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03.06.2012, 00:51

Re: Poems

vogue wrote:
brudgon wrote:copy&paste

Credits goes to the original poet Sylvia Chidi.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

not sawCry
just deletedBig Grin

31.05.2012, 21:46

Re: Poems

There are so many things,
that you wished you've never done it.
But everyone makes mistakes,
so the best thing you can do..
is learn from it!
Don't hang around like you don't
know what to do anymore.
But see life as an experience,
an experience with ups and downs,
with tears and happines.
No one knows what's behind you..
and no one knows what
you're looking forward.
But always no that you gotta enjoy your life,
and make it the way you want it!

Do you remember
When we used to say
“You have my heart”
And that’s where it will stay.
You always loved me
Helped me, cheered me up
Made me laugh like no one could.
That’s why
my heart belongs to you
I want you to have it
And keep it.
I love you, you know
Even if we’ll never
be together
You’ll always
Have my heart.

The rain is fallin on my window pane.
but we are hidin in a safer place,
under the covers stayin save and warm.
you give me feelins that i adore.
It starts in my toes,
makes me crinkle my nose.
where ever it goes i always know,
that you make me smile.
please stay for a while now,
just take your time.
where ever you go..
I've been asleep for a while now,
You tucked me in just like a child now.
Cause every time you hold me in your arms,
Im comfortable enough to feel your warmth.
where ever you go i know;
It starts in my soul,
And I lose all control,
When you kiss my nose.
The feelin shows,
Cause you make me smile.
Holdin me tight.

When I think of you
Or see you smile at e
I get the same feeling
as before a performance
You give me this rush
A wonderfull flow full of emotions
You're one of a kind, you're unique
And my feelings for you will stay
Day after day
Year after year
All I want is to have you near
'Cuz you make me wanna kiss you
Touch you and dance with you
Let's move our bodies with the flow
You know baby, we're gonna steal the show
You and me, dancing together
All eyes on us, we are as light as a feather
Lifted by the magic of love
Left all the problems behind
You and me together, forever
That's all what's on my mind!

Kind Regards

03.05.2012, 22:16

Re: Poems

When the night falls look at the sky.
If you see a falling star, don't wonder why.
Just make a wish trust me it will come true.. Cause i did it, and.. I found you

If you lay in the grass
looking at the sun
if you see a faling star
make a wish
it will come true
'cause i did
and i found you.

A friend is someone who makes
you smile.
And makes you forget,
the bad times for
a while.
A friend is someone
to wham you can say
i love you in a very special way!

Don't stop, never give up.
Hold your head high and reach the top.
Let the world see what you've got.
Hold on to what you try to be, your individuality!
When the world is on your shoulders,
just smile and let go.
If people try to put you down,
just walk on by, don't turn around.
You only have to answer to yourself!

Kind Regards

02.05.2012, 18:12

Re: Poems

Please hold me, i need you so much,
i long to feel your touch.
Please hold me, cause only then i can feel safe,
in a loving embrace.
Please hold me, your everything i need,
to let me feel for one second that my life is compleet.
Please hold me, to get near by your heart,
cause i loving you so my sweetheart.
Please hold me, that is all i ask from you,
i hope so you want all this to......

What I need is a touch
and a loving kiss
from someone I love much
that's what I miss
Arms that hold me tight
not only during day time
but also during a cold night
Who always stands beside me
and has confidence in me too
gives me the feeling that I am free
and helps me the fears from the past undo
That will be very nice in my life
but even without such person
I'll make it, I will always survive

I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your style
But that's not why I love you
And I like the way
You're such a star
But that's not why I love you
Hey, do you feel me, do you feel what I feel
do you need me,
You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you
I like the way you misbehave
When we get wasted
But that's not why I love you
And how you keep you cool when I am complicated
But that's not why I love you
Hey, do you feel me, do you feel what I feel
do you need me,
Even though we didn't make it through
I am always in for you
You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
the reason I love you
Is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

Kind Regards

25.04.2012, 12:21

Re: Poems

Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its shams, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

a german translation you will find [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

thanks to a friend found in here...

24.04.2012, 23:08

Re: Poems

The storm is raging,
the war is on,
you keep on waging,
but still haven't won.
The mind said no,
but the heart was impeccable.
And so it was so,
the two weren't collateral.
The walls broke down,
and the mind abides.
As the heart takes the crown,
desire roars from the insides.

Once upon a time something wonderful happened to me,
it was the sweetest thing that could ever be.
It was like a fantasy, a dream came true, it was the say I met you.

