Sesil - Discussion & Chat

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30.01.2008, 19:11

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

Another kind of fear: now she's always at ETV2, I didn't watch the whole shows, but every time i switched to ETV2, she was fully dressed, has she moved to barbie too (now she's at ETV2 with Violet & Carolina)?

24.01.2008, 21:23

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

moved to 'Who`s that girl?' by poster

24.01.2008, 21:21

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

Anyway, whoever is she, she's all time busy, and it seems she is a Gia's friend.

Show is over now, if someone knows something, please post, anyway I'll open a apposite topic.

24.01.2008, 21:17

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

No way that that either one of us was right up to now. Could be totally new one. To me looks a little like megan, but on first look much sexier. Though megan was okey to me. already long gone. For sesil I must say I am disapointed today, she is just a part of a soft show on etv2. Carolina also not so hot as two days ago. They are really making one day erotic shows, and on the next day it gets very boring, sometimes also quite stupid for my opinion. Other channels know that at night shows must be the hottest part of their show. here we have sometimes nights boring boring stuff. This week I woke two times at about 2 CET and saw all 6 or 7 girls totally dressed. For me it is bizarre. Bellerophone you are absolutely right. And for me it is a thing of bad people behind stage. It is not girls fault.

24.01.2008, 21:01

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

I think quite not Venera, she's one of the tallest.

24.01.2008, 20:53

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

Not certain but I think it might be Venera, looks very different with short black hair though. 

24.01.2008, 19:34

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

A short-haired Zara?

24.01.2008, 18:06

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat


yes she looks like a new barbie. But i think she looks like a younger sister of Kia. It´s my opinion but look at her face. I think.

BTW. I think Caroline has changed her style and is more sexy than ever. Sesil always looks good, i like her, too.



24.01.2008, 17:26

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

It seems to be a nice sexy one, but cameras are too far away. Could it be lolita? Or just totally new hairstyle and we dont recognize her??? She looks nice but with definitely too much clothes on:((. More likely its another ultra barbie.

24.01.2008, 16:09

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

No fear, Sesil is on screen at ETV2 as stated in schedule. There's Gia too and I don't recognize the third one, camera is too far. Maybe she's Carolina with a black wig or new hair style, short & black hair.

And please turn off the fan.

P.S. She isn't Carolina because she's at ETV1, as Madonna would sing, who's that girl?

20.01.2008, 12:33

Re: Sesil - Discussion & Chat

Exams time at So*ia university, Kaleya just said she passed one few days ago, Fanny is missing because she is preparing for some exams, Becky is on screen just on weekend, so I think the same about Sesil (good girl looking, I think she's a good student too).

So I think we haven't to get worried if she would miss next week too.

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