Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

4.86 (7 Bewertung(en))

(4.86 / 5, 7 Bewertungen)

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26.09.2016, 20:57

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Babestation daytime is dead Cry, It is impossible to wacth the girls more than two minutes because they prioritize the pervecams to Tv and callers.Confused

They should rename it to Babestation THAI channel Cool

26.09.2016, 19:22

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

With regards to Lori sadly her shows have deteriorated of late but I think this has got more to do with poor direction and camera angles as opposed to her capability or desire to put on a good show because under the correct circumstances she can still deliver something special in my opinion.

With regards to Madison Rose I agree with Lutonbloke 100% on this, she has been very poor for over a year now, in a 2 hour session from her you would be lucky if she gave more than 2 positions which is a far cry from her handthong shows Sad

Last nights show was indeed a snorefest from start to finish, the only half decent session I seen last night was from Lexi Lowe. On paper it was a very strong line up but what transmitted didn't do any of the babes any justice. The current owner of Babestation needs to sell up and hand over the baton. Under proper direction unlike Studio66 the vast majority of the babes can and will put on a proper show.

26.09.2016, 04:36

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

I think you're probably right about Lori, Lutonbloke. I didn't mean to be so critical of her, but more with those damn cameramen who deliberately only show her and other babes from the waist up even when nudeThumb down. She used to be one of my all time fav. girls. As for Maddie, I couldn't agree more with you. I HATE it when they wear those effing stockings, When they get their knickers off I want to see bare legs and feet as well as bare bums. I also loved seeing perform up until 12 months ago. Now all she does is pose in just 2 boring positions and that's about it during her session,(snore fest unlimited abounds!!!)

26.09.2016, 04:06

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Rallkin123 wrote:Lori spent the first 15 minutes sitting in front of the camera pretending she was cracking one off(zzzzzz), then she stands up and whips her panties off, only to sit down in front of the camera for a further 10 minutes. If we're lucky, we might get to see her fully naked for about 5 minutes all told, and that's being generous. it really is becoming one giant bore fest watching her these days.Thumb downThumb downThumb down

I can't accuse Lori for being lazy and static like some other babes are, but to me her style of performance has never been sexy

Anyway i have to say how disappointing Madison Rose has been this year, last year she was one of the stars on the babeshows, but this year her shows are boring and she always wears those bloody stockings, lots of babes seem to wear them now i don't get the fascination people have with stockings

26.09.2016, 02:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Lori spent the first 15 minutes sitting in front of the camera pretending she was cracking one off(zzzzzz), then she stands up and whips her panties off, only to sit down in front of the camera for a further 10 minutes. If we're lucky, we might get to see her fully naked for about 5 minutes all told, and that's being generous. it really is becoming one giant bore fest watching her these days.Thumb downThumb downThumb down

25.09.2016, 02:51

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

The biggest crime tonight is Amanda hasn't been let off the leash yet Confused It's a shame Babestation don't do proper 2 for 1's anymore as having Amanda and Priya together should in theory make for a good spectacle, if only it was last year with the previous boss at the helm Sad

25.09.2016, 02:43

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Beth looks very horny in those shiny leather boots,too.TongueTongue

25.09.2016, 02:37

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Aye you'll find that the cameramen very rarely show any of the babes in compromising positions, the only nude shots you see are from a distance far away or side on or legs strictly closed with not even a hint of what if she accidentally shows more than she should. I'm not really a fan of Alice Goodwin but she's the only one that appears to have any control over the cameramen and its showing as her session right now might be worth a gander as to say Blush

25.09.2016, 02:26

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

That pussy wussy of a cameraman filming the shaggable Olivia on Babestation is so annoying showing most of the time the top half of her and not the bottom half as well!!! Thumb downThumb downThumb downAngryAngryAngry

24.09.2016, 05:17

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Hmm, this has to be a bit more than coincidence, the 2nd day in a row that come 4AM, the babestation streams drop out, at least Flick isn't on later, but I'm still annoyed that her stream was down for her entire shift yesterday [actually BSextra was down until night shows started], yet the others worked fine after a short period of downtime. come on people, sort your fucking shit out, or is this your shitty ploy to get people to use the paid pervcams as the only way to see a girl? if so, bollocks, I'd rather try and catch them on MFC or any other service.

my only other thought would be there are certain girls that someone has taken a dislike to, and rather than outright make a complaint or talking it through, they just want them to lose calls and lose their job for not hitting caller targets, which knowing how petty some of the studios are, i could easily believe...

...rant over, i'm going to bed, at least when I'm sleeping things can't piss me off.

23.09.2016, 07:06

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

kimosabi wrote:more annoyingly, ladyboy central is working...fuck it, I'm going to bed.

The least said about that disgusting channel the better I think Big Grin Chicks with dicks, get me a vomit bag now please Big Grin that's just wrong on every level Thumb down

I'm not going to say fuck it because I wouldn't in a million years! Big Grin

23.09.2016, 06:55

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

which twat is in charge of the streams, because the number of times they don't work when Flick is on is starting to take the fucking piss somewhat. by default I blame Firestorm, but S66 are working fine, just BS streams are all down for me, more annoyingly, ladyboy central is working...fuck it, I'm going to bed.

22.09.2016, 20:19

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Positive wrote:it has now occurred to me that this chap who runs this station could actually secretly be a real prude in matters of sex. Openly displaying bravado but secretly a prude.

No I don't think he is a prude, I happen to think that he is just a self righteous tosser just like the same twat that is running Studio66 into the ground. All the good producers have either left or have been forced off the air by ofcom and we're now left with clueless idiots who refuse to acknowledge the winning formulas from the past. Babestation was a great channel in its day as I was playing back some of the recordings from a few years ago. The weekend shows used to go to a completely new level. Girl on girl and nude 2 for 1's to the junk that is now served up now on a shitty plate. With regards to last nights shows, same as the previous night, lame as fuck! Thumb down

22.09.2016, 01:31

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Trying to make head or tail of what has been going on here at Babestation in recent times has thrown up lots of theories. There has just been so much unbelievably inane and immature productions, that there has been a constant stream of justifiable harsh criticisms of the shows... After observing the instincts of some of these cameramen on Babestation I have to say that the problem may be even worse than we have previously been surmising. On top of all the other theories that we have been proposing, it has now occurred to me that this chap who runs this station could actually secretly be a real prude in matters of sex. Openly displaying bravado but secretly a prude. Just look at the camera antics of some of these people at Babestation - it clearly isn't just about deliberate refusal to show exciting positions because that is what they have now been ordered to do. There seems to be more to this, judging by the instincts and camera movements on display.

Ever since Babesattion changed management these extreme nonsensical shows have materialized... Maybe some of the girls at the station can shed some light on what is really going on behind the scenes?

21.09.2016, 05:24

Re: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

Spot on, Scottishbloke! Amanda saved the show for me. All the years I've seen her on Babestation, I've never known her to give a bad show. she always makes you feel as if she's with you at the time, just enjoying your company . Jeez, she is so horny and that beautiful Scottish accent of hers sends goose bumps down my spine. She oozes sex from every pore of her skin and she has more sex appeal in her tiny finger nail than the dross (Lori included) who were on the show with her that night.Thumb up
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