You make me laugh,
You make me smile,
You make me cry,
You make me forget
the bad times for a while.
You let me know
what real love is,
But stronger than love,
is our friendship!

For now Silence is surrounding us.
Words will rise at the right occasion,
leaves may fall on busy streets, who cares..
Time goes on, we go on,
we live our lives until faith decides its enough.
Memories fade..
important turns in our life are being made.
The way we eat, we sleep ,
we talk with or without eachother.
The purpose of our existence,
our true meaning
Vageness and the mystery, unresolved.
Memories keep us away from our conscioussnes,
dreams will come true when time is due.
For now A poem for your deepest thoughts will do..

The sun touches smy skin,
But I'm freesin' within'
Look outside it's a beautiful day
But I feel cold inside cause you so far away.
I'm gonna run, run fast as I can
cause I just wanna be with you again
I'm gonna run, run out of this place,
so I can see the sunshine on your face.
And I can be with you, be with you, be with you again!

Kind Regards

24.04.2012, 22:18

Re: Poems

Our love is strong,
my hammer is long.

When u r not there I am so sick,
I always like when you ride my dick.

Your smile is sweet,
I like to take it deep.

Lets take a hit,
I love your clit.

24.04.2012, 22:11

Re: Poems

A note reminds us what we should do
and we certainly can not forget
a paper let us drawing
it lets us write
and makes the owner proud of it
but throw it all away ...
and there is nothing left
but a poem in the heart
remains forever

It was raining,
The world was fading.
We just ran,
And we met again.
Our lifes filled with loss,
But still our paths cross.
I took you in my arms...
Pulling you close to me,
We both started to see.
What our heart desired...
I longed for you,
And never knew what to do.
You longed for me,
But you've never let me see...
But now...
I kissed you...
You kissed me...
But I was only dreaming...
I woke up screaming...
Wishing for a new reality.

Kind Regards

19.04.2012, 22:32

Re: Poems

I can't stop thinking about you
you mean the world to me...
i can't live without you
without you; my life is only a tear...
i can't live without a hug
without a hug i can't think...
the world is gone
when you're not anymore in my life...
you are so perfect for me
thats why i don't want anyone else...
just believe that and stand by me!
i love you so mutch,
you can't imagine..
my world is rolling about you
don't ever forget that!

She smiled like an angel,
and stirred the chaos in your blood.
Reflecting inside her pools of green,
you recognized your own misery.
She was a woman,a child,
a little girl..
still hoping for love,
but yet she doesn't believe.
Surrounded by cards,
in the depths of icy white,
she watched you trembling..
Hold on to what you feel,
you would like to say
(but she would run again)
I am here for you,
to hold you close,
to be a friend
and this might be more.
But instead of that,
you watched her go.
Empty without her sparkling soul,
empty without her..

Kind Regards

17.04.2012, 23:05

Re: Poems

I know i'm not a perfect friend,
You're broken heart, i've tried to mend.
Instead i made you hurt and cry,
Maybe i should say goodbye.
Would it be better for me to go?,
I asked you, and you said "No".
Why say no when i hurt you so bad,
But believe me,
you're not the only one that's sad.
I made my best friend hurt like mad,
If i left would you be glad?.
Deep in my heart,
I'll always know,
I'll love you always,
Even if i go!

Its hard you know,
sitting right beside you,
knowing its too late now.
Too late to hug you in the morning,
and too late to kiss you goodnight.
Its hard you know,
being with you,
laughing with you,
knowing it will never be more.
Never more then "just friends",
never more then "just that guy".
Its hard you know,
to see you hug others,
to see you kiss others,
to see you love others,
knowing it will never be me.
Never be me that you walk hands in hands with,
never be me that you share your heart with.
Its hard you know,
to watch others hurt you,
to watch others cheat on you,
to watch others break your trust,
to watch you cry about them,
knowing that i would give my life for you.
Give my life for you to love me for once,
give my life to share my heart with you for once.
Its hard you know,
to end it like this.
You were my life,
my life abandonded me.
Lost my mind in an endless night,
and i will fade with the last tear i cry.

Kind Regards

11.04.2012, 22:20

Re: Poems

Just the two of us,
nobody else.
If I have to confess,
I never want to lose you.
We're meant to be.
Never let you go.
Your love is the key,
the key to my heart.
Nobody else can come in.
I can' t life without you.
Your soft skin,
and your sweet laugh.
I always be there for you.
We've been through a lot.
Everything what I say is true.
Baby I love you.

