Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 Bewertung(en))

(4.86 / 5, 7 Bewertungen)

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02.09.2017, 16:56

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Cor blimey, me ol' sparrow and I thought was it was good old banter between two forum membersBig Grin. Honestly, morningstar you have nothing to reproach yourself with and you most certainly don't need to apologise. You said nothing wrong. I take it all in good spirit, but thanks for the sentiment behind your post, SmileThumb up

02.09.2017, 14:32

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I apologise Rallkin123. I was a bit on the drunk side when I wrote that. I wasn't having a go at you.

02.09.2017, 11:21

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

We are all in agreement then that these shows are a little less than good.New girls arriving, will that make the shows any better? Will it fuck as like. Like all new girls, as soon as it seems that they are getting their feet under the table, then they are fucked off. Unless that is, they are willing to do a little after hours. Those that are, you will see again, those that are not, then for those it's an interview at Tesco.

Not all will agree with me and my suggestion of a casting couch being in place at these babe channel studios. But I think you would have to be very naive to think it doesn't happen.

Of course it happens, where else could be more suitable for sexual encounters than a room full of naked females with legs akimbo. And young testosterone filled bucks prowling around. This is not a call centre selling double glazing. This is a call centre selling sex, and the young bucks are after their freebies. And the models are only to pleased to oblige, because £7.60 an hour working at the supermarket won't keep them in false tan and tattoos.

02.09.2017, 10:00

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

morningstar wrote:Being a nosey bastard, I clicked your link Scottishbloke and I was taken to a realm of fantasy not seen since Terry Pratchett spent a night watching Alice Goodwin on pervcam and decided it was time to shuffle off at the thought of any more close ups of her spotty arse and kebab lips. I was reliably informed that Ashley Emma was "jiggling her magnificent booty" last night and we are due "more of the same tonight"..... No thanks. Shes a lovely looking girl, no doubt, but her vacant , disinterested look is wearing a bit thin.

I literally pissed myself laughing my arse off when I read your post there Big Grin Another member over there also asked I wonder what she has in store for us tonight with an air of excitement like a child when he receives his weekly pocket money Big Grin Here's a clue, exactly the same that she always does. On a sidenote if any other members over at the sewage works wants to come on here for a rumble then you are more than welcome but please know that you are now in the big boys playground Smile

These past few posts are a throwback to the glory days of that other forum, I am very happy to see the anti establishment movement now bearing fruit. BTW - I completely agree with regards to these new girls. Every single one of them is fucking useless, I will however say that Maisie is very tasty to look at but that's about as far as the pleasantries go with me Smile

02.09.2017, 06:38

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

morningstar wrote:Why is this always the first thing here?

Because the top entry is always the original one that was used to start the thread.

02.09.2017, 05:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Point taken, morningstar, vis a vis Ashley's bum.

02.09.2017, 04:40

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Thanks Rallkin123 for the "thumbup". Just keep it out of my arse . Not my cup of tea I'm afraid.

I'm glad you get my point though.

I have to pull you up on one point. I wasn't being humorous about Ashley Emma s arse, I was trying to be funny.

This whole charade has turned into the worst joke ive ever seen or heard. These people are pure Charlatans and Blackguards.

They have become the same as the callers (Yes, I have said it).

No disrespect to anyone.

02.09.2017, 03:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

oocitoreoo wrote:Not sure if there is a thread for this, but supposedly tonight BlueKiss is on freeview channel 190 at 4:00am - 5:00 am.

Why is this always the first thing here?

01.09.2017, 19:23

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Im getting sick and tired of this stupid gimmick BS are doing by stopping new girls from going topless, what is the fucking point of it?
The really sad thing is all their fanboys are still lavishing these girls with praise on their social media accounts, so BS can carry on doing this as long as there are enough mugs out there who call them, that new girl Amber Jade who was on again last night has got a good body but if she's gonna stay covered up all the time i will soon lose interestThumb down

01.09.2017, 18:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

An absolutely brilliant expose and description of the performance of the girls on Babestation,esp. your very humourous account of Ashley's ample botty, morningstar. Yes she is a very pretty girl, but my goodness, that bottom; not very appealing, for me anyway. Very well put,thumbup:

01.09.2017, 17:10

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

saoirse wrote:scottishbloke and his clique make it hard but they're pretty

just sorted that out for you saucy.

at least offer to buy us dinner first.

