The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

Author Posts

12.02.2011, 15:27

Re: The latest arrivals

After last year's outpoor of models this year the ranks are filling with new models and former models coming back. I can't help but wonder about these former models coming back is working at ETV that addictive or is the labourmarket in Molvania that bad? Another questionmark about all these additions, are they expecting many models to leave and if so who will it be? Confused

10.02.2011, 20:55

Re: The latest arrivals

i am wrong or actually there is a nice brunette coming back ?


10.02.2011, 19:31

Re: The latest arrivals

Is interesting the direction is taking ETV in the renovation / enlargement of girls cast. Congratulations.

All new girls are very interesting ... I hope some of them will soon be displayed in the night shows, as Natasha did recently.

10.02.2011, 19:27

Re: The latest arrivals

Jessica looks cute. I like her hairstyle

10.02.2011, 14:39

Re: The latest arrivals

Please, in english only.
Thumb up

About Jessica's hair, I don't know if it's from her own or the blonde hair stylist (nice girl, I think she would be better as a model) applied her some extension as usual (as Jacqueline's head knows very well).

10.02.2011, 14:38

Re: The latest arrivals

Jessica beautifull and tall body

i like this style

wellcome baby

10.02.2011, 14:30

Re: The latest arrivals

She reminds me of something from Margo and something from Nicole.

10.02.2011, 14:26

Re: The latest arrivals

outside wrote:Looks nice and sweet but horrible hairstyle.

Hairstyle okay. But unfortunately that is the norm lately. Pierced tongue and lip.
So with one eye closed like to Mashiara

10.02.2011, 14:20

Re: The latest arrivals

Looks nice and sweet but horrible hairstyle.

10.02.2011, 14:17

Re: The latest arrivals

newbie Jessica

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10.02.2011, 14:11

Re: The latest arrivals

New Jessica, thin brunette, just arrived in studio.
Pic coming soon.
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10.02.2011, 14:11

Re: The latest arrivals

The new model Jessica

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08.02.2011, 06:59

Re: The latest arrivals

outside wrote:Here today, gone today too.

seems she wants to add some mins to her 30 mins yesterday.
she's on the schedule for next week monday & tuesday afternoon.

07.02.2011, 15:47

Re: The latest arrivals

Here today, gone today too.

07.02.2011, 15:11

Re: The latest arrivals

New girl in studio right now, blonde smooth hair, dressed in jeans and boots.
News and pics as soon as possible.
According to official guide, her name is Nataly, but she looks different to former Nathalie.
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Here is Nataly.