Yesterday's early morning show with Tia, Safo & Malena

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13.11.2007, 14:16

Yesterday's early morning show with Tia, Safo & Malena

Quite nice butt show by Tia.

[hidden link - please register]

80 MB, 5:49

13.11.2007, 15:22

Re: Yesterday's early morning show with Tia, Safo & Malena

Alice? Same logo as italian Alice brought by Telecom Italia, most hated company by me.

I think best Alice is the one from ETV. :)))))

13.11.2007, 15:14

Re: Yesterday's early morning show with Tia, Safo & Malena

You want the other 640 MB too? This would cost me another 5 days. :-))

My damn provider Alice disconnected me 3 times while I was uploading. :-(((

13.11.2007, 14:52

Re: Yesterday's early morning show with Tia, Safo & Malena

A fatina, a poet and a wonder.

THX bull.

P.S. But where is the poet? :)))))

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