Linda - Videos & Caps

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25.02.2009, 09:47

Linda - Videos & Caps

Lindas 2nd morning show showing more of her not quite so streamlined bod*, she is having fun, the boots are a bit loud though.

[hidden link - please register]
5:16 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 66.5 MB

includes nip slip, Lace and Athina

* see DBs comments re McD vs the stork

PS. I read in the newspaper yesterday that a movement has started in the Sandwich isles to remove the apostrophe when used in the genitive

I will as from today join this movement

the Anglo-Saxons among you will know what I'm on about
the others follow this Linda's nipslip becomes Lindas nipslip and DB's the stork at McD theory becomes DBs, not however my I'm = I am which is not possessive

as for Hanses, Hansies or Hans panty auction sometime on Saturdays although it sounds kinda weird (which incidentally doesn't follow the i before e except after c rule) the 3rd option feels right

the tower of Babel affair really has a lot to answer for

10.05.2009, 12:45

Linda behind the curtain

Linda handbra behind the curtain this afternoon (a bad focus).

Link [hidden link - please register] 30 mb

See and enjoy.

08.04.2009, 08:58


please post any clips from yesterday night with linda.. thanks

11.03.2009, 12:50

Re: Linda

an update with close up

[hidden link - please register]

11.03.2009, 12:20

Re: Linda

A nice solo scene from Linda today, hands free

3:54Mins 66Mb Mpeg

[hidden link - please register]

10.03.2009, 21:26

Re: Linda

for newcomers and any others interested

Linda with her sister Margo then an active model in the gym (black dreadlocks and hat) in the early morning show nearly 2 years ago

file name: eUrotic Margo Linda 26.05 early.mp4 from 2007

[hidden link - please register]
31:21 mins H.264 mp4 188 MB

live vision 61.1 MB requires a large cache and patience (buffers)
[hidden link - please register]


10.03.2009, 21:17

Re: Linda

Linda is not acting differently than she did in the past she always used to cover and show form time to time this is her she may get warmer in time and obviously on ETV's approval

10.03.2009, 20:40

Re: Linda

Good job. She deserves her Warm.

07.03.2009, 01:54

Re: Linda

Pity she doesn't speak italian as her sister.

05.03.2009, 22:03

Re: Linda - Videos & Caps

Linda the photos in motion, 2 quick flashes

[hidden link - please register]
1:37 mins 768*576 H.264 mp4 21 MB

05.03.2009, 18:22

Re: Linda - Videos & Caps

Please see the video where Linda shows her breast

05.03.2009, 14:55

Re: Linda - Videos & Caps

Nice bowls (in italian "bocce"). :)))))))

05.03.2009, 14:32

Re: Linda - Videos & Caps

A pic of Linda and a side-effect of a tight handbra.

[hidden link - please register]

25.02.2009, 11:29

Re: Linda - Videos & Caps

morning Mr B

re sound shift on Astra - I can't comment on that

the term for reducing audio for a voice over is called ducking, most audio mixers have this facility, it requires only one finger to press down a button for the duration of the added speech. This finger is obviously not available because it is too busy pissing around with the cyan, magenta and yellow buttons on the video mixer. Or playing an out of tune witches broom guitar.

25.02.2009, 11:16

Re: Linda - Videos & Caps

I'm a Celt and only use Anglo-Saxon when the word only needs four letters.

But if this wonderful idea comes from the Sandwich Isles then I am sure it will be served on wholemeal rather than rye. And whatever McD uses it sure is not 'bread'

But watching/listening to this clip it ocurred to me (not normally viewing HB) that ETV's, or should that now read ETVs, sound is a mess. Astra is still out of on-mic sync (see the Monna clip if you really want to see what I mean) and on HB the previously-silent moderation is played into full volume sound

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