I feel so
al those people around me
they just look
they dont come closer
they dont get to know me
i feel so lonely
its like all that people are scared
like I hurt them if they come closer
like Im a big danger to them
like im not vulnareble
i feel so lonely
its like nobody sees that im sad
only a few come gently closer
know how to handel carefull
without scaring me
Those people i have given a name
they are called friends
i dont know how they cal me
but i hope they find the same in me

Heart to heart.
Soul to soul.
I love you the most,
and you'll always know

Kind Regards

01.04.2012, 20:23

Re: Poems

No comment needed this 1st poem !

I am strong
when they look into my eyes
I hope they can not see
that learning to live again
is slowly killing me
even though I do my best
but it is not easy to forget
there is still turning many things
as circles around in my head
the only thing I can do
is waiting for that day
that all these things in my head
finally go away
until that time
I must try to hold on
overcome the pain
and I can do it, because I am strong !!!

In times you feel alone
and the only thing you can do, is cry
think about the things I sayd
It's just not the right time, to say goodbye
I put a little trust in you
and wisper sweet words in your ear
kill the pain inside your soul
wipe away your last tear
the sun rises on the horizon
finally the night is over
reade for the daily run
thinking of the feelings
how the nightmare began

Scars in my arm.
Scars in my soul.
Maybe your not the collusion for my atoll.
Your pain sent people free.
But maybe just not for me.
I’m hopeless and don’t now what to do.
I can’t talk about my feelings because I don’t want to.
I just want to be alone.
But also whit my friend.
Its not makes any sense.
Maybe I just want the power.
En this time not just be a lovely flower.
I wane change.
And its hard for my.
I was always the one who nobody sees.
But I wane try.
And make the best of my life.
And maybe I am a little sober.
But if I change its over.
So let me go.
Let me be myself.
And let me be out of my shelf.

Kind Regards

06.03.2012, 20:45

Re: Poems

unfortunately not mine, but too good too be missed

Leonard Cohen - A Thousand kisses deep

Don't matter if the road is long
Don't matter if it's steep
Don't matter if the moon is gone
And the darkness is complete
Don't matter if we lose our way
It's written that we'll meet
At least, that's what I heard you say
A thousand kisses deep

I loved you when you opened
Like a lily to the heat
You see, I'm just another snowman
Standing in the rain and sleet
Who loved you with his frozen love
His second hand physique
With all he is and all he was
A thousand kisses deep

I know you had to lie to me
I know you had to cheat
You learned it on your father's knee
And at your mother's feet
But did you have to fight your way
Across the burning street
When all our vital interests lay
A thousand kisses deep

I'm turning tricks
I'm getting fixed
I'm back on boogie street
I'd like to quit the business
But I'm in it, so to speak
The thought of you is peaceful
And the file on you complete
Except what I forgot to do
A thousand kisses deep

Don't matter if you're rich and strong
Don't matter if you're weak
Don't matter if you write a song
The nightingales repeat
Don't matter if it's nine to five
Or timeless and unique
You ditch your life to stay alive
A thousand kisses deep

The ponies run
The girls are young
The odds are there to beat
You win a while, and then it's done
Your little winning streak
And summon now to deal with your invincible defeat
You live your life as if it's real
A thousand kisses deep

I hear their voices in the wine
That sometimes did me seek
The band is playing Auld Lang Syne
But the heart will not retreat
There's no forsaking what you love
No existential leap
As witnessed here in time and blood
A thousand kisses deep

06.03.2012, 18:08

Re: Poems

Here's one of my favourites ...

"Oh flundered gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me
As plurdled gabbleblotchits
On a lurgid bee
That mordiously hath bitled out
Its earted jurtles
Into a rancid festering [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts
And living glupules frart and slipulate
Like jowling meated liverslime
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes
And hooptiously drangle me
With crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon
See if I don't."

Not by me, I hasten to add. Just Google "Vogon poetry"

06.03.2012, 13:23

Re: Poems

A friend, is someone who's make your day good.
A friend, is someone who you can tell everthing.
A friend, is someone who makes you smile.
A friend,is someone who's honest to you.
A friend, is someone who have's fun with you.
A friend, is someone who makes you forget the bad times for a while.
A friend, is someone who you can say,
i love you in a very special way..

Always is forever,
Forever is a long time,
But i wanna stay with you forever,
till the day we die.

I feel so miserable
Why you don't like me
What have i done to you
And i'm still in love with you.
You're so cute
You're the one i think about
Why do you ignoring me
Do you hate me.
You're so pretty
I can't take my eyes of you
But for you i'm not there
But i think of you everywhere.
You're all the time in my head
And i love you
And i hope you're gonna love me to
Because i can't miss you.

Kind Regards
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