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Since no one has mentioned what was mentioned by Hans on Astra last night then I think it fitting that I should also not mention it. So do not blame me if it does not get mentioned until the actual event. Devious. Moi ? Jamais. |
Yyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ,that was a surprice when i came home from work ( i arrived at 16.45u)and the first person a saw was Kaleya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that Kaleya was at the first show ? So can be sure that i watched the show from than till the end of 22.00u ( and even a bit later ...because Kaleya was stil there for a couple of minutes ) And the first thing that i say to myself was woooooooww Kaleya you look soooo beautiful ( she realy was .. and always is :)) ) You also could see that Kaleya try'd to interact with some of the soft models and i must say ( i think) that Kaleya liked Scarlett ( this because she used one of Kaleya's nicknames ?) It was nice to hear Kaleya's voice again it was "Super " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And oké the show was raderly soft even when Kaleya was there but i think it was a better show with the soft girls/models like we used to see and i think it was because of the presens of Kaleya ( she introduced the girls and asked there names ... you could also see that Kaleya was a bit surpriced about the names :)) ) There was a moment where kaleya did a dance with al the girls and that was a funny thing to see because you could see at that time they had fun ( thanks to Kaleya ? ) and ofcourse this was also a oppertunity to see the behinds( a**h) of the girls ,ofcourse i liked the one of Kaleya :))) ( maybe someone has this on vid and can put this on the vid section ? please ) There was also a lot of sms's for Kaleya and you could see that a lot of them were from her old time friends who always where there for her ( and believe me if i could have send a sms i would have send a 10 sms specialy for Kaleya ,but sadley that is something that i can't do from my country !!!) So i guess some of you are wondering if i called with Kaleya ? Well guess what ..... i did ... Yes realy guess i did and i must say it was sooo good ,too short but good .I called ....and the first person i had on the phone was directly Kaleya !!!!!!!!!! ( sometimes you have one of the other girls before you get to the person you like to speak with , i had this before when i called Kaleya in the show from last year ,this way i hadalso the opertunity to speak with Alex .. very nice conversation and fun time i had .. and Malena ,also a very nice call ), Kaleya asked who she had on the phone and i said " well Lady Kaleya it's shaky" and yes she knew me ( she smiled ) from before and there was some things that i only spoke about with Kaleya ( so for some of you guys ...the girls realy remember some of there callers ..even when there are people who say that the girls do an act !!!!) and we start laughing and talking but like i said before it was to short ... and i became mad also but not at Kaleya but at somebody of Etv because they brutley cut me of ( remember that i had this problem also in the past !!) !!!!!!!!!!!! So i try'd it later again but you all could see that Kaleya was always occupied ( hope this was the right word) i try'd it atleased 6 times again but ofcourse i always had one of the other girls on the line ,so i gave up tryïng and the last person i had on the phone i asked her if she could say to Kaleya that i give her 3 kisses and that she always will have my respect and that i hope she wil come again some time and this girl did it ( she said it to Kaleya when i stil was at the phone so the message was send :(( ) So was it nice for me to see and call Kaleya again ?? Yes ofcourse !!!!! ( always ofcourse , some of you know that very well !) So what if the show was soft and boring for some of the viewers /readers/posters atleased i had the change and opertunity to call with Kaleya and see her in a show ,and oké she was soft in this show but the little oopses did it for me ( you know that she don't have to be totaly naked to be liked by me ,i like her just the way she is ... and no i'm not in love but there is something like friendship .. believe it or not but it excist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,So Kaleya you will always have a friend in me no matter where you are ,or what you are ,or what you will do in the future !!!!!!!!!!!!) Kind Regards "Shaky"-Schumi and to end this post a dedicated song for Kaleya and ofcourse it's one of Shakin'Stevens and it's named " My Cutie Cutie " btw : this kind friendley person won't forget that next weekend is the birthday of Kaleya !!!! ( and thanks to ghostwriter2008 and outside for helping me with the number that i could call with and thank you guys for your words and thanks to some of the other people on this forum for there support and words also !!!!! and thank you mr.elmo for what you done with putting vids of Kaleya on this forum ... hope it can continue !!! ) @OldGrizzly :sorry that this post is on 2 different topics |
@ghostwriter2008 i think the new laws of censorship have bloked many girls and have problem to show as in the past and the cameraman too when any hot girls (Sugar, Sandra ecc) when go in warm show, change the shoot and go in other girls, and so they clothe immediately! :-( |
hi friends! if the most girls of Etv in the past turn back ad dont are hot more, what can to receive from the nwe girls? I dont know, is only a opinion...sure i hope the girls for the past and the present of Etv can give the best of them shows for excite the public, because as i told many time an eurotic tv, must to warm the show, if not dont can to be an eurotic tv, but a defile tv with beautiful girls. good evening |
I wonder if Kalyea will be soft or she will turn to hot. I hope if she does |
ok thanks yasmine1 good evening! |
Kaleya used to be a very hot girl with very nice and good ideas unfortunately she can't change ETV and do it something better !! The old days have gone !!! I just remind you that Kaleya was the first having the soft morning show with all the barbies in the summer 2007 , these were very boring show but you cab say she was the pioneer to start them . Now we get the same repeat ,,, I hope I am wrong |
hello satya and fapio whats happened today? I become now from work and i think i lost the most important show in this day? Kaleya?? Noooooo!!! I hope she is turn back and can warm the shows of Etv in next days, because until now it was very soft or cold. If we have some video of today, thanks very much!! Kaleya, yes the first girl of the "golden age" of Etv! :-) Hi friends! |
Guys without Kalyea eUrotic is nothing . she is the real founder |
Wonderful introduction to the smiling lady and darling of ETV viewers. It is very clear , today is her day and every other models have to sit back and watch Please could some one translate what she said at 17.30 Hrs after she said "Hey guys, so many SMS messages, I could not read all of them" ..... |
Nice intro and choreography. And there's a song from Elvis now, maybe next will be a Shakin' Stevens one. :))) She said "Super", so it's quite her. Lo let's enjoy her show. |
That's right, at least Hans has told the truth once in his life. :))))))))))
lets wait and see... |
Today should be the D-Day. Maybe dressed in red and white to celebrate Spring coming according to Molvanian tradition. :) Did Hans say something about it yesterday? (Yes, he did, just checked in communal pool). |
Well if its true and Kaleya makes yet another comeback I hope she does more for the callers this time. All she did last time was wallow in her own little bubble of self admiration and non stop drama queen stories about how the ghosts of eurotic never left her and she had to return--gaawwddss sake give us a break. I like Kaleya and hope she does return but only if she returns to as much of her old self as the production staff will allow. I"m not holding my breath for the return of pants pulled up tight into her pussy or water and cream being poured down her body and-and-and oh well wait and see. |