the studio. Moreover they represent the best of the new course, because the alternative is a patrol of kittens which are only able to spend many words about their alleged timidity - only to discover that this disease can be cured with only 10 coins, who knows - it would be the cherry on the squalid cake that ETV is cooking for a long time.
They are amazing, they had showers and they ruined it by inventing the shower box - a result, no one asks showers.
Strip? No they ruined it by non-stop cutting the performance of the model, making it useless.
Lesbian? No, the censorship forbids it! They don't know that there are many ways for two girls to interact without becoming vulgar? (Kat and Gia last aftehour for example).
Balloons? It was not my favorite show .... but it was better than nylons and feet.
Format 5 models. Incredibly, they managed to ruin that too!

What else can I say? Gia should be on this night. Let's hope so!Cool
If I had 5 cents for every time I said "hope" regard to ETV, now I'd have a lot of money!Cry
However, I wish you a wonderful new year!Big Grin

31.12.2011, 15:55

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

There are too many members to write private messages to.
So I wish everyone in the forum and at Eurotic Tv a Happy New Year when it comes.
May our boxes of tissues get used more in the new year ha ha CHEERS !! to everyone

30.12.2011, 20:02

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

So many true words!!! Thumb upThumb upThumb up

But something will change in ETV ??
I think no!
Really not!

Only hope,
stay the girls.

But many is that, ...with time,... too boring, and they will go, ones are coming,...But they will never show what they could.

The rules and prohibitions are too strict.
And with this Music, and these Rules.
Every night will be always the same.

It is sad, but I fear next year will be even worse. Sad