Eurotic TV - General Discussion

3.98 (143 Bewertung(en))

(3.98 / 5, 143 Bewertungen)

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05.11.2011, 15:10

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

i think nothing will change when the viewers eat what they get and say all time"its not good,every time the same or things like that.Things can only change with a revolution! so..guys its time to start a night show with sms-silence..and they will start to think...or not??viva revolution!!!Smile

05.11.2011, 11:13

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Compared to the old out-of-studio shower it seems a waste of time to watch this new in-studio shower show. Mostly we see lots of water drops on the walls and the autofocus of the camera homes in onto the walls and drops, not onto the model. With the old shower we could get a near and sensitive experience of the models skin, so to say erotic.
This new one creates a steril atmosphere with a barrier between viewer and model, suggesting an anti-climax. Not so brilliant idea to move the shower scene into the studio.

04.11.2011, 22:08

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

This night show is going to be " Thumb up" because this show has Gia ,Kia,Tia in it ...and also there is Mashia,Scarlia,Penelia,Sabria,Tessia and Timia ,so i find that there are models/girls enough for everyone to look at Smile...sorry i could not resist to name the other beautifull models also with a " ia " in there names Blush ...djee..i have a " ia" syndrome Confused Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin . Aldo i must confess Confused.. i miss 1 " ia " ... the 1st letter of her name starts with a " L" Cry. During the time taht Kaleya was my only favorit there came in 2007 also Gia ,after beautifull Kaleay went away there was only Gia , but than on a sunday morning ( early shift 06.00u ) there came this other beautifull model/girl witch has a lot of energy inside her.. ..and her name was/is Lia ,so i had a lot of reasons/excuse to watch Etv everyday when they or one of them was in a show..and now ..there is again only 1 model left that i like very mutch....ofcourse there are also other models that i like to watch ..but it's a bit different Confused Blush..for instance in this show is ofcourse beautifull Gia Blush.. but there are also 7 other models in this show who are always worth watching it ! Cool Thumb up

Kind Regards

03.11.2011, 14:53

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Sorry not angry my friend, just usual sounding of about things.
Sorry about capitals, I do not wish to offend anone

02.11.2011, 17:28

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Good evening uk334
I checked the list of models and I realised that some models have a seniority
of 5/6 years, probably a change of these will be necessary.
Regarding the clothes You are right and I have already discussed this matter times ago
on " Girls clothes"
Shows may be boring or not depending from Models, Director/Regie
and perhaps censorship
Last, despite You are angry the use of capitol letter is not allowed on this blog

02.11.2011, 09:42

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Same, same, same models all the time. C'mon etv is this the best you can do.
Start testing the aft models in the night show or even better no model can do shifts in sucession.
Pair a night show model with a soft / new model. have a set wardrobe per day models can choose from.
The new arrival yesterday wore a dress every model has worn before

02.11.2011, 09:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion


4 minutes between the message on the left and that one on the right.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig][Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

What's so strange?
The message on the right is a german translation of the italian message on the left...

Now I don't want to make a complete list about all the possible reasons for fake smss, but same of them could be:

- to demonstrate interest of the viewers in the show. A sort of psychological call
- to hijack the requests in a certain direction
- to show an artificial interest also towards girls who wouldn't receive smss
- ...

Now I stop here, because I could list h thousands examples, but my will wasn't to demostrate if a message is genuine or not.I apologize if I gave an idea of this to you.
And my will wasn't to eleborate theories.

My aim was just to say that we often see strange and cryptic messages, which seems to be "prophetic" in some ways. If they're from viewers, then I think they could spend money in a better way. If they're from someone else, then I think it would be better to stop, because it could go against ETV' own interests.

You can believe me or not: I discovered this channel 6 years ago and, even if I notice many problems in that studio,
I hold ETV dear, and I'd like ETV to be close to viewers' tastes, so that everybody can have the opportunity to be not only a viewer, but satisfied paying part of the show.

I reapet: now I leave this discussion.
Sorry, my aim wasn't to enter into a debate.

02.11.2011, 07:51

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hilbert wrote:Ok, but we might go on and on, now it's my turn to ask for "arguments" supporting your statement
HvB: "I remember times, when the news was made on research by journalists and not by quoting rumours".......
Remember Watergate?
A nice piece of fine journalism. Get the info, do the research, and after that: publish.

Hilbert wrote:Anyway, taking advantage of this opportunity, from Last night's show thread:

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Hilbert wrote:<snip>

for your misreading:
first: compare 456 euro with the costs of etv
second: there are persons (callers & sms writer) who spend more than 456 euro a month

that wasn't a start for a new rumour or strange theory.

I' m sorry, I'm afraid I have to go back, respectfully, on the subject, even at the risk of a strange theory, actually no theory just hypotheses, because your post set me thinking. Personally no argumentative mood, just queries, btw the same root of latin verb quæro i.e. asking to know.

1st - Have you had the opportunity to have a look at the ETV financial statement? Since the balance sheet should be of pubblic knowledge, would you please be so kind to post its link?

2nd - If
"there are persons (callers & sms writer) who spend more than 456 euro a month"
and since the SMSs senders are, in nearly every case, known, then those wealthy callers are all intimate friends of yours, I daresay, if not, I can't imagine how you got that info.

1st: no, just occasionaly discussed this topic with some responsible person. I don't know the exact Austrian law on that, but if it's anything like the German (as I think, no garantee for that though), yearly statements must be published to a central register and may also be requested directly from interested parties. Maybe someone with a more intimate knowledge of the Austrian laws on this topic can enlighten us.

