Marayah - Discussion & Chat

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22.10.2010, 17:59

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

i really would know the name of the surgeon who made that disaster.

I hope for her that is only the first stage of the healing.

btw once Marayah was a woman.. now what ?-_-

p.s. *is bad to say but i am shocked and depressed after this new transformation of Marayah.. why in the hell she did that ?

22.10.2010, 17:48

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

I don't know if this boobjob is good or awful, sure she looks different!

21.10.2010, 15:23

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

I think that from the respect, everyone is free to express an opinion, no matter if it is a critic or not. For me Marayah was a very beautiful woman, but now I don't like her at all, her lips are horrible and her new tits are antinatural and very ugly too. It's my opinion, I respect her if she likes her new image, and I respect opinions different from mine.

21.10.2010, 14:35

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

Marayah never so discussed in the past.
I don't like her new breast and i don't share her choice but, i admit, she's just a courageous woman.

21.10.2010, 13:24

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

now need a butt implant, and shes dreamgirl Big Grin

no, i like the new breasts :b

20.10.2010, 21:46

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

100% agreement!
Either you're a NATURAL beauty or not...
Plasitc surgery is often s***!Angry

20.10.2010, 21:12

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

Plastic-lips and plastic-tits are horrible,what is the next step?
Once upon a time a pretty girl
Then rather tatoo or piercing

20.10.2010, 18:28

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

Who are you to criticize.
She does what she wants with her body.
If she is happier in his head with big boobs so much the better for it.
Personally I have nothing against that is provided is done well and in harmony with its silhouette.
For lips, I agree it's a horror.
Remember that television, the models are not your property.
There are girls that nature has spoiled and that shows nothing (Brona) or very little (gia).
See you soon if God will.

20.10.2010, 16:41

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

I'm not a fan of fake anything,natural all the way for me! But in her defence,I will say that Marayah's new 'purchases' will not stay that high up her chest,she has just come back to work too early like I mentioned in another post.After the operation,the 'surgeon' applies strong surgical tape below the breasts where the implant incisions are to allow for no stitching to be seen when it heals.This forces the implants (more) unnaturally upwards and also accounts for the odd shape.I think if she had come back when they were properly healed,then I'm sure they would look more natural,well as natural as they can look. Smile Only time will tell.

Dreamlander-I'm a little concerned that this may start a trend at ETV.The main reason I watch this channel is that almost every girl is 100% natural,aside from a few awful tattoos.UK channels are awash with 'fakery' of some kind or another! Sad

20.10.2010, 15:07

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

I'm not sure if later they will "fall" to normal but now... what I see is terrible.Marayah-Marayah,what have you done to them.CryCry

20.10.2010, 15:04

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

I'm not a master in plastic surgery but i'm sure Marayah will be forced to hide her new big tits about 2-3 weeks BlushThumb up.


20.10.2010, 00:12

Marayah - Mrs silicon

the same bad Doctor who gave her fish lips gave her funny square titsSad
natural is the best
is their any other parts to be injected on that loser's hands
Heart petty marayahThumb down

19.10.2010, 23:11

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

And just a few minutes into the "hot" part of tonights show the lovely Marayah is showing off her new breasts. I must say they look tender but very interesting indeed. If she is happy then so am I. Now where is that cream Marayah ha ha

17.10.2010, 16:38

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

Marayah is down to appear on tuesday and thursday nights but I think it may be too soon to have a great "unvieling" of her new breasts. The only way she could show so early after her operation is to wear one of those half cup bras which offer support but still show off her breasts. She seems more happy and confident since having them done. I am not a big fan of fake boobs but I can"t wait to see them in a peculiar way ha ha. bye bye from doctor Glassy ha ha

16.10.2010, 21:24

Re: Marayah - Discussion & Chat

In Molvania the little girls get told that they will have big breasts if they always eat their ... and drink their ... . If she had listened back then ...