The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

Author Posts

02.05.2012, 17:02

Re: The latest arrivals

The latest one : Arleen
(If I understood it right what Jennifer said)

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26.04.2012, 21:57

Re: The latest arrivals

Guess her second name will be 'Tar' very soon Tongue

26.04.2012, 13:14

Re: The latest arrivals

wow avah is so hot.if she doesnt disappear after this casting show she will be the number one of getting messages calls etc......she looks very promising and attractive:thumbup:im looking really forward to see her again and i think most of you think the same.Big Grin

26.04.2012, 12:28

Re: The latest arrivals

brudgon wrote:i lost this moment....shame by meAngry
welcome dear ava hopes you enjoy the studio and others modelsBig Grin
i think you will have a lots of fansThumb up
Don't worry buddy, I missed that moment tooSmile
Definitely will be her many fans.Because she looks very beautiful and charismatic.

26.04.2012, 12:18

Re: The latest arrivals

i lost this moment....shame by meAngry
welcome dear ava hopes you enjoy the studio and others modelsBig Grin
i think you will have a lots of fansThumb up

26.04.2012, 12:09

Re: The latest arrivals

Really very nice modelSmile

26.04.2012, 12:07

Re: Ava Discussion & chat

I didn't see her yet.I hope she will persist.

25.04.2012, 17:05

Re: The latest arrivals

she remember in me the first show of roshana.I hope she copy her very very nice and beatiful girlTongueTongueTongueThumb upThumb up:thumbup:finallyyyyy

25.04.2012, 16:50

Re: The latest arrivals

Ok, Ava is right. Smile

25.04.2012, 16:40

Re: The latest arrivals

She is a beautiful model with a nice and sweet face.

25.04.2012, 16:35

Re: The latest arrivals

Johnnymo wrote:I understand her Name is Sarah

Jenny said it's Ava. Smile

25.04.2012, 16:33

Re: The latest arrivals

I understand her Name is Sarah

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25.04.2012, 16:22

Re: The latest arrivals

chrispocz wrote:
Johnnymo wrote:By 16 clock is a new model, a friend of Karry. On the ETV site, you can see it already. It looks very promising. I say: Welcome. Thumb up

[hidden link - please register]

So and her name is Ava Smile
(If I understood it right)

She is 22 Years old and speaks English and French,her favourite color is pink Smile

25.04.2012, 16:06

Re: The latest arrivals

Johnnymo wrote:By 16 clock is a new model, a friend of Karry. On the ETV site, you can see it already. It looks very promising. I say: Welcome. Thumb up

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25.04.2012, 15:26

Re: The latest arrivals

By 16 clock is a new model, a friend of Karry. On the ETV site, you can see it already. It looks very promising. I say: Welcome. Thumb up
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