01.09.2017, 15:32

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

tried to pm dazaman but his inbox is full.

when i started out i didn't want to really argue with anyone but scottishbloke and his clique make it hard. their obsession with the other place while denying it is quite amusing but they're pretty stupid and i can't be bothered. so can my account be closed please.

you've been nice, so thanks.

01.09.2017, 14:08

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Being a nosey bastard, I clicked your link Scottishbloke and I was taken to a realm of fantasy not seen since Terry Pratchett spent a night watching Alice Goodwin on pervcam and decided it was time to shuffle off at the thought of any more close ups of her spotty arse and kebab lips. I was reliably informed that Ashley Emma was "jiggling her magnificent booty" last night and we are due "more of the same tonight"..... No thanks. Shes a lovely looking girl, no doubt, but her vacant , disinterested look is wearing a bit thin. The novelty that you might see a bit of hole has gone seeing as her ample, fleshy buttocks swing from side to side like the Atlantic tide at such speed that there should be a warning at the start in case any epileptics may be watching. The main premise of this stuff is the idea that these girls might, someday, look like they fancy a bit of cock. If not mine then some other lucky fucker and hopefully record it for posterity for my viewing pleasure. Cue monotonous drone "Ooooh yeah baby". "Right there baby". These women have realised, as all women do eventually, that there are enough gullible fools in the world to see them ok in any walk of life and fuck the rest. Its like porn producers worked out that people want to see a formula that goes "Meet up, blowjob, various positions of sex, another blowjob, money shot". Nothing wrong with this in theory but when it comes to Babestation its "Wave phone, take bra off, shake arse abit, look of contempt on face".
I know, I know, I know its a business but at least give the impression of fun and sexuality. Did my parents live through the 60s and 70s of sexual revolution for this? Has the human race been brain washed into this androgynous, robotic creature where any sexual innuendo is now offensive? Yes, I'm being dramatic but whats the answer? Personally I don't think its more tattooed clones with zero sex appeal or so called "Cougars" haha.
Apologies if this is a bore, but I cant be the only one. Whatever time I happen to switch on, day or night, I wouldn't mind seeing something that makes me say "cor"! for once. That hasn't happened for what seems like years my friends.

01.09.2017, 12:49

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Here are my ratings based on each "babe's" performance on Babestation last night. Nicole Snow 0/10. Kayleigh Wanless 0/10, The 2 blonde girls whose names I can't remember 0/10 each. Ashley Emma minus 10 on account of her ridiculously bulging big fat flabby bum being displayed on our screens whenever she happens to be on!Thumb down

01.09.2017, 10:30

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Is there a reason you keep logging in here sore arse, isn't the other forum with all the gushing praise and fanboy talk good enough to keep you entertained Smile

Also I couldn't give a flying fuck whether my account which I requested be closed now states banned as I have no intention of ever wanting to go back there. Incidently since my leaving the majority of the other outspoken members or telling it like it is as I like to call it are either banned, closed their account down or no longer post anymore.

Just had a read there, total fucking bile, what's the hot topic I wonder, oh yeah, schedule talk and who has cancelled and which model is there current who gives a flying fuck. Very little said about how fucking bad the channel is now. The posts are about as good as the show itself. Fucking garbage.

Aye.......we're all gutted alright Big Grin that we no longer have the privilege of posting there. It used to be a good forum but then admin and mods started to censor and delete what they didn't judge as part of their new master plan.

Get it into your thick skull nobody here is interested in that other place anymore as I know you are probably just here to secretly drum up support. We are all perfectly happy here away from those idiots Smile

Edit - Here is the Ashley Emma Thread over there - I shall call it this - The Ashley Emma Is Great Appreciation Sociey

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