2nd: I can garantee you he knows at least one ... Blush and as there is quite a bunch of people spending more than the mentioned amount, he may even know some of them ...

Hilbert wrote:And allow me to put forward an unrealistic strange (theory) hypothesis underlying the question:
As far as you know, is ETV, by any chance, keeping track of the phone calls and/or callers?
Depends on how you define 'keeping track'. There must be some kind of 'keeping track' for
a) the prepaid accounts (would be pretty difficult to determin the available time/SMS if not) and
b) the legaly neccessary 'keeping track' to answer to the authorities in case of legal inquiries on an SMS sender (maybe you remember the bunch of child porn sms in 2006 and Safos great reply on the microphone to that).

To my knowledge there is no 'keeping track' and no interest in doing so beyond this.
Of course the telcos and the providers of the premium rate must do some tracking for legal reasons (and especially the premium rate number providers have a poor history of selling that information to advertisers, hence the occasional changes in the dialin numbers as they switch the provider immediately when they get aware of this).

02.11.2011, 05:37

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Hilbert wrote:Back to our world, everyone knows about use and exploitation of fake phone calls or fake elements, often actors "infiltrated" among the members of the audience in nowadays television broadcastings, to achieve the success of the evening. Furthermore vappiano's fairness is such that he calls those strange events probable, though at 99.99%.

All the above is still no proof.
If you call something fake, you should have good arguments and refering to 'everybody knows' is not a good argument, in fact it is none.
Maybe I'm over critical, but I have serious problems accepting nowadays 'easy' story making by refering to some 'general knowledge' or 'well informed circles' over researching the facts. That's not only here in this forum, but also in general. I remember times, when the news was made on research by journalists and not by quoting rumours and I seriously can't stand this yellow press mentality wherever it may show up, especially when research is such easy as picking up the phone and ask.

02.11.2011, 01:33

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

HvB wrote:seems this has turned in an Italian lesson for me. Big Grin
Thanks guys.

Yes, you are right. We don't know if it is a real or a faked SMS, but I don't see what they can win from faking it. So I think it's more likely that it is real.
Apart from that, I always read that they lack ideas, so why should they on the other hand have the idea to fake some strange VIPs?

With that I agree - I personally have nothing against eventual fake SMSs, but you'd hope they'd at least fake, I don't know, a showershow request, rather than a crossed legs request! Big Grin

01.11.2011, 23:47

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

seems this has turned in an Italian lesson for me. Big Grin
Thanks guys.

Yes, you are right. We don't know if it is a real or a faked SMS, but I don't see what they can win from faking it. So I think it's more likely that it is real.
Apart from that, I always read that they lack ideas, so why should they on the other hand have the idea to fake some strange VIPs?

01.11.2011, 22:50

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

HvB wrote:So the outhor of this is no Italian then: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

10x is used buy many people. I know quite a bunch from different countries who use it (even one Italian)

about the fox: maybe someone with a strange idea that all at etv are against his favorite model?

I don't disagree that the messages are strange, but there are quite a lot of other strange messages, well, at least they are strange in my opinion.

Thanks, I was just waiting for someone to make this (common) mistake. A mistake a non-Italian speaker can definitely make.
As you can plainly see in the pictures, in this case "incrociate" does not mean "accavallate". Both terms can be translated with "crossed legs".
But "gambe accavallate" is this: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] , that is, 99,9% of what a viewer would mean.
Not to mention that this was exactly how the wish was fulfilled.

But everyone is free to believe that this message was written by a non-Italian speaker, in Italian, for a model who does not speak Italian, and rewritten by a moderator who speaks exactly in the same way the message was written. Smile

I'm not saying messages are faked as I have no tangible proof of that (none of you could say the opposite for the very same reason, though), but don't you think it would be in ETV's best interest not to... stir these inconsistencies? ;)

01.11.2011, 22:34

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

vappiano68 wrote:I just think that these are strange messages.
I think there actually are some really strange guys out there Confused


01.11.2011, 22:18

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

Gambe incrociate:

Pity that it was fulfilled in a similar way (If I find the original I post it):

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

01.11.2011, 22:07

Re: Eurotic TV - General Discussion

vappiano68 wrote:- This vipsms contains the same "fox" arguments.
- The italian mod. was the same in these 2 cases.
- "10x" : it was an expression always used by a former ETV model.

Is it enough?
If not...

Another italian message:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

In English:
"I wanted to say to Nicole that she's very nice and she has beautiful legs... and I wanted to see her crossed legs. Antonio"

Pity: there is no italian guy who will ever say "gambe incrociate".
In Italy the translation for "crossed legs" is "gambe accavallate".
You can say "gambe incrociate" only if you translate it from English with a dictionary.

I could believe if I saw: "accavvalate" or acavvallate" (2 tiping errors), but not "incrociate".
So this guy cannot be Italian.
Now I guess: if he's from another country, why should he translate from English to Italian a message for a girl (Nicole) who speaks English but not Italian?

I hope it can be enough.
But I can do more.

I don't want to spread rumors or conspiracy theories.
I just think that these are strange messages.

So the outhor of this is no Italian then: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

10x is used buy many people. I know quite a bunch from different countries who use it (even one Italian)

about the fox: maybe someone with a strange idea that all at etv are against his favorite model?

I don't disagree that the messages are strange, but there are quite a lot of other strange messages, well, at least they are strange in my opinion.