Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

4.18 (131 rating(s))

(4.18 / 5, 131 ratings)

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12.01.2011, 21:05

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Legxpert wrote:
rialpka wrote:Even dressed in a single dance Scarlet has shown all the most that she was capable of bringing to a show.
Scarlet is the only one to know how to dance with this talent and so much grace and eroticism.

Isnt this a bit of a disrespectful comment? It's only your personal opinion. And if you look at it objective Gia, Mashiara and maybe some more have the same talent, grace and eroticism.

I think like rialpka
Gia and does not have these variations in dance and movement
As Scarlet is quite unique In love

But my opinion is

12.01.2011, 20:58

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Your body, their decision, their right - no one has the right to demand anything of her! It is their choice and we should respect it

12.01.2011, 08:36

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I think this is a real sex to show some thing and make the interest of the people in her body

11.01.2011, 22:33

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

robdmz wrote:That's incredible...Scarlet soft model...Cry
we are really all sad about this terrible event
I agree with you
We want to see her hot model as before

11.01.2011, 20:56

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

That's incredible...Scarlet soft model...Cry
we are really all sad about this terrible event

11.01.2011, 16:58

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Yes it is a personal opinion, shared by a lot.

I am not disrespectful and I looked well regrettably I have never seen dances as those of Scarlet.

11.01.2011, 16:20

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

rialpka wrote:Even dressed in a single dance Scarlet has shown all the most that she was capable of bringing to a show.
Scarlet is the only one to know how to dance with this talent and so much grace and eroticism.

Isnt this a bit of a disrespectful comment? It's only your personal opinion. And if you look at it objective Gia, Mashiara and maybe some more have the same talent, grace and eroticism.

11.01.2011, 15:39

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

The surprise to see Scarlet was not the same for everybody.
No she is not only a special guest because ........

She was a little sick and coughed a lot during all night and nevertheless she gave some brightness to our screens by her only presence.

Even dressed in a single dance Scarlet has shown all the most that she was capable of bringing to a show.
Scarlet is the only one to know how to dance with this talent and so much grace and eroticism.
Let us wish to see her at this level more often in day shows.

For the quality of the shows I wish that the other models are capable to dance as Scarlet instead of throwing their clothes without moving or making a step.

11.01.2011, 13:11

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

It was nice to see her again. She looked better than ever before. Thumb up

11.01.2011, 11:08

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Very nice surpirse yesterday night.
in spite of he is 'soft' still teasing anyway

10.01.2011, 23:27

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

outside wrote:What a pretty surprise! Scarlet in studio right now!
Thumb up
It seems she is going to come back Strawberry.

Well, Amy said so on the mic before, so it wasn't really a surprise Smile

10.01.2011, 22:59

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

She has named herself "Blueberry" because "she is not so black anymore".
In loveHeart

10.01.2011, 22:45

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

maesefakir wrote:When she left in April she left with her all the magic she had. A great loss.


Couldn't agree more! The magic just left, and so did her own appeal to go and try something else to get it back. HOWEVER, if she 's going through something like a depression of some kind or just a feeling in her life, where she does not feel to be as permissive and revealing as she used to be, than it is at least very honorable of her to say that and to keep up the work. She could've just left, if she wanted to. We all don't know what happened in her life, so we shouldn't judge anything, that concerns her private life. Enjoy her while you can and the way you're supposed to enjoy her!!!

10.01.2011, 22:41

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Wonderful to see Scarlet again.
Even better to see her among Amy friends.
Great line up today.
No "Superstars" among them, just colleagues, and gorgeous models....very nice indeed.

10.01.2011, 22:24

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Wow Scarlet, and that which is beautiful tonight Big Grin
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