Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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27.09.2016, 05:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Fuck me, wonders never cease!!! We actually get a fleeting glimpse of Lori's fuckable bum. Sure you can spare the film shot, Mr. cameraman, or did your hand just slip momentarily?

27.09.2016, 05:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Rallkin123 wrote:Sadly, Scottishbloke your analysis of the current situation of all babe channels are unfortunately true.SadThumb down. I wonder if the Babestation bosses get to read our concerns about the shows we criticise or do they stick two fingers up at us and carry on as usual?

There was a time when some used to engage and interact on babe forums, but I have not seen that for a long time. The likelihood is that public opinion still filters through to them, but unless takings begin to drastically drop they remain immune to criticisms.

27.09.2016, 04:48

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Sadly, Scottishbloke your analysis of the current situation of all babe channels are unfortunately true.SadThumb down. I wonder if the Babestation bosses get to read our concerns about the shows we criticise or do they stick two fingers up at us and carry on as usual?

27.09.2016, 04:24

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Well Rallkin123 here's a theory for you which just occurred to me, recently Babestation has been broadcasting their shows on Virgin Cable TV, now I wonder if they've censored their shows or been forced to by ofcom in case they shock the Virgin TV viewers (God Forbid, naked women, help me!) Blush as Virgin TV in the entire history of their channels has never had anything except encrypted channels but yes mate you are spot on with your assessment of Lori.

Lori has been a wonderful ambassador to the babe channels over the years and to see what she has been serving up recently is a real bitter pill to take but its a forum and as such all opinions should rightly be posted to reflect the current situation whether they be in a positive or not so positive nature is neither here nor there. We are babe channel fans and as such we demand so much more than is being delivered and if that means calling out the current babes and producers then so be it Thumb up

27.09.2016, 04:22

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

At least we're getting to see Olivia's perfect bare bottyTongue. If she WOULD only take those sodding stocking of now and then, though God, I hate it when babes like her always wears them and that goes for Maddie, too.Thumb upThumb downSmileSad

27.09.2016, 04:18

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Who, are these people?!... They seem to be doing their utmost to drive the public away!!

27.09.2016, 04:09

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Ditto, Scottishbloke. I don't want to criticise Lori, after all. At l
least she's naked' but the prats---- producer and cameraman are treating us adults as if we were kids and shouldn't see them in states of undress!!! AngryAngryAngryThumb downThumb downThumb down

27.09.2016, 04:02

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

You are so damned right, Positive! I used to love it in the not too distant past when her performances on Babestation and other shows were among the best of the very best.SadThumb down

27.09.2016, 03:47

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Rallkin123 wrote:Lori Butt naked and the twat cameraman filming her from the waist up as usual! What a prize plonker!!!AngryAngryAngryThumb downThumb downThumb down

Yes. This is what has now become the norm. But how Lori has allowed herself to now become one of the worst shows on any given night, when she used to be so damn exciting - thereby discrediting her reputation and credibility as an excellent performer - is a travesty!

27.09.2016, 03:44

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Exactly Rallkin123 this is what really piss's me off about Babestation. Abysmal, I know that the babes tend to come in for a lot of criticism but the blame is firmly on the tossers running this channel tonight Angry

Just what is the fucking point of Babestation anymore. Absolute horseshit as you can see from the screen shots above. Fuck you Babestation!!!!!!!!!!! Thumb down

27.09.2016, 03:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Lori Butt naked and the twat cameraman filming her from the waist up as usual! What a prize plonker!!!AngryAngryAngryThumb downThumb downThumb down

27.09.2016, 02:39

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Hi, Scottishbloke,hope you're well. Thanks for the info, I think she's a real cutie beauty.SmileThumb up

27.09.2016, 02:00

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Felicity Hill mate, she's usually on the dayshows. I'd be very surprised if she were to put on any sort of risky show, even if she did the dickheads running this channel would most likely censor it anyhow Cool

27.09.2016, 01:49

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Who's the new babe on Babestation?

27.09.2016, 00:07

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Scottishbloke wrote:
Positive wrote:it has now occurred to me that this chap who runs this station could actually secretly be a real prude in matters of sex. Openly displaying bravado but secretly a prude.

No I don't think he is a prude, I happen to think that he is just a self righteous tosser just like the same twat that is running Studio66 into the ground. All the good producers have either left or have been forced off the air by ofcom and we're now left with clueless idiots who refuse to acknowledge the winning formulas from the past. Babestation was a great channel in its day as I was playing back some of the recordings from a few years ago. The weekend shows used to go to a completely new level. Girl on girl and nude 2 for 1's to the junk that is now served up now on a shitty plate. With regards to last nights shows, same as the previous night, lame as fuck! Thumb down

I certainly do think of the individual running Babestation as a self-righteous tosser, as you say. They now appear to be alienating the average working class man with their exorbitant cam pricing... I have actually been wondering whether there is a link between Studio66 and Babestation. Since the new management I have been noticing some similarities. Does anyone know who the actual owner now is?

It is a crime what has happened to Lori's shows. I would rather not see her at all than see her like this!