Roshana - Discussion & Chat

3.39 (31 rating(s))

(3.39 / 5, 31 ratings)

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01.03.2015, 14:14

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

JohnGuitar wrote:When Roshana started her new job in ETV she was beautiful and middle built body with
fantastic curves.Tongue
Now she became skinny and I do not know if this related to her often night shifts or if
she tried to get rid of some in-existed weight and calories.
From her breast till her hip through her basin she exposed bones no flesh which undermined
her nice curves.Angry
Roshana, please be aware this kind of state of being fit is not good for your health as the
only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want and drink what you don't like.
Therefore, this your actual job is involved dancing most of the time, and nothing burns more
calories than dancing in 5-inch heels........ try it!HeartThumb up

Don't we all dream of making love on an empty Island in the pacific for a long time? It would be a pity if we have to stop this activity after 3 hours to hunt for food, because we have not something extra's stored in our bodies and starting to faint.TongueSmile

01.03.2015, 08:40

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

When Roshana started her new job in ETV she was beautiful and middle built body with
fantastic curves.Tongue
Now she became skinny and I do not know if this related to her often night shifts or if
she tried to get rid of some in-existed weight and calories.
From her breast till her hip through her basin she exposed bones no flesh which undermined
her nice curves.Angry
Roshana, please be aware this kind of state of being fit is not good for your health as the
only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want and drink what you don't like.
Therefore, this your actual job is involved dancing most of the time, and nothing burns more
calories than dancing in 5-inch heels........ try it!HeartThumb up

28.02.2015, 21:47

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

kassem wrote:I have a message for the Miss,a sincere advice if she cares to consider, and this has no relation to anything, neither to jeolousy nor to anything else. About ( those whom you are studying their literature ), they are known for their betrayal and treachery, as if this conduct is constitutional within their genes (believe me this is true ),we know this fact about them since the ancient times (they are our neighbours ),so beware (the stab in the loin (not literally )),and be cautious if you have to deal with one of them. On another subject, you seem worn out, you should get sufficient sufficient regular rest and sleep otherwise you will jeopardise your ability to comprehend and memorise your lessons, and adversely affect your academic achievement at college; and if you keep on exhausting and pressing hard on yourself by the night shifts (the night shifts of any kind of work increase the susceptibility of cardiovascular and mental diseases, accelerate aging, reduce the life span ),then ultimately you will collapse, so look after yourself well.
Kassem ( IRAQ )

[hidden image - please register]

28.02.2015, 21:34

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

kassem wrote:I have a message for the Miss,a sincere advice if she cares to consider, and this has no relation to anything, neither to jeolousy nor to anything else. About ( those whom you are studying their literature ), they are known for their betrayal and treachery, as if this conduct is constitutional within their genes (believe me this is true ),we know this fact about them since the ancient times (they are our neighbours ),so beware (the stab in the loin (not literally )),and be cautious if you have to deal with one of them. On another subject, you seem worn out, you should get sufficient sufficient regular rest and sleep otherwise you will jeopardise your ability to comprehend and memorise your lessons, and adversely affect your academic achievement at college; and if you keep on exhausting and pressing hard on yourself by the night shifts (the night shifts of any kind of work increase the susceptibility of cardiovascular and mental diseases, accelerate aging, reduce the life span ),then ultimately you will collapse, so look after yourself well.
Kassem ( IRAQ )

you think she reads this get a life and leave her alone

28.02.2015, 21:13

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

I have a message for the Miss,a sincere advice if she cares to consider, and this has no relation to anything, neither to jeolousy nor to anything else. About ( those whom you are studying their literature ), they are known for their betrayal and treachery, as if this conduct is constitutional within their genes (believe me this is true ),we know this fact about them since the ancient times (they are our neighbours ),so beware (the stab in the loin (not literally )),and be cautious if you have to deal with one of them. On another subject, you seem worn out, you should get sufficient sufficient regular rest and sleep otherwise you will jeopardise your ability to comprehend and memorise your lessons, and adversely affect your academic achievement at college; and if you keep on exhausting and pressing hard on yourself by the night shifts (the night shifts of any kind of work increase the susceptibility of cardiovascular and mental diseases, accelerate aging, reduce the life span ),then ultimately you will collapse, so look after yourself well.
Kassem ( IRAQ )

17.02.2015, 12:47

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

All of below assumption and speculation is way off from what actually is going on.

Well, at second thought, with maybe one exception, which hit the point by around 50%.

Which one is you to guess Smile

17.02.2015, 11:58

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

Joker1305 wrote:
BornExtreme wrote:I like the fact, that she's involved only in the Nightshows WITHOUT exclusives. Smile

I think she doesn't like them, and I appreciate. Thumb up
Maybe she doesn't like it, but do you really think ETV bosses leave this decision up to the girls?
So possibly only good luck, we will see.


Well, I think Roshana has a bit of power at ETV.
For me , it's not a coincidence, that she is involved only in Nightshows without exclusives.
She said , without fear , on the microphone, that she does not like the exclusives in the nights.

17.02.2015, 01:12

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

Well, on saturday night show she was involved in 7 exclusives, in fact she was the queen of the exclusives, the model who appeared in exclusives more time than any other. If it's true that she doesn't like them and her fans know about it i can't understand why they requested her for exclusives so many times. So maybe something fails here and maybe some variable in this equation it's not so true.

16.02.2015, 23:09

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

BornExtreme wrote:I like the fact, that she's involved only in the Nightshows WITHOUT exclusives. Smile

I think she doesn't like them, and I appreciate. Thumb up
Maybe she doesn't like it, but do you really think ETV bosses leave this decision up to the girls?
So possibly only good luck, we will see.


16.02.2015, 19:21

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

I like the fact, that she's involved only in the Nightshows WITHOUT exclusives. Smile

I think she doesn't like them, and I appreciate. Thumb up

15.02.2015, 22:05

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat her new heels...3 Exclusives in a row...erotic nirvana for me! HeartHeartHeart What a stunning girl! Thumb upThumb upThumb up


28.01.2015, 16:40

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

jonas wrote:Funny to read all these comments - from Kassem Slowfox Smile

jonas, please stop the unncessary personal provocations here and now !!!

28.01.2015, 16:35

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

Funny to read all these comments - from Kassem Slowfox Smile

28.01.2015, 11:45

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat

[hidden image - please register]

28.01.2015, 11:08

Re: Roshana - Discussion & Chat


I think, that you are right.
It is a pity, that such a charming woman earns her money with
this kind of prostitution.
But it seems (to me) that she loves the job. Therefore. Sad

Kassem: Don't waste your time with all this.

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