The girls page votes (and voters)

3.25 (12 rating(s))

(3.25 / 5, 12 ratings)

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26.06.2010, 12:31

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

What's happened on the models voting? last night I voted, and this morning the points have gone down.
I know Gia is down by about 200 point. When I last looked she had at least 4700 points and Amy's must of gone down as well because I was wondering how was going to make 5000 points first.

21.06.2010, 10:43

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

metincengz wrote:i'm sorry but ı don't belıeve vote moderator because frıday nıght ı vote madlen and she ıs 2015 poınts then ı vote sunday she ıs 2010 unbelıveble

just this:

- the reset of the votes at midnight (at the moment BST-midnight)
- and jonas explaining post:

jonas wrote:That a model raises up or fall down in the ranking of the model`s page can has two reasons:
1) The model has got a lot of points (then raising up!) or only less points (then falling down!) in the last days
2) The model lost only less points (then raising up!) or a lot of points (then falling down!) from voting 30 days ago
1) is obvious for everyone, 2) not!

21.06.2010, 10:29

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

i'm sorry but ı don't belıeve vote moderator because frıday nıght ı vote madlen and she ıs 2015 poınts then ı vote sunday she ıs 2010 unbelıveble

21.06.2010, 02:38

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)


Amanda go from the 43éme rang to the 42éme and she arrow always states that she goes down whereas she goes up of one rang

20.06.2010, 21:15

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

kolokotronis wrote:@ Bad boy
Yes i believe that some people here push gia to be in the first place.

Maybe the voters?

kolokotronis wrote:For me its clear. if you watch videos from the last two weeks will see that there arent many videos from hot models but there are many feet videos and many videos from soft models .

It's the decision of the videomaker which video of which models he edits and posts.
You don't pay for the video and you cannot enforce the videos of your wish but you can make your own videos.

kolokotronis wrote:Iam sure that and this post will be deleted from moderators because they dont want other opinions here

You posts were deleted because of off topic, the wrong thread and because of reposting an already deleted post.
For this you can read [hidden link - please register].
You got today more "Yellow Cards" than Germany and Serbia together in their match at the Soccer World Cup. With this you should be binned till the end of the World Cup.
You agreed with this and you should be happy about still being an active member of this forum.

And as often said: It's your own decision to be here and stealing my free sunday.

(posted public because of his ignoring the content of the PMs)

20.06.2010, 20:57

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

@ Bad boy
Yes i believe that some people here push gia to be in the first place. For me its clear. if you watch videos from the last two weeks will see that there arent many videos from hot models but there are many feet videos and many videos from soft models . They want soft model in the first place its crystal. Iam sure that and this post will be deleted from moderators because they dont want other opinions here

20.06.2010, 19:21

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

Here is the right topic for your deleted comment in the complaints departement.
Do you really think the model ranking is manipulated to push Gia?
I'm very leery and I'm not a fan of her but have you ever read how many fans of her write every day statements.
We are a minority but it's easier to accept the situation.

19.06.2010, 19:25

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

Somebody can it say to me to what correspond the percentages of the beginning and the end, between bracket, which there is under the photographs of the models?
Thank you

13.06.2010, 00:37

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

I find your system of vote not equitable for everybody.

I think that you should put a vote by 24 hours instead of a vote every 24 hours.
With reset all the days at 00.00 CET or other hour that you want.

09.06.2010, 15:58

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

I prefer (it's my taste) 15 min. of pure erotic show then 10 hours of boring and obvious nudity.

09.06.2010, 14:42

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)


Nr. 1 for Gia is heavy exaggerated,for 0-15 min. erotic scenes ever show

09.06.2010, 13:19

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

With all the respect for GIA but her position makes me really nervous !

I think the Molvanians will always keep her in the top ranking.

Totally disagree with you. The real place for Gia is n. 1, as i said many times.
After Scarlet leaving she is the one who is able to perform roll of an erotic model
The others are able to show her tits or spread her legs.

08.06.2010, 23:28

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

JBGOOD wrote:what happened to the raking list? Just Sunday Amy was first with a a plus of about 300 votes on Lin and a global score of about 8000 points
Now scores are around 4000 and Amy has lost the leading place again...

The voting system of the girls page changed and includes now just the last two weeks.
So the models have just half of the points and some movement happened, too.

That's all. Smile

08.06.2010, 22:37

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

what happened to the raking list? Just Sunday Amy was first with a a plus of about 300 votes on Lin and a global score of about 8000 points
Now scores are around 4000 and Amy has lost the leading place again...

23.05.2010, 13:48

Re: The girls page votes (and voters)

Panda wrote:
piggy wrote:With all the respect for GIA but her position makes me really nervous !

what she did to deserve that rank position ? and WHO votes her so much ?

there is something wierd in this vote points method. Thumb down
She is very popular

I think the Molvanians will always keep her in the top ranking. Perhaps one day we will also see Lilian and Angie there!? Smile The "majority" decides but it is perhaps resp. probably another kind of majority than the numerous. Smile
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