Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

4.18 (131 rating(s))

(4.18 / 5, 131 ratings)

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29.12.2010, 20:55

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I hope she will do what's best for her ... whatever it is.

29.12.2010, 14:50

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

And she is still the Nr. 1 for her really fans, that is important!
My best wishes for everyone in this forum for 2011.

Especially I want to thank Scarlet for all her shows in this year
and wish her only the best for the new Year!SmileSmile

Mister Wayne

29.12.2010, 12:11

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Legxpert wrote:sorry but since coming back from vacation and having black hair she is fading away. soon no one will notice her anymore.

seems my prediction was right, only #7 in the ranking.

26.12.2010, 13:15

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Pierdellevigne wrote:You said true except that: are you sure was been a Scarlet's decision ?
She said it was her decision.
I have no reason to doubt her words.

26.12.2010, 13:14

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Pierdellevigne wrote:You said true except that: are you sure was been a Scarlet's decision ?

I don't know Scarlet very well, i admit it. But my first impression on her - never changed - was a person who is difficult to impose anything Thumb up.

26.12.2010, 13:12

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Pierdellevigne wrote:.. are you sure was been a Scarlet's decision ?

[hidden link - please register]
but of course you can call her and ask her. Smile

26.12.2010, 13:07

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

kaleb.ashan wrote:Don't care too much, guys, if Scarlet decided to be soft

You said true except that: are you sure was been a Scarlet's decision ?

26.12.2010, 12:33

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

if she is now a soft model she should stick to day shows only. im fed up of soft models ocupying space in night shows. Thumb down

26.12.2010, 12:16

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

iceman wrote:Well,the announce was something like "i will not show my full body because some guys did terrible things to me that effects my personal life". Sounds so vague...does anybody knows what is she talking about?

yes eurotic tv knowsSmile

26.12.2010, 12:06

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Don't care too much, guys, if Scarlet decided to be soft.
She's one of few models who is able to perform in a sexy and exciting mood also fully or little dressed Blush.
Besides, do you remeber happy days of last year when she surprised us revealing gradually til showing her body totally naked ? Tongue
Remember her epic strip-teases behind the curtain, at the pole or in the cage ? TongueThumb upTongue
Maybe - not too soon i thought - she could decided to do the same Thumb up. Who knows Cool?

26.12.2010, 01:48

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

I mean normally girls who don't want to undress anymore do daytime shows like Nikita or Sandra or Carmen before she left.
Maybe the pressure is too high in the nightshow for a girl who used to be a hot model.

26.12.2010, 01:38

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

iceman wrote:Hmm,without anyother explanation I can't belive her,sorry,and she make me think there's others reasons.

Well if there are other reason and are personal they have nothing to do with this forum.

if you want to know more phone her.

26.12.2010, 01:37

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

iceman wrote:Hmm,without anyother explanation I can't belive her,sorry,and she make me think there's others reasons.

You heard it directly from her and I don't think you know her feelings better than her.
So either accept her reality or live in your world of doubt, doesn't change anything on the fact, that the topic is privat and not for discussion.

26.12.2010, 01:31

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Hmm,without anyother explanation I can't belive her,sorry,and she make me think there's others reasons.

26.12.2010, 01:01

Re: Scarlet - Discussion & Chat

Can't imagin she is going to be like Carmen.