Petra - Discussion & Chat

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03.01.2008, 16:19

Petra - Discussion & Chat


there is a new girl on ETV 2. Long Blond Hair and Jeans.

I don´t know her name but after five minutes she gets topless. She looks good for me.

Nice regards,


24.01.2008, 01:17

Re: Petra back to barbie?

Barbie but headbanger, (it seems she's a Angie's good friend). :)))

23.01.2008, 00:33

Re: Petra back to barbie?

Land Of Confusion, this Genesis song would be good for ETV, Petra isn't showing breasts tonight, but she's not acting as a Barbie, tonight some good scenes from Gia & Desita censored (camera on Penelope & Emanuela).

21.01.2008, 21:47

Re: Petra back to barbie?

About Alora, I think she's leaving Barbie status (and Zia follows).

21.01.2008, 21:35

Re: Petra back to barbie?

Maybe she was in "those days" that women have once a month, in good old ETV this would mean some tampax close-ups (for tampaxbull's joy). :)))

21.01.2008, 21:31

Re: Petra back to barbie?

Elementary my dear Watson.

She had a head-ache. ;-)

21.01.2008, 18:00

Re: Petra back to barbie?

Just watched Petra topless, and first wearing her semi-transparent black bodystocking, not exactly a barbie outfit.

20.01.2008, 17:55

Re: Petra back to barbie?

If I am not wrong the same metamorphosis happens to Danaya

20.01.2008, 11:23

Re: Petra back to barbie?

I just came here to see if somebody already noticed the obvious. You know it is all turning into ultra soft. Yesterday night show was stupidity first class. only then in a solo show tiffany was okey, but again steady camera. The whole yesterday was boring, Even Sapfo.

20.01.2008, 10:03

Petra back to barbie?

Seems like Petra went back to barbie mode. No topless scenes in her last shows.

10.01.2008, 21:40

Re: Petra (New Girl on ETV 2 !)

It seems Petra is a Angie's good friend. Maybe she's a metalhead too. :))

09.01.2008, 22:07

Re: Petra without Panties on the Couch but you not allowed to sh

switch to ETV2 Petra with Lilian and Merry, it could get better ;-)

09.01.2008, 21:33

Petra - Discussion & Chat

Hi there,

now Petra was liyng on the couch without panties. Tia was with her. But the camera don´t show it. They showed something else.

The bullshit goes on and on. You can see blank pussies in the afternoon or morningshow in ETV 2 but on ETV1 they don´t show it.



03.01.2008, 23:14

Re: Petra - Discussion & Chat

I agree that she is a nice one compared with some old models, that for me do not belong in any erotic show...apologize to some guys that like them maybe, but still think that they push some girls in the evening shows especially, where we should get best of the best. You know when I turn on the tv in the evening and see every f. evening women like Emanuela, Lace, Jennifer,megita...and maybe Gia on a bad day showing nothing, like yesterday, I do not wait long to change the channel. And then somebody pays for sms asking her to take off something....the director-hans just says that it is not possible, cause she has a bad day. stupid!.....About Petra: well she is okey, but I agree with DB, like there is nothing more to be seen. By the way today Gia is on a good day...on etv2 right now. But I hate that girls are allowed to wear long trousers. We don"t have that even in that x-stream soft dancing shows, where girls for me are the most sexy models ever. Too bad that mostly they only dance. Ihope that show will become live with more girls, cause they can be teasing as hell.

03.01.2008, 21:25

Re: Petra - Discussion & Chat

As Patricia on Etv2 in her first show good close up but it must not last.

if i just compare the morning show on Etv 2 with Venera and Sessil,  the last 3 hours a very far view at 10 meters at least nobody behind the camera.   

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