Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

4.13 (8 rating(s))

(4.13 / 5, 8 ratings)

Amateur models online
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30.04.2010, 23:51

Re: Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

two scenes of Jacqueline in the evening show:
a short soft strip on a chair and some teasing at the wall

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21.04.2010, 19:56

Re: Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

Tarl_Cabot wrote:at the end of the scene she stood up, went behind the white curtain and stripped her bra. but this isn't included in the video Sad[/i]

Why not???Big Grin

21.04.2010, 19:53

Re: Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

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at the end of the scene she stood up, went behind the white curtain and stripped her bra. but this isn't included in the video Sad

20.04.2010, 21:48

Re: Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

thats really strange,,, this girl is the hottest girl on etv (nowadays) and no videos????

if any,, please post guys...

thanks in advance

10.04.2010, 23:44

Re: Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

Watcher wrote:I'd only seen her sat or laying on the couch until now and thought she was another attractive newcomer.
Now I've seen her standing up, moving about and teasing ..... phew! ......
Ok, I'm hooked! Tongue In love .

nothing to add. very beautiful woman and I hope to see more of her in the future.

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31.03.2010, 01:26

Re: Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

Better Jacqueline than Jaklin.
Maybe Jaklin is close to Lin. And she reminds me to something close to Adora and Danya.
She has been scheduled in midday show tomorrow, let's hope for something more.

30.03.2010, 18:56

Re: Jacqueline - Videos & Caps

Wearing an outfit looking like Bella

close up no similarity, todays newbie Jaqueline
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