Penelope - Discussion & Chat

2.76 (17 rating(s))

(2.76 / 5, 17 ratings)

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14.11.2015, 08:29

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

thebestkoss wrote:Damn !

Are you sure that this is penelope last show?

logic wrote:Ju (Joanna) just confirmed: Today is Penelope's last show!

14.11.2015, 03:14

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Damn !

Are you sure that this is penelope last show?

14.11.2015, 00:09

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

tunturi wrote:Ends with one of the era, whether this night of Penelope
The last show, no shifts next week, we'll see ...???

Ju (Joanna) just confirmed: Today is Penelope's last show!

13.11.2015, 21:55

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Ends with one of the era, whether this night of Penelope
The last show, no shifts next week, we'll see ...??
It's true, the best and a good future for Penelope's.

17.09.2015, 17:31

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

mallu1975 wrote:did she ever show her pussy ?
never saw her panty down

[hidden link - please register]

And here:
[hidden link - please register]

17.09.2015, 17:23

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Nice to see that people never get tired of complaining. Wether it's music, movies or in ETV's case models. Lillian is (thankfully in my opinon) gone, so this forum needs another model to bash. That's adorable.

mallu1975 wrote:did she ever show her pussy ?
never saw her panty down

Yes. In fact, i did a compilation of a couple of fullstrips and nude shows penelope did in the past.
You can find it here-> [hidden link - please register]

16.09.2015, 19:36

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

did she ever show her pussy ?
never saw her panty down

23.08.2015, 13:14

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

pollopollo wrote:It is probably easy to answer.
How many watch the shows of jasmine?
How many watch the shows by Penelope?
The same merit?
Rather not.

Smile Smile

See both or separately...
The choice is yours and gentlemen!
Opinions differ !


23.08.2015, 12:56

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

It is probably easy to answer.
How many watch the shows of jasmine?
How many watch the shows by Penelope?
The same merit?
Rather not.

23.08.2015, 10:38

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

I have a big question, how comes ETV pays Penelope and Jasmine in the same way despite the big difference-gab is known.
For my personal opinion one of the two pay-slips should be heavier than the other one.
Hope the reader undetstand my aim-what I mean.

23.08.2015, 09:03

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

You may be right (flex-1977) but etvshow's does not seem to be able to afford to give up models,
which, however, bring a steady money to and receive calls from, I guess.

23.08.2015, 01:19

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

honestly, how many guys are out there who are really interested in penelope ??
maybe it's the right time to think about her retirement ...
nature is not faire to every lady, and some things shouldn't be shown on tv.

07.04.2015, 23:35

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Penelope,

I wish you all the health, power and good things what this strange world these days can deliver.

Sorry, one day delayed but this has to do that I was at another birthday party yesterday, the one of my Mama Smile
Just the age is different and so I had to drink a glass of champagne on your well-being in stereo Big Grin

Stay like you are and Cheers Lopchen Smile

Sincere Regards

06.04.2015, 19:58

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Happy birthday
my dear

06.04.2015, 19:29

Re: Penelope - Discussion & Chat

Happy Birthday Penelope, one more year of your age means one year older
not only of your body but also of your soul and mind.
Think about the difference between who your are and who you want to be
till your next birthday, I mean from 2006 when you joined ETV till now your
contribution is minimum if not null.
Therefore after ten years you must consider changing your attitude and
adhere the rules of Erotic shows or abandon and leave all behind your back,
and enjoy your private life far from ETV.Angry
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