Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

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21.01.2010, 21:38

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

bigboy24 wrote:At least she is an honest girl not like Clio who didn't find the right one to undress her. So why should we call her anymore when she told us what she will not do.
But anyway.

kleo is honest, not like clio who always that she didn't find the guy who mekes her naked, cause they are all vulgar . that day someone asked her to show her tits and she nswer him that he must be polite!!!i think it's time to let her alone, so she will leart how to respect the callers

21.01.2010, 20:38

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

Micky Maus wrote:... I have a request for a video from kleopatra yesterday between around 21.30 and 21.50. She made a soft strip at the pole showing her bra....

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Warning: this video contains scenes of Nikita

21.01.2010, 17:34

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

At least she is an honest girl not like Clio who didn't find the right one to undress her. So why should we call her anymore when she told us what she will not do.
But anyway.

21.01.2010, 14:52

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

Micky Maus wrote:Oh yes, i tried to say,that she should show us some more. But she told me, that this would never happen, because she wants to keep some secrets about her. Sorry, but i think that we can´t expect more from her Cry

that is terrible...

btw, thank u very much for your contribute. You are an hero.

21.01.2010, 13:59

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

Oh yes, i tried to say,that she should show us some more. But she told me, that this would never happen, because she wants to keep some secrets about her. Sorry, but i think that we can´t expect more from her Cry

21.01.2010, 11:11

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

Micky Maus wrote:Hi to all you great video makers out there. I have a request for a video from kleopatra yesterday between around 21.30 and 21.50. She made a soft strip at the pole showing her bra. I know, nothing special, but i talked to her at the phone at this time and want to see that again. Would be great, if somebody recorded it.

you talked to her ?
do you told her to do something more ?
or you was aware of her ?


21.01.2010, 09:11

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

Hi to all you great video makers out there. I have a request for a video from kleopatra yesterday between around 21.30 and 21.50. She made a soft strip at the pole showing her bra. I know, nothing special, but i talked to her at the phone at this time and want to see that again. Would be great, if somebody recorded it.

14.01.2010, 08:25

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

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11.07.2009, 13:05

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

reading those replies i begin to suspect that Kleopatra never did a strip in her whole life.

well.. should be the time to do it !! ^_^

11.07.2009, 10:56

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

hi guys .. thank u for the nice pics ! would u plz put the link of the video ..it seems to be amazing ..thanks

11.07.2009, 10:45

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

for the guys who are interested in Kleopatra a vid with her shower under the waterfall yesterday in the evening.

[hidden link - please register]

[hidden link - please register]

Alert: This vid contains NO nudity. (for the guys who expect a nipple from the side or even naked flesh)

01.05.2009, 13:19

Re: Kleopatra yesterday night

I was talking about evening of Tuesday 28/4. Elmo or Bellephron or anyone else could help me please?

29.04.2009, 19:23

Kleopatra yesterday night

Yesterday night (28/4) did u notice Kleopatra sexy dress?? Oh my God... someone can post the video please?

18.11.2008, 20:56

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

hello!!! very nice

02.11.2008, 21:36

Re: Kleopatra - Videos & Caps

not the Kleopatra scene referred to by bellerophon

this scene similar, much closer and longer from later in the show

[hidden link - please register]
9:54 min 768*576 H.264 mp4 123 MB

Kleo with a K and e fans enjoy