The latest arrivals

3.32 (22 rating(s))

(3.32 / 5, 22 ratings)

Author Posts

17.10.2010, 23:15

Re: The latest arrivals

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17.10.2010, 23:12

Re: The latest arrivals

outside wrote:Kerry again?

just a question of time until she away again Smile

17.10.2010, 23:11

Re: The latest arrivals

Kerry again?

14.10.2010, 19:04

Re: The latest arrivals

the latest arrival Fea is scheduled for the afternoon shows on monday and tuesday next week Smile

13.10.2010, 22:14

Re: The latest arrivals

Just a question:
during evening show italian mod Gigi has talked about a new brunette girl named Raquel.
Did she drink too much?

12.10.2010, 19:38

Re: The latest arrivals

Fea looks gorgeous and cute.

She reminds me to Leti

11.10.2010, 11:48

Re: The latest arrivals

I fear she could get the legacy of our favourite Ultra.

11.10.2010, 11:42

Re: The latest arrivals

Already disappeared?
No, if she did, she would beat former record from Raya.

11.10.2010, 11:31

Re: The latest arrivals

[hidden link - please register]
Fea is her name.
Nice one, she reminds me of Desita, the Catwoman.
Maybe Fea is a kitten.

06.10.2010, 15:07

Re: The latest arrivals

Brianna didn"t exactly hang around long--wonder why. Maybe the thought of sitting in a bare studio for 6 hours hardly getting a call put her off. It"s not a very inviting atmosphere for your first day of work. Where are the new models with huge boobs ? Eurotic need at least one (and I mean Huge ha ha) to kick start calls again.

06.10.2010, 09:28

Re: The latest arrivals

she looks very gorgeous and cute

05.10.2010, 21:52

Re: The latest arrivals

So welcome to Brianna The II.

21.09.2010, 15:02

Re: The latest arrivals

Another one.
[hidden link - please register]

21.09.2010, 13:18

Re: The latest arrivals

sucker wrote:Indeed she looks like a slim version of Jessy.Smile
Not so bad - let us see her in the night show for a closer look.Big Grin

ahah... curious... i thought exactly the same.

btw she looks nice...actually she is near to Viviana... i hope that she will learn fast ''the good manners'' Tongue

21.09.2010, 12:48

Re: The latest arrivals

sucker wrote:Not so bad - let us see her in the night show for a closer look.Big Grin

If by then it creates,it would be desirable.
Last time there was a lot of short appearances