Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

4.18 (131 rating(s))

(4.18 / 5, 131 ratings)

Author Posts

01.02.2011, 14:37

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

We hoped. We believed. We waited. And Scarlet 'ruined her rule' and did it! There return our former Scarlet. She's our Queen and we're her slaves. As soon as possible we must return her on her rightful first place in the rating list.

01.02.2011, 14:08

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

well done Scarlet. I hope they will put a sign over the sofabed 30 minutes on 30 minutes off i dont know who going to agree with me that it was mainly a three girl show last nite

01.02.2011, 10:56

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Thank heavens! The world circles around the sun again at last.CoolBig Grin

01.02.2011, 10:49

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

rialpka wrote:We saw yesterday the dances, the strips , the ceaseless and creative activity of a great SCARLET.. It was of the made in SCARLET, the mark is registered, it is unique and you cannot see something similar somewhere else and without her.

You added to it her changes of lingerie and the shower and we saw several shows in the show.

Great success and BRAVO for a great SCARLET found and finally free.

Totally agree, wondeful Scarlet is Back.
She not only did a great Show, but also she motivated their mates on studio.
She is the queen of ETV no question about it.
I do hope to see her more often in night shows.

01.02.2011, 10:44

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

We saw yesterday the dances, the strips , the ceaseless and creative activity of a great SCARLET.. It was of the made in SCARLET, the mark is registered, it is unique and you cannot see something similar somewhere else and without her.

You added to it her changes of lingerie and the shower and we saw several shows in the show.

Great success and BRAVO for a great SCARLET found and finally free.

01.02.2011, 08:39

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

@ luca82

How wise (I'm sarcastic) to see through all the evidence presented on screen and to choose to mock the words of a 20 year old girl (and many other members of this forum).

01.02.2011, 03:02

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat more strip.. strip more strip.
Oh yes, she has still changed her mind. Are there problems? Noone problem.

The only curiosity is in reference to the way in which she has change her mind: is been a sudden change of mind or it's been a predetermined tactic?
Premising that Scarlet is very able in her job...the answer/suggestion at the question is:
you (only some members) shouldn't believe in the words of a good actress which job is the attraction of customers through the stimulation of curiosity ('why does she seems sad or tired or....?') and sexual desire ('I hope she return to make a strip').

In conclusion:
1) Compliments to Scarlet because she's been able to regenerated the desire towards her.
2) Compliments (I'm sarcastic) to some people who use a pathetic moralism (respect her choice, poor girl...) trying to defend girls who haven't need of defence because they are the first to know them work, a work which often is constituted by teasing actions.

01.02.2011, 01:43

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Just another disappointing show.

01.02.2011, 00:21

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Tendertony wrote:
iceman wrote:Ha ha ha,what a joke,scarlet becoming "hot" again. Desperate times (11th place in ranking...less calls...less money perhaps) calls for desperate measures. Pathetic!

hey "cool boy", why so rude??
Just be glad that she is back in the club she had left for some time!Heart
Even if you were right - what's wrong with that? I bet you also had some situations in your life that you changed your mind significantly!
Comments like these only threaten the girls resigning totally - and would you be happier then??????Thumb down

Even if i was in "some situations" surely i didn't blame somebody who have nothing to do with it. I don't mind the change itself, i do have a problem with hypocrits. She's beautiful but the character...

01.02.2011, 00:18

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

welcome back scarletIn loveIn loveIn love

01.02.2011, 00:15

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Yeah, Scarlet is back again Smile!

01.02.2011, 00:09

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Oh oh Scarlet. That's not what your fans want to be hear at the micro... Big GrinBig Grin

31.01.2011, 23:57

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

iceman wrote:Ha ha ha,what a joke,scarlet becoming "hot" again. Desperate times (11th place in ranking...less calls...less money perhaps) calls for desperate measures. Pathetic!

hey "cool boy", why so rude??
Just be glad that she is back in the club she had left for some time!Heart
Even if you were right - what's wrong with that? I bet you also had some situations in your life that you changed your mind significantly!
Comments like these only threaten the girls resigning totally - and would you be happier then??????Thumb down

31.01.2011, 23:43

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Tifosi wrote:Scarlet seems to have changed her mind, which is nice Tongue

hallelujah Smile

31.01.2011, 23:32

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Ha ha ha,what a joke,scarlet becoming "hot" again. Desperate times (11th place in ranking...less calls...less money perhaps) calls for desperate measures. Pathetic!
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